Hmmm… I am not really sure what to say. So lets talk, just you and me. Converse, speak, chat, communicate, discuss, gossip, prattle, sing, yell, scream, twitter, or maybe just blog.
A lot of people talk, they can talk for minutes, hours, or days straight. We can all do it, some of us do it without even noticing it, but the problem is that
People talk, and talk, and talk but never say a word.
You know it is true, some people call it annoyance, some call it word vommit. Whatever the name, many people in society do it. Even I do it sometimes, when I get nervous I talk. Talk about nothing or maybe everything. People say a lot of things but what people don’t seem to notice is that the words these people are speaking mean absoltely nothing. They go off on great tangents that in the end stop in the middle of nowhere leaving you hanging.It may sound meaningful, but when word vomit occurs I am just throwing things at you to either scare you away or give me enough time to think of something to say.
Which is precisely what I am doing now. Could you tell?
People seem to have the illusion that just because people are talking it means they have something meaningful to say. Even the so called “smart” people most of the time are their way to hell every time the open their mouths. They can be tricky, I give myself credit for being very talented in this aspect. Most people are, but just don’t know how to use this skill correctly. This talent has a name, I call it careful wording, others call it
In my opinion lying is not a bad thing. Actually to me it is an essential part of life. Everyone lies and if they tell you they don’t, they are lying. Simple as that. Lying is speaking. We may not even be aware that what we are saying is a lie, but half the time it is. People say it is oky to tell little white lies but not big lies. What exactly consitiutes a big lie? I mean really, people make rules so vague they are almost meant to be broken. Lie, but don’t hurt people with lies. It may even be good for you. The truth is a heavy thing and some people need to tell lies just to survive. So I say, go ahead, lie a little. But don’t tell lies just for the sake of lying. That is a waste of your time and mine.
Anyways you might be asking where in the heck this little string of nonesense thoughts is heading. The answer to that is
Sorry, this is me having nothing and everything to say. Just a little word vomit for you
Tags: lying, talk, word vomit
I like this one Monica! Funny and true!
Monica, wise beyond your years!