Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Show Me

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Show me what it means to be you
Pour out your soul
Let me look into the pool
It leaves behind
What will I see in the reflection
Will it be just you
Looking back at me
With somber eyes
And thin face that doesn’t smiles
Or will I see something
I will wish I had not
A demon or just the otherside
The side you never show
That hides behind you silent eyes
Just draw and let me see
What comes out to see me
Will you use black or grey
To outline your mind
Or will there be color
Spring out which
I never thought I would find
Is there something left in there
You have been hiding from me
Is there life left
In your dead eyes
Silently looking back at me
Is there love
Is there mercy
Is their feeling
Tucked away deep inside
In a place
You keep just for yourself
That you hide far from the world
Trying to protect what little
Is sacred in your heart
Will you show me
And open up you heart
Draw it
Write it
Or scream it out loud
Please just do something
So I know not to give up
So I know you’re still alive
So I know to keep digging
No matter what horrors I find
Because somewhere in there
Is the person
I once knew and loved
Please show me
What happened to you?

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Apple Tree

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

I found God
Oh really, where
He was underneath
My grandpa’s old apple tree

Well isn’t that silly
Did you ask him
What he was doing
Underneath that tree
He said he was trying
To understand
Adam and Eve
I don’t know who they are
But he said they looked
Just like me
He said it made him sad
That his children
Had fallen so far away
I told him maybe
They would come back some day

Did you say anything else
I sure did
I asked about Grandpa
And my old dog Brick
God just laughed and said
They were happy here
But they missed me so
God told me
To be patient
That one-day
I would grow up
And the world would change
He said to me
That my soul
Would forever remain
Then he just got up
And smile down at me
Gave me an apple
And said one last thing
I am sorry dear child
This is the last time
You will ever see me
I have a lot of work
And no more time for play
I have to bring in Adam
And bring back eve
Take them from the serpents grasp
So they can remember me at last
Goodbye my child
This is the last time
You will ever see me
Why I asked
But he was already gone

The little boy turned to me
Unsure and sad
Where does God go
When he leaves the apple tree
Does he find others
Or is he just too busy

I don’t know
I somberly replied
But I am sure he is watching
And making sure you’re all right

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Little Red Balloon

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

A woman stands
With a red balloon in her hand
She looks tired
And lonely
Standing there by herself
Her only company
The little red balloon
Some say she is looking
for innocence she lost long ago
Some claim she is waiting
For her little girl
To come home
Some say she is watching
For her husband to return
And others say
She is just a woman
Waiting to grow old
She had stood there
Each day
Since I can remember
Always silent
Always standing
With her little red balloon
She doesn’t approach anyone
Or utter a word
Just silently watching
For something untold

One day I returned
To find that woman
But she was gone
From the spot
That had become hers
All that was left
Has the popped red balloon
Shriveled and empty
Left lying in her place
I walked over
To the remnants
Of that balloon
It didn’t seem right
To throw it away
So I vowed to keep it
Until I would see her again
I would return it to her
And she would finally say
Why she had been waiting for so long
And who the balloon belong to
But she never came back
And I forgot about the balloon
But I wonder now
Why did she leave
Did she find what she needed
Or did she just grow too weary
To stay in her place
So I bought my own
Little red balloon
And took it to her spot
And let it go
I watched it drift
Farther and farther away
Now they have gone together
Where I do not know
But the woman
And her little red balloon
Are together at last
No longer waiting
But found at last

