You were so cute on your bike. You were trying so hard to stay ahead of everyone. I don’t know if your face was sunburnt or maybe it just looked red, but you were putting so much effort into it. I congratulate you on that but what made you so bent on trying to be first? Maybe you are just trying to get your training wheels off, but still, the effort is what counts. Keep it up kid.
Archive for the ‘Candid Photography’ Category
Creeper Photo: Biker Woman
Sunday, December 6th, 2009I saw you out in front of the San Jose Museum of Art with my friends. They got to see my creepering in action for the first time because of you. I really enjoyed your sunglasses and hat. I wonder where you were headed because you didn’t go into the art museum you just walked by leaving your bike chained out front.
Creeper Photo: The Waiting Game
Friday, December 4th, 2009You were watching the sun set over the pier. You looked like a man waiting for something. What I do not know. You seemed content in your isolation, everyone was so happy around you but you were all alone sitting in your chair watching and waiting. I don’t know how you sat there staring at the sun, I couldn’t it was so bright. What were you looking for on that horizon. Whatever it is I hope you find it out there somewhere, someday. Just don’t stop looking, one day you will find it but it might not be what you thought you were looking for.
Creeper Photo: Pissed Off Bride
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009Say hello to a very pissed off bride, she was marrying a sailor. My mom took this one leaning out of the car. Then she made my brother stop the car. She got out of the car and proceeded to take another picture of her. She was so pissed, I was afraid she was going to yell at us. My mom isn’t the camera ninja I am, this is a good picture but not so subtle in the way it was taken. Sorry sailor bride for intruding, good luck in your marriage.
Your Chariot Awaits
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009You didn’t seem very happy for this carousel ride, you should be because there are only so many times in your childhood that you get the chance. One day you will grow up and wonder where your chariot has gone, where your carousel ride went off to. Part of me thinks it was a show for your father. Playing the spoiled kid, the one who doesn’t appreciate what you are given. I could see that somewhere inside of you, you did though, you loved it. You cheered up as you went around. Enjoy it princess before your fairy tale is gone.
Creeper Photo: Carousel Wedding
Monday, November 30th, 2009I guess you got married today, congratulations. You waited in line like everyone else with all your bridesmaids around you. I wonder how it feels, did you feel free or did you know this might be your last moment of childhood leaving you behind. I loved your roses and I bet your wedding was beautiful. I wish you a good marriage and good luck because not everything will be a carousel ride.
Creeper Photo: Dog Tired
Sunday, November 29th, 2009You were really nice and let me take a picture of your dog. Your husband scared me because he said I would have to pay a dollar to take a picture…. that is why I normally don’t ask for permission to take these photos but you seemed so nice so I had to ask. Your little puppy was so cute all bundled up in your shirt. You said she was tired from playing on the beach. Her owner loves her very much, it makes me happy to see love like that even if it is a tired love. It is nice you know you can sleep safely in the arms of a loved one. 😀
Creeper Photo: Walking Mystery
Saturday, November 28th, 2009You were walking in the middle of nowhere along the road. You were all alone. What where you doing out there? Did your car break down, I never saw it. Or did you just decide to leave behind society. Maybe we should have stopped to ask if you needed help. You seemed like you knew where you were headed though, you never even looked up as we passed you.
Why were you wearing all those clothes, it was Nevada and very hot out, but you were all bundled up. I didn’t understand you at all.
Creeper Photo: Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 26th, 2009I am thankful for all the weird people in the world and the strangeness of the world we live in.
I don’t know what was wrong with you, but you made me laugh. You kind of looked like you were twitching out because someone was touching your merchandise. I was thankful for the laugh and this picture.