Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Yosemite Coyotes

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Before we ever got into Yosemite National Park we spotted this coyote perched on top of a mossy rock framed by branches. He seemed so peaceful siting there, he didn’t even seem to mind me watching him. He looked very healthy for a coyote. He looked so fluffy and welcoming, I really would have liked to pet him if he wasn’t a wild animal. So instead I just enjoyed his beauty from a safe distance.

One of the most important parts of doing wildlife photography is respecting the animals I photograph. Some people will do anything to get their shot, even putting themselves in danger for the sake of the shot. Some, which is even worst, put stress on the animal. I always try to not disturb the animal that I am photographing in order to preserve the serene mood of the picture. It is important to remember that it is  a wild animal being photographed and even though it is beautiful or even adorable, it needs to be treated with the utmost caution and respect for its true nature.

When in the park we had more encounters with majestic coyotes. In a meadow out infront of Curry Village there were two or three coyotes wandering around in the snowy, misty meadow searching for food. It was very hard to get a good angle on them because they were constantly moving around the meadow. So when I moved out into the boardwalk they went to the river, and when I went to the river the went back to the boardwalk. Needless to say I was running in circles around the meadow for quite some time trying to get a good shot of at least one of them. Frustrating and tiring but totally worth it.

I got some pictures of a coyote hunting, which I must say is a very funny thing to watch in the snow. They walk around until they hear a sound. Then they slowly inch forward to where they heard the sound. Once there they stand there with their eyes deadlocked on the ground tilting their heads back and forth. They bobble their hed side to side listening to whatever small prey lies beneath the surface of the snow. Then they bring their back legs right up next to their front legs, crouch, and then spring into the air to pounce!

It is so funny watching this hunting technique and I am glad that I got a head on shot of his pounce unlike my time watching a coyote hunting in Yellowstone. I love watching wildlife in its most pristine yet savage moments. Like even this simple act of watching a coyote hunting allows me to have a sneak peek into the vicious cycle that is life. I can’t wait to witness more of this to better understand how this cycle, and our lives work.


Let the Sun Shine In

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Sun beams are an amazing thing, the mood created by sun shining through the craggy branches of a tree is haunting in its beauty. Like the claws of some old creature trying to snuff out the sun but it cannot succeed in blocking out the light from the sun. To stand in the sun’s beams and just bask in the glory that is the natural world is the closest a person can be to enlightenment. When you stand in the light shining between a monsters fingers, what will you find in the sun’s revealing eyes?


Creeper Photo: Little Snow Dancer

Monday, December 27th, 2010

Snow is such a magical thing, I wish that I had gotten to go to the snow more often as a child myself to experience the wonder of snow. Like this little girl, dancing and running in the snow. There is such innocence in just playing around in the snow. She and her little brother where running around just having fun with each other by the ski lift. It is refreshing to know that people, whether just children or not, can appreciate the innocence that nature provides.


Yosemite Sunset

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

No sunset is ever the same, even just one sunset can be portrayed in a thousand different ways. As a photographer it is your job to take something normal and everyday like a sunset and transform it into something new and exciting. I try to do this as often as I can because I sure do love sunset pictures.

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Bird Shots

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

One of the most difficult and frustrating shots for me is trying to get good pictures of birds. It drives me crazy trying to get a good bird shot because they are very hard to get.

  1. Birds are always high up in trees so if you can get close to them it is a ridiculously bad angle on the bird and therefore a worthless shot. Sometimes you get lucky and the weird angles work like in this shot of a bald eagle I got in Michigan where the angle from underneath is actually really nice because it gives an inside view of the eagle’s body.  However, most of the time it just turns out flat and boring as you get a picture of the birds butt. And no one wants to see that.
  2. If the bird isn’t up in a tree seemingly miles away from you, then it is at a good level angle. Sounds good right? not really because it flies away as soon as you get to an acceptable distance from it to be able to take a decent shot. You think you are blessed with a good level shot of the bird but as you stealthily creep closer to where the bird is to get the shot, it gives you that I am watching you look, then flies away before you can get the shot. Devious little creatures i saw, very devious. They know exactly what you want and tease you with their beauty just to take it away. That is so frustrating when you think you got lucky but it just flies away. I can’t tell you how many miniature hissy fits I have had over trying to get bird shots.

Let me just say to all those people who get amazing bird shots out there, first of all I envy you. Second of all you must be photography gods or extremely lucky because for me at least it is near impossible to get bird shots.

On the ride up to Yosemite I was on a mission. I was going to get a good shot of a bird no matter how long it took. My plan was this:

  • Watch the side of the road for fence posts because they would be at a perfect level for a good shot and right up next to the road. Then spend five hours of driving staring at the side of the road in search of birds perched on a fence post.
  • When a bird is spotted, slam on the brakes and veer to the side of the road. Hopefully right next to the bird (and not scare it with the car) roll down the window or get out and get a successful shot.

Simple plan? not really. Driving at eighty miles and hour and trying to slam on the brakes fast enough to not miss the bird is incredibly hard because by the time you actually spot the bird and start screaming and frantically gesturing to pull over, you pass it.

Strange thing is that these birds on the side of the road really don’t seem afraid of cars. However as soon as they see a person emerging from the car they get the flock out of there. So even if you stop in time just as you creep closer it would fly away. Then there is the disappointing walk of shame back to the car without a single picture. Trying times, very trying times. However I finally did get one so the hard times and the disappointment were not for nothing. Here it is, the fruit of my efforts.


Travel Update: Yosemite

Friday, December 24th, 2010

My mom and I on our road trip to Yosemite saw many interesting things and actually had a lot of luck with wildlife on the ride up, however you will have to wait for those stories. Yes I know I am evil, lets just call it a cliffhanger, high-five, then walk away.

We were hoping there would be lots of snow in Yosemite but there was surprisingly little. There was a lot of interesting fog and mist that added another dimension to my photography. It provided an intriguing experience to experiment with photography. It was breath-taking, the beautiful sites all over the park that made both of us sad that we only two days in total for our trip. We made the most of it though, running around after wildlife and chasing reflections in frozen rivers. It was a lot of fun and the little dose of adventure that I was yearning for.

I decided that instead of just getting normal landscape shots of Half Dome that I was going to try to get a new spin off of the original photos to spice up my photography a bit. My idea rested on a hunt for Half Dome’s reflection. Finding just the perfect spot on the river where Half Dome’s beauty could be found was tricky but a fun challenge.

I think it worked splendidly. From Half Dome we moved onto Yosemite Falls. We didn’t have time to go up to the upper falls so we settled for just the lower ones. The rainbow being cast off from the falls was magnificent.

We could at least watch from afar the majesty of the upper falls that cascaded down the cliff’s face.

My mom was helping me by being my camera assistant the whole time. Helping my swap out lens and helping out with the tri-pod. So a little shout out for my best travel buddy, my mom, and my lovely camera assistant. Love You!

It was a really fun little trip and I hope to go back soon and get even better photos. Other photos from our  adventures in Yosemite and the road trip up will all be coming soon!


Travel Update: Yosemite

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

My mom and I are heading out to Yosemite for a short trip before Christmas. I am hoping to see lots of snow even though it says it will just be raining. I have been yearning for some new adventures and haven’t been to Yosemite since seventh grade. So adventure here we come. Hiking , maybe cross country skiing, and lots of photos. Stay tuned for photos! See you all in a couple of days.



Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

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Tuesday, December 21st, 2010



Monday, December 20th, 2010

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