June 8th, 2010

I got to experience something very new to me the other day: acupuncture. It was an interesting experience that I will probably partake in again. My homeopathic doctor recommended getting acupuncture just to see if it helped me at all, so I agreed to try it out.

It was a good experience let me say, it didn’t really hurt and was pretty soothing. I was worried when she started putting them on my face though. It is one thing being poked in the arms or legs, but your face? It was alright though. I even had one in my ear and two on the top of my head. It was strange to think about. I do feel like I have gained a new perspective though, I think I know what it feels like to be a pin cushion. I also learned that the pin in your forehead is to help relax people, I thought that was very interesting.

I thought it would hurt more than it did but the needles are really small and are much gentler than having blood drawn. So naturally with all my practice of having my blood drawn I thought it would be a walk in the park doing this. I really enjoyed learning about acupuncture and the ideas behind it, and I am ready to go back again to become a human pin cushion once more. 😀 Yeah for trying new things!

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One Response to “Acupuncture”

  1. Rachael Benedetto says:

    Lovely Monica. Homeopathic doctor? Well, it sounds like you enjoyed yourself, you go have fun being a human pin cushion! -I don’t know her- *points* xD
    Nah, it seems cool, I would try it but I despise needles..