Archive for September, 2009

Golf and Stupidity

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

So here is another incident after the Ghosts and Stupidity, there will probably be many more like this.

Today during golf practice I was wheeling around my golf bag on one of the old man bag cart pushers. On hole five I was pushing it in front of me when the bottom caught the ground, stopped dead and hit me right in the neck.

Funny? Yes. Painful? Yes. A really stupid moment? Definetely.

Not only did I jab myslef in the throat with the handle, but I made the most ghastly noise when it happened. It was a mixture of a dying cat and what I can only assume to be the llama mating ritual noise.


Worst part, almost everyone heard the noise. Everyone just turned around and was like What the heck was that? I just laughed and laughed. No I am not an idiot, I am just unmindful of my surroundings, namely old man golf bag carriers.

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Thursday, September 3rd, 2009


Sometimes I just like to have time to stop and smell the flowers….

but I don’t

so here is a quick photo of some gigantic field of sunflowers. I wish I was there not here doing loads of homework.

I think this was in North Dakota somewhere near Bismarck I believe. It felt like it stretched on forever.

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Teacher’s Apple

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

In my TOK class today we broached the subject as to why kids would give apples to their teachers. No one knew. The teacher so kindly told us that the teachers were given apples so they would be healthy because the teachers were revered in the community and needed to be kept healthy.

I on the other hand, have a different idea about why apples where the gift of choice.

Apples, let me say, are one of my favorite fruits next to watermelon. But that is beside the point. Apples, however tasty they are, are extremely deceptive fruits believe it or not. I think teachers were given apples instead of, lets say pencils or paper, because:

Apples can appear nice, shiny, and perfect when presented as a gift, but can easily decieve you in their appearance. Students give teachers their old apples simply because the teacher can’t tell on first glance, or second glance that the apple is indeed bad. When you look at an apple most of the time you can’t tell that it has been beaten to death in the bottom of your backpack and can appear as a kind and geniune gift towards your teacher.

This is also why you never see teachers eating the gifted apples, because after closer inspection they realized the horrible shape they were in. So teachers take the offering and thank the child who actually isn’t doing them a favor, but getting rid of their trash some other way because they couldn’t find a trash can close enough for their liking.

It isn’t because the kids hate their teachers, it is out of pure laziness that kids do this. It isn’t a direct attack, but a different way of getting rid of the foods they have but don’t want to deal with.

Sorry to break it to you, but it is true. Maybe, maybe, a kid does do it to be nice, but who wants to carry an apple around all day just to hand it over to someone else. Seriously?

That is why I don’t give apples to teachers, personally I think it is almost rude to do so in my opinion. This is what I think about ever time I see an uneaten apple on a teacher’s desk.

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She Prayed

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

The little girl knelt
Her hands together
And head bowed
She prayed
She asked for
She pleaded for
She begged for
She wept for
She prayed hoping for an answer
That never came
She picked up her head
Her soft hair falling
And looked at the stars
She asked silently
God why don’t you answer me
Yet no answer came

She prayed every night
For the rest of her life
Waiting for that answer
That never came
Faithfully she returned
Every night and knelt
She refused to loose hope
Hands together
And head bowed
She prayed
She always listened
But no word came
But still she believed
That he was waiting
And watching over her
He never did help her
He never reached down
To a child on her knees
And said to her
It is all right, you can go now
You can go free
He left her all alone
Her parents didn’t understand
Then her children didn’t understand
And then her grandchild didn’t understand
But she didn’t ask
For their understanding
Just to be heard

So she left them behind
In a desperate silence
She prayed
She asked for
She pleaded for
She begged for
She wept for
Even though her answer
Never came
She prayed

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Mount Olympus

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009


This is a funny photo from Glacier National Park. When my mom and I entered the park we were totally bummed out because we were afraid we weren’t going to be able to see anything due to the fog. I saw this mountain and all I could think of was,

Hey, looky there, it is Mount Olympus. It was in Montana the whole time!

Everything was coated in fog except for the top of this gigantic mountain just poking out of the fog like Mount Olympus.

I thought it was slightly strange though that out of all the places in the world, the Greek Gods chose Montana for their home. Strange indeed. Not that I blame them, Glacier was beautiful. But I think the gods could do a bit better.

Maybe that is why people visit Glacier so often because they are trying to get a glimpse of Zeus, no such luck for me though. Maybe next time.

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