There is a banshee
Standing on my window sill
Looking through frosted glass
With eyes that always see
Hollow and empty
They stare onward frigidly
Black as coal
Burrowing into me
A porcelain face
Frozen forever
In a horrified scream
An abomination
A disgrace
It taps its cold fingers
On my window panes
Begging pleading to be let in
Frozen forever in many winters
It beckons sadly
Trying to warn me
A sign or forwarding
Of ending tragically
A banshee is telling me
There is death
On my doorstep
Weeping and crying
It is trying to warn me
To make my ends meet
Before death can ever find me
It is telling me in the end
There is no place left to hide
When winter comes
The breeze brings a whisper
Of forewarned death
And a child too foolish
To bear heed to a banshees warning
Of death on my window sill
Archive for September, 2009
Death On My Window Sill
Monday, September 7th, 2009Creeper Photos
Monday, September 7th, 2009
Call me creepy, I don’t really care. One of my favorite things to do is take photos of random people. You can find some of the most amzing things in random people, whether it is beauty, innocence, creativity, a sense of adventure, or just being human. People interest me greatly. So here are a few of my creeper pictures that I have taken. Hopefully you can see what I see in these people, human nature in all of its tiny facets.
Lethe (guide me)
Sunday, September 6th, 2009Be my guide
To the river banks
Walk with me
Through darkness
So I may
Find the light
That has been absent
From my life
For what feels like
An eternity in darkness
Hold my hand
And sing to me
A soft melody
To sooth my raging heart
Lead me to
The waters edge
Where memories are erased
Where past are forgiven
And forgotten
Stand with me
As I look down
As waves lap at my feet
Feeling its icy grip
Start inching up me
As stars watch overhead
And the wind
Heaves a heavy sigh
Pushing forward
Urging me to take
My final leap of faith
Watch me from the banks
As I wade deep
Into frigid waters
Each step determined
Premeditated and unstoppable
I don’t look back
I can’t
My thanks are washed
Away in the rivers tide
Carried away on the wind
Let me go
As I disappear forever
Be my guide
Into another world
Where no darkness exists
Let me walk away
Into the unknown
Where no man or beast
Can ever touch me again
Let the water swallow me
And whisk me away forever
This poem was based off of the legend of a river in Hades that once you step foot into your memories are washed away causing total forgetfulness.
Wild Flowers
Sunday, September 6th, 2009
Here are some beautiful flowers found all over the country during our road trip. I think flowers are God’s children more than we are personally.
Funny Cat
Saturday, September 5th, 2009
Does this photo really need an explanation besides the fact that this cat is hideous. This makes me laugh so much every time I see it. Cats can truly be horrifying at times.
iTunes Tricks
Saturday, September 5th, 2009I have a special love, hate relationship with iTunes. Yeah, I am sure a lot of people do. My reason? It actually is really simple, but it drives me up a wall even to think about it.
I hate it on iTunes when you really, really want a song but for some reason they only sell that song with the whole album.
I go crazy when this happens.It just happened to me again. Regina Spektor is my favorite music artist by miles, and I really wanted to buy her song, The Call. Which is amazing I have to say. But you can’t buy it anywhere unless you buy a whole freaking album.
Some people when they hear this say, Well maybe the whole album is good? Maybe you should just buy the whole thing. I always do check. I listen to the whole album, weigh the pros and cons on wasting ten bucks for a whole CD that really only has one good song on it and decide against it. That is the worst part, that one song is always amazing, and all the others suck like there is no tomorrow.
For an example, take this Regina Spektor song that I am dying to have. It can only be bought on two albums. Guess what they are?? Come on guess.
Chronicles of Narnia, Prince of Caspian, and Disney Box Office Hits. Some of these songs make me bleed from my ears. They make me want to tear out my hair I get so frustrated!! It must be a strategy because no one in their right mind would ever buy those songs even if they were being tortured.
It just drives me insane because I know iTunes knows that people hate that, so why do they do it????
The world may never know, maybe it’s greediness or perhaps they just like watching us squirm. I wonder if people actually do buy the album just for one song. I know I am always tempted, but I haven’t broken yet. Same thing happened to me with an Atreyu song I loved but will never own because iTunes is a stickler.
iTunes little stunts like this one are the reasons people use free downloading illegal sites. I disagree totally with downloading illegally because I think someone should get paid for their hard work, but I can now understand why people do it. Because of tricks like this one where in no way you can buy the single song you want.
It isn’t just iTunes either, Amazon does the same thing also. Just a recommendation for these companies: If you want people to buy the music, just let them buy it. No strings, or sneaky tricks just put a price next to every song with a button that says buy. It would work a lot easier for everyone.
I am still dying for that song, when iTunes decides to actually put it on sale I will be there.
Funny Road Signs
Friday, September 4th, 2009
Here are some funny road signs along our way to Michigan. Strange things that people put on these signs. I wonder what possessed these people to do this.
Friday, September 4th, 2009A tall tree
Like a sentry guard
A world full
Of controversy
And falling stars
Yelling and screaming
You tear out my hair
Betrayal afoot
A friend afraid
To cry
Shattered pieces
Wings are torn
Pictures of friends
Ripped to pieces
Wake up
And smell the ashes
There is blood
To be had
Once friends forever
Are no more
A promise never upheld
Sadness builds another wall
Forming a shell
Hiding away from all
Raging Waters
Friday, September 4th, 2009I found this photo of me, my best friends and my cousin at Raging Waters. Fun stuff, fun stuff. Shout out to my best friends!!
With that said, I have to say something.
I know you know what I am talking about. They must use some sort of special cement in their pools that no matter how careful you are, will cut you some time during your adventures. Whether it is in the lazy river, or the wave pool, you will at some point hit your toe, or scrape your knees along the bottom and you will be cut to pieces.
That stuff hurts like hell!! It somehow hurts more than normal cuts and it stays that way for at least a week. It is horrible, almost like rug burn but worse. There is no way to avoid this inconvenience either. It isn’t a question whether you will get cut, because you will. I love Raging Waters, but that stuff sucks.
Not to mention that every time you go there you get sunburned. I don’t have particularly fair skin and I put lots of sunscreen on, but it doesn’t help at all. I can even reapply, but I always get burned.
Anyway, yet again I digress. My favorite part out of everything at Raging Waters is the wave pool. Not because it is super fun for the two seconds of waves that usually end before you can actually reach the pool. No, I like it because every time that buzzer goes off, the place turns into a mosh pit. Everyone starts yelling and hollering like Jesus just jumped into the pool. I don’t understand why, but it happens every time it goes off. I don’t even have to go in the water, I can sit down and just watch laughing. Try it, very funny.
World’s Largest Sand Crane
Friday, September 4th, 2009
Some where out there, is the world’s largest sand crane. I have seen it with my own eyes, got to say slightly disappointing. I was expecting truly gigantic, this was big, but not that big. The sign under the statue cracked me up though.
Steele, North Dakota I believe, the middle of nowhere. Still now I can say I have seen the world’s largest sand crane. Beat that.