Archive for December, 2009

I Found Santa

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

I found Santa, prior to contrary belief he actually spends most of his time in Hawaii not the North Pole. I rather enjoy his rubber boots…


Can You Find All the Cats?

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

It is actually kind of creepy how many wild cats live in Hawaii. They are everywhere. They are creepy  because they look different from most cats, I assume it is because they are feral cats but who knows. The other day I saw thirty all sitting together, they act like a lion’s pack. Some are nice and others won’t let you within a ten foot radius.

Can you spot all the kitties? There are five, one is really hard to find. Keep in mind this is just a fraction of the big pack lying on the rocks.

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Swimming with Turtles

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

I got to swim with a bunch of sea turtles in the ocean. Turtles I must say are very strange looking animals, they feel like leather and have giant eyes. I just got to float around next to them while I was snorkeling.

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Creeper Photo: Dress Up

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

I must say this image sickens me slightly. The fact that this little girl, maybe four years old, is dressed in high heels and black spandex tights. Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture? I don’t understand how parents could dress, or let her dress like this.

Not to mention it was in Hawaii, it was so hot out I don’t understand how she could wear this without overheating.


When Do You Step In: Abuse

Monday, December 21st, 2009

Let’s have a talk about something serious right now. Today I had a wonderful day in Hawaii, snorkeling, walking around, sunbathing, all that jazz. My whole day came to a very quick stop though.

While I was on the beach I heard a mother yelling. At first I paid it no heed thinking it was just a bunch of rowdy people in the water, until it continued for another good ten minutes. So I sat up and looked out at the water. There is a mother and her little eight year old boy standing in the water.

She was yelling at him, chastising him and dragging him into the water. For a moment I thought they where just playing but after she started cursing at him and he started crying, it became very clear it wasn’t just playing.

She was trying to get him to go snorkeling but the kid really didn’t want to. He was bawling and trying to run back to the beach but his mom kept grabbing him and trying to force him to go under even though he was so clearly terrified. She kept yelling at him to “put your f*@#ing mask on” and “put your f&%@ing head under he water”.

I was appalled.

The dad was sitting on the beach laughing as he kept yelling “the sharks are coming, the sharks are coming”. The kid was screaming and crying. The mother even went as far as to grab the kid as he ran away, drag him into the deep part of the water, and force him to stay there.

I didn’t know what to do. I was alone watching this poor kid being verbally and emotional abused by his parents. I noticed a few other people watching as well and I got up to go talk to them. I talked with two old women and a family of three also watching.

I asked them if we should stop them, step in, ask them to stop. We decided we had to do something so we went down on the beach edge to go talk to them. The mother noticed all of us standing there and got out of the water and walked away. I guess she gave up.

This means nothing to me. The fact that she walked away isn’t what matters. That poor kid was probably so traumatized because we let that go on for so long. So I ask you:

When do you step in?

It is really none of my business how a parent raises their child, but when is it appropriate to step in and do something. Do I have any right at all in doing this? It isn’t my child, it isn’t my business. But if a child is being abused emotionally, verbally, or physically, when is it up to me to do something?

It shocked me so much that someone could do this to their child. I am glad we did something but I feel like it wasn’t enough. So I ask you the reader, when do you step in, share that with me.And don’t let this happen.

Next time I don’t want to be unprepared.


Creeper Photo: Revenge

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Alright remember my post, Creeper Photo: I Got Creeped? I must say I was quite sore about having been so scared by the Tiki Guy, so I decided I had to get revenge on him by scaring him back. My plan was to scare him somehow and it worked perfectly.

I snuck up behind him while he was lighting the torches and used my flash on my camera to blind him. He got really scared and surprised. My revenge was complete, except for one little detail:

It wasn’t the same guy

Apparently they switch off people who light the torches. I did not know this, so sorry for flashing you with my camera.



Sunday, December 20th, 2009

My new gecko friend, I named him Phillip. I spotted him on my way to go on  bike ride around our hotel, the Mauna Lani in Hawaii. This little guy is so cool looking, my favorite part of him is his eyes. And of course, his little toes.

These geckos are all over the place but I got really close to this one. I hope to see you again Phillip, but then again I probably won’t even know it is you.

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Creeper Photo: Cheer Up

Saturday, December 19th, 2009


I saw you at the airport in Hawaii. You didn’t seem so happy to be there, it was probably the heat but it could have been anything. I just wanted to tell you to cheer up. Even if you aren’t happy now you will remember this experience forever.


Japanese Newspaper

Friday, December 18th, 2009


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Creeper Photo: I Got Creeped

Thursday, December 17th, 2009


So today in Hawaii the tables got turned on me by this guy. I have decided to call him Tiki Guy, wait maybe Conch Guy, anyway the name doesn’t matter because what really matters is him scaring me to death.

I was walking around in the lobby of my hotel trying to get a creeper photo of someone and not paying attention. Then all of a sudden right in front of me is a half-naked man with a flaming torch and a giant conch shell in hand. He blew it right in my face and I screamed because I got so scared.

Yes, I screamed right in the middle of the lobby in front of many people. It was so embarrassing. He just smiled and ran off down the hallway to terrify someone else. This photo is all I could manage as he ran off. It was a strange moment, but it did put things in a bit of perspective. I am always creeping people and today I feel I got creeped because I was so completely unaware of this guy right in front of me.

No this does not mean I am going to stop. That would be no fun. But I am aware that it is very odd and awkward at times when I get caught creeping someone. Thanks Tiki Guy, Conch Guy, whatever for scaring the crap out of me.