Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Passion Flower

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

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Creeper photo: Caution Tape

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

You were definitely my favorite outfit that I saw at the Lady GaGa Concert. You basically only had on underwear and caution tape. Not including the sunglasses and the soda cans in your hair. It was amazing to see how willing people where to bear all in front of a massive crowd of strangers in the name of their dedication to a musical artist. Whatever your motivation behind this outfit, I enjoyed it. Also, kudos for putting yourself out there, maybe it would be best to do it in a slightly different way than walking around basically nude. Still, kudos 😀



Thursday, September 9th, 2010

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Creeper Photo: Mask

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

I couldn’t really tell what your float was about but the people on it with you were very interesting. Your mask was enchanting something utterly demonic about it and at the same time it was almost childish. It matched your tattoo very well on your arm. You seemed like a stoic protector over your float. Like a silent ghost set down there, you hardly moved, just stared forward with your mask unmoving. You captivated me, thanks for being there, and thanks for the mask.


Begonia Festival Part 2

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

There were also big begonia floating parade boats that people created. They showed them off as they slowly tooled down the river to be judged. There were some very nice ones that I really enjoyed like the octopus float.

I also enjoyed the none to pleased looking mermaids on the float, especially the little mermaid inside of the clam. The others were really cool as well and the people manning them were very interesting as well.

One of the strangest things we saw was… Ronald McDonald. McDonald’s sponsored the Begonia festival so he got to take a ride on a little boat to wave at everyone. It was an interesting sight to say the least.


Begonia Festival Part 1

Monday, September 6th, 2010

This was the first year I got to attend the Capitola Begonia Festival.

This first part consisted of the Sand Castle Contest. Some of them were quite interesting.

My favorites where the giant great white sand castle, and the giant sand sculpture of Poseidon and the BP oil spill.

This one was definitely the best, it had a message about the BP Oil Spill and of course the quality of the sculpture was amazing. The eyes and teeth made out of shells where so amazing and life-like. The seaweed oil spill was an interesting and unique touch as well. It was the last one on the beach and looking out over the whole crowd was quite a spectacle.

It was interesting looking at all of the people. It was a mob of beach goers all looking and appreciating the work of these sand artists.

I am glad I went, Part two will be coming up next.


One Man’s Trash…

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

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Saturday, September 4th, 2010

There is a relationship between all living things, a dependence, a connection that you have to look very closely to find. Yet at times it is so obvious you would have to be blind not to notice. A bee’s romance with the flower it seeks life from. A child’s connection to its mother as they grow old together with a bond that surpasses that of genetics. Or the look in an animals eye as it looks upon a potential predator but neither make a menacing move. It is a dance, a balance between one beings life and another’s. Can you see it, the connection, the relationships of the world around you. If you can’t now, start looking before it is too late to look at the harmony in the world around you. It is beautiful.


Re-Post: Black Bear

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

In my earlier travel update on our trip to Yellowstone this summer and the black bear we saw walking right next to the road. I wasn’t very smart about it and was running down the road after him to get good pictures along with a missive crowd of people. This are the best photos of him that I thought were worth re-posting on their own. So here he is.


Where the Old Meets the New

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Out in Cooke City Montana there is an old house. It has new glass in the windows, it’s doors hang on rusted hinges, the inside was long ago torn out and slowly accumulated junk within, and the house itself has been weathered by time so much that it now more resembles an old haunted house. I love this house. Every time I see it I have to take a picture. This year it was different. The ground around the old broken down house was covered in purple flowers. Slowly but surely all that was old becomes new and all that is new will soon be old. It just takes time, all things change in time. You will only see it though if you are willing to wait. So wait for change and bring in the new from the old and maybe even the old from the new.