I love this old decrepit barn. Very pretty with the teal roof. I have a lot of great barn pictures taken along my journeys.
Archive for September, 2009
TOK and Stupidity (Batman)
Sunday, September 13th, 2009I was in my Theory of Knowledge class the other day, and because of my cold medicine, I was totally wired. I typically am really interested in that class but I just couldn’t pay attention because
Me + Cold Medicine = Bad News and Weird Things
So I am sitting in the back of the classroom when suddenly it dawns on me, I can’t sit in this chair a second longer. So what does my brain go to? Of course, what else? The floor. I just stand up in my seat and go around my desk and plunk down on the floor.
Of course, magically no one seems to notice that I just basically climbed over my desk to the middle of the floor. Ever notice how that always happens? When you do weird stuff like that, no one beats an eyelash. I mean I could have levitated over my desk and no one would have noticed. There is always one person that always notices though and no one believes them. I love messing with that person. It just makes my day.
Anyways so now I am sitting on the floor enjoying life three feet below everyone else in the class. So from there my mind starts to get hopelessly lost in the possibilities of my new vantage point of the class. I am staring at all the feet under the tables and I really want to crawl under them and scare everyone. But I decided to reframe from that and do the next best thing.
Bug some of my friends.
So I crawl over, still undercover feeling like freaking Batman with my ninja status of stealth, and sit down next to a table with three of my friends sitting there. They don’t notice. I reach under the table and poke the second person, Philomena, in the leg. They keep talking, she doesn’t seem to notice. So I poke her again. She shifts but doesn’t look under the table. So at this point I know she think it is my friend Allison sitting next to her. So I smile and keep it up. I poke her again and she moves but doesn’t notice still. The final poke gets her attention and she looks under the table to find me.
She of course freaks out wondering why I am under their table poking her so Luke and Allison both look and start laughing. By then I am laugh really hard because Allison thought I was a backpack.
I kind of phantom my way back to my desk, and no one notices still. They are still talking to me like I am under the table, they look up and notice I am back in my seat. Still cracking up, I love being strange.
Morale of the story, I am BATMAN!!!!!
A Very Strange Dream
Sunday, September 13th, 2009I sit in a
White tiled room
I feel like I
Was dropped here
A camera is sitting
In my hands
Resting peacefully
But why am I
To capture this
A walled in cell
Made completely
Of glass
Stands tall
In the middle of the room
A man paces
Inside of its
See through barrier
The walls are so thin
There is so little standing
Between him and me
Imprisoned and watching
His eyes only on me
A wolf’s eyes
Burning into me
I shift uncomfortable
“Be careful with him”
He says to me
In a dark cold voice
The edge in it surprises
And scares me
I ask
My eyes
Being held by the wolf
He doesn’t take his eyes away
But nods at my lap
A wry grin splitting
Open his face
I look down
A baby boy
Lies where my
Camera had been
His head is bent
At an awkward angle
I scream and scream
Looking down at him
His tiny broken body
And his broken neck
With blue skin and unstaring eyes
Dying in my arms
I plead for help
Looking frantically
From the baby
To the prisoner
But all he does
Is laugh at me
He puts his hands
Against the glass
And starts to push
And as the glass
Starts to crack
He says
“You can only help yourself”
Goodbye Nick
Saturday, September 12th, 2009
Goodbye my brother, I will miss you so!!! Good luck at Cal Poly. I still think you are a mountain goat.
Parking Lot Paranoia
Saturday, September 12th, 2009I try to avoid parking lots by all costs. Parking lots have got bad news written all over them, so I just try to stay away. They are a pain in the butt too. Here are my reasons and pet peeves about parking lots:
- They are one of the most accident prone places. Whenever I am in a parking lot I feel like some body is going to come whipping around the corner and smash into me. I never feel safe, and I get really paranoid.
- The ways that people park are horrendous. Seriously it looks like a two year old parked half of the cars there. The one parking manuever I despise the most is this: There is always someone who takes the second to last parking spot, but makes sure you can’t have the last. This drives me insane. They either park just far enough over the white line to the point that you are extremely uncomfortable parking there, or they just park as if they had a seizure driving in and the front half of the car is in one spot and the back is in the other. They must do it on purpose because I don’t think anyone can actually drive that bad and have been allowed to get their license. And you always think about parking there, but you don’t because this person decided to be an ass and make you drive around for another hour trying to find a spot.