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Wolf Eyed Lover

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Oh wolf eyed lover
Look into my eyes
And know
I am not your enemy
I am a part of you
A dark soul
To complete
Your hollow entity
Dance with me
Oh wolf eyed lover
Under the dying moon
As the deserts burn
And the ashes settle
Sway with me
Like the deserts
Treasured flower
Let the moon
Bear silent witness
As the earth stands still
Oh wolf eyed lover
Howl to the moon
When I am gone
Call me back
When it has been
Far too long
You won these lands
The barren deserts
And forsaken lands
Oh wolf eyed lover
Don’t you see
It is no longer
A dog’s world
But mans
We are dying company
Hunted and alone
We can’t fight them
Off forever
Together we stand
Oh wolf eyed lover
The deserts dying flowers
Float gently to the ground
Where the ashes have settled
And there is no longer sand
Here we face the moon
As our last stand
Where once we danced
Is now a deserted land
Oh wolf eyed lover
Can’t you see
The world has moved on
And left us behind
There is no more room
For happiness and love
Only survival
In these hard times
Oh wolf eyed lover
Don’t you understand
This is the end
The separation
Of you and me
Has finally become reality
Our entity once whole
Ripped to pieces
To be no more
Oh wolf eyed lover
I will wait for you forever
Turn on eye to the desert
And one ear to the wind
To listen for your cry
Carried by the moonlight
I will dance with the moon
Wishing it was you
Oh wolf eyed lover
Save me a grave
Under the cactus tree
Where flowers fall
And the moon watches
As the dust finally settles
Together we lay
As it was meant to be
Separated by life
Brought together by death
Oh wolf eyed lover


The Starving Musician

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

The Starving Musician. Rate for my poem and help me out, thanks!

Posted in Poetry |

The Broken Spoke

Monday, May 10th, 2010

I am old now and broken
travel one to many times
the unbeaten trail
now it has left me beaten
wonder what happened
in its forgotten trail
standing on a dusty path
I thought I knew
but never did
following you until the end
but I lost you along the way
I don’t remember how
or why you left me standing here
broken and betrayed
but I am still waiting
on this burning dusty day
to not feel so broken
and not feel so alone
maybe I will wait forever
just praying you will come home
praying for strength
to leave it be
for all we have
may never have been
what was meant to be

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Night Light

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Leave the light on for the person standing next to you. Don’t leave them in the dark even if you don’t need the light anymore. Think of the light in your life. Tell me what it is. I gave away the light. To help some one else. And the gift was squandered and ignored. Don’t waste the light. Give it shape. Give it life. Give it meaning to take away the night.

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Snow Laden

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

It is too heavy
He says
For me to carry this alone
I am slowly being buried
Don’t leave me here in the cold
What can I do
She asks
But is afraid
Carry it with me
He says
Without looking away
Make this one man’s burden
Into two
Saving me
But damning you
Do you care enough
To give yourself up for me
To be buried alive
Under the weight
Of eternity
Will you carry my burden
Until there is nothing left
Will you save me
From my curse
And damn all the rest

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Where Will You Turn

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

When the sun has finally fallen
And the clouds lay out of reach
Where will you turn
When open arms become traps
And smiles become masks
Where will you turn
When the world looses color
And everything fades to gray
Where will you turn
When a child cries
And no one listens
Where will you turn
When the fog is too thick to see
And the ground falls out below you
Where will you turn
When the heaviness of night weighs you down
And not even darkness can hide you
Where will you turn
When the flower blooms
But there is no beauty there
Where will you turn
When the voices of loved ones
Becomes a noise you dread
Where will you turn
When you can’t look yourself in the face
And you hate what you’ve become
Where will you turn

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Monday, April 19th, 2010

Bukowski was right
With good fortune
Comes stagnation
I always thought
When fortunes comes
Knocking on my doorstep
I would open the door
Greet her as a friend
And invite her in
Into my life
Into my heart
For a long time to come
But now I find myself
Standing on the otherside
Of that door
I hear her knocking
Calling out for me
But I just stand there
Staring at the thin wall
Between me and my dreams
I pick my head up
To stare at the door
I am no longer sure
That what is on the otherside
Is what I want
She calls and beckons
Asking for an answer
But I just turn
And walk the other way
Leaving fortune to it’s own ends
Mine hasn’t come yet
I am not ready
To open that door
Maybe someday
When I become tired
Of the suffering of the world
But I know
This is were I belong
With a pen in my hand
And a burden on my shoulders
I walk away
From destiny on my doorstep
Waiting on the otherside
No I am not
Abandoning my dreams
Not at all
I have to chase them
If I don’t now
I never will
And what good
Is an unearned prize
The door remains
As it always was
Leaving destiny
On one side
And me on the