Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Snowy Egret

Friday, October 8th, 2010

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Peace Now

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

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Nike Women’s Half Marathon

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Dear Friends and Family,

Hey everyone! I will be walking/running my first half marathon, next week in San Francisco. This will be my first time participating in the Nike Women’s Half Marathon. This event is to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

There are so many people whose lives are touched by this illness and this is my way of doing my part. I am writing to see if I might gain your financial support. A personal donation or sponsorship from you at any level will be much appreciated. I hope you will help me support this amazing cause. Thank you all!

Checks should be made payable to:

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Thanks in advance for your participation. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Monica Multer


Open Studios: Valri Peyser

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

My aunt, Valri Peyser, is doing Open Studios this weekend. You can see her work on her website, She has work that includes fabulous paintings with marvalous colors.

She also has a line of painted wine bottles, with patterns, faces, and wonderful colors.

So go check out Valri Peyser this weekend for Open Studios! You might see me there :D.


Creeper Photo: Baby Doll

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

You were adorable with your little baby doll. I think you parents owned the shop you were outside of playing. You were talking with your little doll and then slapped it. I wonder what you were speaking of with the plastic face of an American doll. What did you have to speak about and why did it make you angry? Then you simply proceeded to drool on yourself. It was an interesting interaction to witness. Interesting indeed.


Sari Colors

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

This was a strange combination of the elegant colors of a sari and the manufactured colors of a theme park. The bubble-gum pinks and orange creamsicle with the elegance of a deep blue. Yes, this is where cultures meet and ideas clash. I rather enjoy this, when things don’t work together but somehow manage to co-exist.  In the small place where these two things meet there is an understanding, a harmony that is not found anywhere else.



Saturday, September 25th, 2010

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Creeper Photo: Lips

Monday, September 20th, 2010

What first caught my attention, believe it or not, was your tattoo on your neck of a pair of lips. I am not sure why it wasn’t your hair that caught my attention because it is so noticeable. Then of course I noticed all of your piercings, you ears, nose, and your upper lip. That was the strange one, a small ring inside your upper lip that showed only when you smiled. I thought that was an interesting concept. Did you do that so only the people who made you smile would get to see this hidden symbol of happiness? You were intriguing overall and it took me a while to get this shot because you disappeared for some amount of time in the New Leaf. I finally asked you for your picture. You seemed a little confused, but who wouldn’t be? Thanks for letting me take your picture, thanks for smiling.


Sunday, September 19th, 2010

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Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

This was definitely one of my faorite pictures from my road trip to Michigan this year. There were old dock pilings that went on forever until they disappeared into the mist. The water was os placid and clear that the pilings reflected upon themselves causing a near ghostly effect.

The juxtaposition of this dead ghostly image with the fresh, new green plant growing out of it was splendid. The idea of old things growing into the new. This haunting and wonderful picture reminds me just how much I love driving across the country. You never know what sort of strange sights you will see in the most obscure of places. I wish I was out exploring instead of stressing over school. But hey, no use wishing away life, the next chances I get, I will be on the road again.