April 11th, 2010

The waterfall of your heart
Is drowning me
Slowly but surely
When I think the surface is near
I find myself upside down
The mask you once wore
Is now attached to my face
When did it happen
Why didn’t I see
That you were slowly killing me
Your taint still won’t leave
Following me like a shadow
Just a step behind me
That single step
Seems to be getting closer every day
Leading me down a path
I saw but pleaded not to be
It seems my words
Meant nothing
But here I am again
Trying to escape
Your shadows tyranny
I can’t help but hate you
It isn’t your fault
I fell into your shadow
And couldn’t get out
The waterfall of your suffering
Only hid mine
Now I am suffering
While you are free
Drowning right in front of you
And you can’t see me
Through the screen of a waterfall
That never ceases
I reach out across the river Acheron
But can never really escape
You received a hand of help
Where is mine
I ask you
Where is mine
Or am I destined to forever lie
In Acheron’s wake
Drowning until you find me
In the shadow of destiny

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One Response to “Acheron”

  1. Aunt Karen Hoyem says:

    Yo MO – love the blog – you have great photos (I liked a lot of them) and poems and insights. I reviewed back through January and am impressed. Glad you liked Reed. It looks good and has a good rep. The Olive place looked like fun too. Will send some info for you back with your mom when up north in May. Thinking of you. Hang in there and keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Karen