- Another thing I can’t help think about when I am trying to find a spot is when you drive up and there is a nice spot right there in front of you, but the car parked next to it is all busted up as if someone rear ended it five times and then took a sledgehammer to the side. So you sit there wanting the spot but you think : I wonder how that car got like that. Then all the scenarios pop into your head of this guy backing out next to my car and just grinding all the way alongside it and not even noticing. So you shudder at that image and try to find a different spot.
- Compact spaces. What does that even mean? Whenever I ask this, people tell me they are for compact cars. Yeah, thanks I couldn’t guess that much. But what exactly does a compact car consists of? I have seen fatty trucks fit into those spots but for some reason I feel wrong when I park in one with my CRV even though it isn’t exactly a giant car. They must be for smart cars, they don’t get much more compact than that. Maybe a clown car, but it is pretty close.
The place I hate parking the almost is in my high school parking lot. I always feel endangered there. I don’t even have to be in my car, I feel as a pedestrian I will be hit. I have been hit once in my car, well twice if you count the idiot who opened their car door into my car. The first time I have got to say was a really sad way to get hit.
Just a little note about where I park: I park in an isolated space where no one can park on either side so I can’t get hit.
Another side not: THIS IS WHERE I GOT HIT
I was just getting into my car when the whole thing lurches forward towards a small hill right in front of my car. Naturally I freak out and look behind me and sure enough there is someone who backed up right into me. So I get out to asses the damage done and the only thing wrong is my license plate is a little pushed in. That is all.
The worst part about getting in an accident in the high school paring lot is everyone just stands there and watches you. So embarrassing.
Anyway, I ask the guy who hit me what the hell he was doing to back up straight into my car. Apparently he was trying to escape the parking lot the wrong way and decided the best way to do this was back straight out, not turn.
My car is pretty much indestructible I have to say. But obviously accidents still happen. So yet again, parking lots, not my first choice.
Friday, September 11th, 2009I climb the stairs
As doors close with a hiss behind
Thousands of eyes watching
Walking down death row
I sit down in a chair
Images rush past me
People walking away forever
Never aware of me watching
I put my hand against glass
Cold and warm from other days
Everything rocks back and worth
People whisper, cry, laugh
I look down beside me
A little girl sits there
Lollipop to big for her small mouth
She licks relentlessly at it
I hear everything at that moment
Two rows up a baby howls, hungry
Three rows back a man coughs, dying
Across the isle a man and woman fight
I see everything at that moment
Five rows back a woman with a black eye
Four rows ahead a man without an arm
Across and seven rows back a blind man sighs
I sigh too and stare at my hands
“My mom says it is rude to stare at people”
The little girl looks up at me questioning
“Why do you stare at them” she asks
I speak to this girl so much younger than me
“Because there is so much to see” I reply
“I see nothing” she whines
“Look very closely and you see everything”
“Everyone tells a story, but your mother is right”
I listen to her as I do everyone
“Well what’s your story?”
“A long and sad one” I reply
I don’t see it” she says
“I see your story” I say grinning
“You like lollipops”
She stares blankly at her lollipop and says “No”
“My mom gave it to me before she died”
Silence bustling
People get up and leave the bus
She stands alone and waves to me
Still sucking “Goodbye” she says
I just sit there wondering
Friday, September 11th, 2009 One of my favorite sweets is salt water taffy. It makes my life like nothing else… well except corks. In Calumet Michigan there is a mercantile store where they sell taffy by the bucket.
I love this place, I would move in if I could. Just row after row of giant taffy barrels filled with all kinds of flavors of glorious taffy. My favorite flavor has got to be watermelon.
Just a side note, don’t you just love unwrapping the taffy. You just pull on either side of the candy wrapper and it magically untwists making that sticky noise. I love that to no end.
They not only sell taffy, they sell fudge there also that is from the gods. I love when stores like this give free samples and you always try to sample every flavor just to eat the fudge. By the time you’re done you have eaten the equivalent of what you where planning on buying.
Anyways, taffy is the best, don’t say otherwise or I might have to beat you.
Thursday, September 10th, 2009
Sorry, no time for posts so here is something I wish I was doing instead of piles of homework, rock picking. These are some photos of rocks we found in Lake Superior off the Keewenaw coast line. Very cool agates and such.