You seemed really alone, maybe I should have sat down with you. Maybe you were just on a break. Maybe you are just unhappy with the direction your life has taken. You wouldn’t look at me, what where you looking at? You looked so far away.
Archive for November, 2009
Lending a Hand
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009This is an odd picture in New York. Maybe they sell fake arms…. well it seems a little creepy to me. Thanks mom for the photo.
Creeper Photo: Left Behind
Monday, November 16th, 2009You seemed upset, maybe you missed your ride home, maybe your boyfriend stood you up. You were just standing there next to the road at a bus stop. There were lots of people but you stood alone. Maybe your anger isolates you. Or maybe you just wanted to be alone. I wish I had asked. I like your scarf by the way.
Maybe I will write a poem about you, if so I will post it later so you won’t be alone.
Posted in Candid Photography, Photos |
Monday, November 16th, 2009The boy sits
Alone on the beach
With glowering eyes
And a heart
Full of hate and anger
He listens to the ocean
Roaring day and night
Arms wrapped tight around
His scraped and bleeding knees
Tattoos run up his arms
Like black veins
A fire burns before him
As he stares deep into it
Watching the fickle flame
Dancing too and fro
How unfair it is
For it to be free
When he stands in chains
He waves his hand
Slowly through the flames
But he doesn’t feel the pain
He doesn’t feel anything anymore
So he takes what is left
Of his meager belongings
And throws them into the fire
It crackles and waves
Sparking to life
As it consumes another’s
The boy watches
His life go up in flames
Burning slowly to ashes
As it withers and curls
He stands
And walks away
He is done
He is finally done
Creeper Photo: Tiger
Sunday, November 15th, 2009Recycle
Sunday, November 15th, 2009You know you are in Seattle when one room in a building has four different cans for recycling. I mean seriously, that is a little absurd. I am all for recycling but four? Really, four?
This is in University of Washington for those wondering where this phenomena occurred.
I guess this post is for my dad, the recycling man of our house. I guess we don’t have it so bad, because he could have four different cans for us to recycle with. Don’t get any ideas….
Portrait of a Person (Interview)
Sunday, November 15th, 2009I know people
How so?
I can understand people
Better than most
Because I can see
Through their eyes
Feels as their hearts feel
How do you do that?
I don’t know
I just do
Well, who are you?
I don’t know truthfully
I am nothing I guess
Because I am everything
Or everyone I should say
I don’t mean I am
All powerful or all knowing
You mean like god?
I am my writing
I am my characters
Every face I paint
With my words
is me
Their face is mine
I don’ have my own anymore
I am a mosaic
Of everything I have seen
Will see
And have made
How did this happen?
I don’t know
I have always been this way
Is it hard?
It is never easy
Not having an identity
of your own
it is hard not knowing
who you really are
I can’t remember
The last time
I have seen my own face
So you are saying
You have no face?
I laugh
I guess so
I am the portrait of a person
Without a face
Creeper Photo: A Skeleton’s Death Wish
Saturday, November 14th, 2009 Oh the irony of a skeleton smoking.
This was in Pikes Place Market in Seattle during Halloween. Surprisingly the costumes where not as outrageous as I thought they would be. I was prepared to see some crazy things but it wasn’t absurd. Actually it was pretty normal.
Well this guy just cracked me up. Standing on a corner smoking in a skeleton outfit. There is just something funny about that.
Posted in Candid Photography, Photos |