September 21st, 2009


While Downtown the other day with a friend I saw a postcard of two prarie dogs kissing. I then picked it up, showed it to my friend and said:

I have seen them do that.

She didn’t believe me, here is my proof of prairie dogs kissing. The second picture just cracks me up because I caught it sticking his tongue out. Very funny.

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4 Responses to “Prairie Dog Love”

  1. Mackenzie says:

    ahhh! so adorable! alright I believe you, and for some reason the one with the tongue totally reminds me of charcoal! : )

  2. numba oneee (sarah) says:

    I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!

    or two

  3. monica says:

    i totally walked out to try and grab one but all they did was bark at me and crawl into their little holes…

  4. Nick Multer says:

    Monica, you should put up the video of them barking at me on the road trip. That was a great moment.