Archive for November, 2009

Halloween in Seattle

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

Here are a few of my favorite Halloween costumes I saw while in Seattle.


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High Chair

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

Empty store
A TV. On mute
It feels so empty
In a corner
A high chair sits
Covered in dust
Long forgotten
I wonder
Was it ever used
Did a child
So loved
Once sit in it
Now gone
Blue with colorful
Cotton candy designs
Where is the baby
Did tragedy strike
To steal it away
From it’s loving parents
Plucked like a flower
Cut down before its prime
Feathers floating
Softly to the ground
Did an angel take it away
Or perhaps
The child just
Grew up
The chair
Just unneeded and unnecessary
As a child
Grows to big
For it’s former joy
Growing apart
From all it
Ever knew and loved
The child was taken
Away from it’s chair
Because it no longer needed
A baby’s chair
So now
So empty
A blue high chair sits
With cotton candy designs
In a corner
Gathering dust

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Parrot Friend

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

I had the pleasure of meeting an extremely talented African Gray Parrot at Pike’s Place Market. On a street corner a man was performing with his bird. It was amazing. He could play dead, be thrown up into the air and do a 360, meow, and do flips on your hand. Truly incredible. I even got to hold him.


Just one of many weird things we encountered in Pike’s Place Market. Here is a little video I took.


Shout Out of the Day: Gabe

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

My little brother, Gabe, is the shout out of the day mainly because of his amazing costume for Halloween as a playboy bunny. Yes this horrifies me, and yes I fell off my chair laughing. So here you go.

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RIP: My Big Leaf

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

In University of Washington I found a gigantic leaf. IMG_7422

Yes, that leaf is as big as my torso. I loved that leaf for 48 hours but sadly I had to let it go when I got on the airport to leave. We had some good times walking around on campus and everyone on the tour commenting on it. Good times, good times. I wish it could have come with me, but I couldn’t put it in my bag.

So I did what any normal person would do. I threw it off the top of a parking garage. Oh wait, that isn’t normal. Oh well, my leaf deserved an abormal departure because it was so abnormal. I let it go and watched it fall to the ground five stories below.

In retrospect this wasn’t such a good idea becuase it could have landed on a car windowshiled which would have been very bad due to its huge proportions.

However this did not happen, it drifed down to the sidewalk where it lay forever as far as my knowledge will ever go. I hope someone else picked it up and realized how cool it was. Otherwise it will probably pass of as a piece of trash to the rest of the world who couldn’t care enough to stop and notice beauty lying in the middle of the street. Well at least you know about it now.

Good bye my leaf, I will miss you. I do know the irony about writing 300 words all about a leaf I found. I don’t care.



Would You Like Some Coffee With Your Cream?

Monday, November 2nd, 2009


Cream in coffee is good for my mom because she can get her caffeine and sugar high at the same time, I like it for photography. Same difference….. well maybe not. I feel like I should have gotten murdered in Seattle because I don’t drink coffee. It almost seems mandatory when you visit, let alone live. What can I say, i just don’t like coffee. Looks like marble to me. Thanks Starbucks for the shot.

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Posted in Photos |

Pike Place Market

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

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Pike Place Market in Seattle really was an extraordinary experience. There were so many people, so many colors, and so much life. People just offer you food, sing and laugh, it really is a place to see. There will be many more photos from here coming up so stay tuned.

Oh and a lady walked into the back of a car and whipped out. Funny but sad.

Here are some color pictures of the market. The first is a dried pepper chain, (mom bought one) and of course the classic fruit line up. I can’t wait to go back again.