Even the murkiest of waters can still reveal a reflection that is true. Many people forget a major aspect of their lives and aren’t even aware of it; they forget to reflect. Not just on their actions but upon themselves. It is so easy to forget that to truly understand others, you have to first understand yourself and the only way to achieve this is through self-reflection. So I say to you, take a moment and look in a mirror, or a puddle on a rainy day like this, and take a good hard look. Not at what you look like but who you have become over time. Is it someone you like, is it something you hate? Or is it who you always said you would be? Take a look at yourself and tell me what you see.
Tags: judgement, puddle, reflection, self
you are a very amazing, taleted writer. You seem to come up with something great for every pic of on this page. That’s what i was trying to do on my blog and well, im not really good at much. But this is amazing, i love especially this on picture, and most definatly what you wrote about it.
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me to hear that from a fellow writer. It isn’t as hard as it seems to match photography with writing, I just take the photo first and whatever comes to mind while looking at is what I write about. Everything has a deeper but quieter meaning behind it, I just try and find that meaning and say what is left unsaid.