Archive for December, 2009

Travel Update: Hawaii

Thursday, December 17th, 2009


My family and I have officially arrived at Mauna Lani Bay Resort in Hawaii. I can’t begin to explain just how excited I am to be here. It is sunny, warm, and beautiful. I am rather fond of leis myself. My brother loves leis for another reason, because he gets to say he got layed in Hawaii. Yes, he is a teenage boy and can’t help making sexual innuendos everywhere he goes.

For the next six days I will be residing in a small piece of paradise. I can’t wait to see what will happen along my vacation. I remember a lot from the last time I was in Hawaii…. when I was I third grade. I have only been once and can’t wait to make new experiences. Stay tuned….


Travel: Hawaii

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

So, I know I have been somewhat nelecting my blog and I apologize for that.


Now that vacation is starting I will finally have some time to work on my writing. Currently my family and I are leaving for Hawaii in the morning for our Christmas break. I will be leaving travel updates everyday so stay tuned to see Hawaii in all it’s glory.


Light Up Your Day

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

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It is finally Christmas time! Enjoy the holiday season, kiss under the mistletoe, give a random person a hug and don’t forget to smile. Let the holdidays light up your day.

Happy Holidays!!

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Don’t Tread On Me

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009


People walk around as if they are living in a dream. Wondering from one destination to the next without thought or questioning.

Frankly it sickens me to no extent. The fact that people can so blindly pass through life, the impassiveness of humanity is frightening.

What makes people care so little?

What is the root of humanity’s diconnect with the rest of the world around them? How can people stand to live a life without curiousity or adventure?

Is it even living?

If that is how you want to waste your life, walking around like a ghost. Watching your feet as you put one in front of the other, so be it. But I refuse to live like that.

As you watch me pass you, or maybe you won’t notice me at all. Don’t tread on me, don’t get in my way. I am going to live my life and if you are going to waste so precious a gift stay away from me.

If you are lost, come find me. If you seek change, to leave behind a ghost world that sticks to you like a shadow, come find me. Maybe we can scare away your demons together. Follow me down a path which is tread by so few. If you are walking the other way just make sure not to get in my way. I will not be stopped.


Rain Down

Monday, December 14th, 2009


On a hot day when the sun is beating down mercilessly there is always a sprinkler to give rain to  the hungry soil. So rain down cries the budding seeds, let us grow.

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Rebel Children

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Look into my eyes
Please tell me what you see
Do you know who I am
Or have you seen someone
Just like me
Standing in the background
With dark solemn eyes
We are the Rebel Children
Broken yet strong
We can be found everywhere
Or nowhere at all
We are the vacant eyes
Of a forsaken god
Always watching
But who sees nothing
And does nothing
Hollow and dark
We are the stain glass windows
Peering deep into your soul
We do not pass judgment
We are the just the eyes
Of a century
How foolish for anyone
To have ever believe
We as humans
Were the images of angels
We are god’s Rebel Children
Never what we are expected
To be in the end
We fight through silence
With our angry eyes
Cast not at heaven
But into the passersbys
God didn’t make us this way
We did
We are the rampant soul
Of a stubborn child
We want only what we do not have
And hate all else
The consumers and buyers
Burning a hole in your soul
Grinding in a cigarette butt
No chance for a fire ever again
Snuff out that spark of life
Leaving you in an eternity of darkness
That you yourself created
So empty and hollow
Just trying to fill that hole
The hole you burned
With your money and lies
With your jealousy and hate
Slowly destroying your life
We are the Rebel Children
Who just don’t belong
The ones who can’t sleep at night
But can’t ever really wake up
We are everything
And nothing at all

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Creeper Photo: They made me do it

Sunday, December 13th, 2009


My friends wanted me to take this photo outside of the Art Museum in San Jose. So here you go, a picture of a pregnant woman walking to no where.


Mo’s BBQ

Saturday, December 12th, 2009


Yeah, you know you are jealous. I bet you wish you had a BBQ place named after you.

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The Flight

Friday, December 11th, 2009


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Creeper Photo: The Effort

Thursday, December 10th, 2009


You were so cute on your bike. You were trying so hard to stay ahead of everyone. I don’t know if your face was sunburnt or maybe it just looked red, but you were putting so much effort into it. I congratulate you on that but what made you so bent on trying to be first? Maybe you are just trying to get your training wheels off, but still, the effort is what counts. Keep it up kid.

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