Follow me
You say as you run
But how do I know
Which way to run
When you leave me tracks
Leading in every direction
Catch me
You say with a laugh
But how can I catch you
If you were out of my grasp
So long ago
Out of reach
Out of sight
Out of my control
We are running
In two different directions
Still trying to find each other
But we are lost
Not with each other this time
But alone
I will be waiting at the crossroads
When you are ready
To come home
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010Acheron
Sunday, April 11th, 2010The waterfall of your heart
Is drowning me
Slowly but surely
When I think the surface is near
I find myself upside down
The mask you once wore
Is now attached to my face
When did it happen
Why didn’t I see
That you were slowly killing me
Your taint still won’t leave
Following me like a shadow
Just a step behind me
That single step
Seems to be getting closer every day
Leading me down a path
I saw but pleaded not to be
It seems my words
Meant nothing
But here I am again
Trying to escape
Your shadows tyranny
I can’t help but hate you
It isn’t your fault
I fell into your shadow
And couldn’t get out
The waterfall of your suffering
Only hid mine
Now I am suffering
While you are free
Drowning right in front of you
And you can’t see me
Through the screen of a waterfall
That never ceases
I reach out across the river Acheron
But can never really escape
You received a hand of help
Where is mine
I ask you
Where is mine
Or am I destined to forever lie
In Acheron’s wake
Drowning until you find me
In the shadow of destiny
Monday, March 29th, 2010Mary is watching
Waiting for you
Standing ever patient
In a field of green
That never dies
Or withers with time
She stands in a place
Untouched by time
Sorrow or shame
Mary is watching
From very far away
Because the world we live in
Is to dark for her
And too unforgiving
For her to enter
So she stands
On the other side
Patiently waiting
Because she has
All the time in the world
But you don’t
Mary has been waiting
But now her wait is done
She slowly walks forward
And crosses the threshold
Into where she doesn’t belong
To retrieve her children
She has missed for so long
To take them to her pastures
Have untouched eternity
Where she stands
Smiling gently
With open arms
And a bowed head
Welcoming her children home
Back from the land of the dead
Posted in Photos, Poetry |
Limbo (The Great Divide)
Thursday, March 18th, 2010Seek out what has never been sought
Reach out and try
What fear has always stopped
Find the line between evil and divine
If you search you will find
They’re between this very thin line
I will stand perpetually
With one blind eye
Cast down on thee
And one shut tight
To seal your image away for infinity
I watched you fall
And rise again
I watched your torment and pain
As you reveled in your own sin
I stood helpless
Pulled between right and wrong
Were justice is a price
And mercy is strength less
Cross the great divide
As I reach out to you
Snatch me from Limbo’s grasp
And bring me back to you
Midnight’s Child
Tuesday, March 16th, 2010
The moon is framed with reaching hands
Holding out waiting
To cradle the child’s leaning head
When sleep hangs
On the starry eyes
Of Midnight’s child
We will be waiting
To catch you
As you fall
To wrap you up
In lights warm embrace
To cradle the fragile
Fluttering heart of a baby bird
We will hold you tight
Until it is time
To let you go
Until your heart
Grows strong again
So close your eyes
Child of the night
We will cradle you
As you sink
Past the point
Were you can
Re-open your eyes
Lay down your head
In a cradle of hands
We will hold you
We will keep you safe
Until midnight comes again
Gates of Desolation
Monday, March 8th, 2010Welcome to a place
where desolation meets
silent tranquility
here is my isolation
amidst the winter’s snow
there is no place
to bury the dead
no time or will
to dig deep
beneath the barren forsaken land
the dead lay as they fall
no ceremony as the wind
claws at your face
when you scream
no one is there to listen
in a place
riddle with unmarked graves
you walk amongst the dead
but do not know it
kill or be killed
at the Gate’s of Desolation
The Path We Pave
Sunday, February 21st, 2010
Do you remember the path
We once walked together
It was so long ago
In a childhood dream
It led us to nowhere
But we where still happy
It didn’t matter
We had everything
We didn’t need a tour guide
Or a guiding hand
Just each other and a smile
To follow a path
Yet to be paved
Here we were safe
Amongst the guardian trees
Where the strongest voice
Was the quietest
And the world belong to our dreams
Were has it gone now
I can’t remember where it is
I lost it in time
Lead me back
To the path we dared to pave
I fear it is gone now
If it couldn’t last
The test of time
What can?
What about our dreams
Will they be forgotten to
In the end of time
Remind me
Guide me
We will find it together
And never forget
That once we walked
A path unpaved
With the world in our hands
And the future in our minds
Lost Boy Found
Sunday, February 14th, 2010Today I shook
The hand of a man
Who truly has suffered
But lived his life
He is from Sudan
On his face
A story is told
Sun made wrinkles
Make him look old
His dark complexion
Shows who he is
A Lost Boy
He saw death
But refused to die
He fought for his life
And earned every second
His parents shot down
Right before his five year old eyes
So he turned and ran
And never looked back
Through starvation and thirst
He walked the hard land
Over one thousand miles
Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya
All called home
But never truly settled
His entire past gone
Lost in gun shots and screams
Blue rivers run red
But still this boy ran
Trying to keep up his head
Trying not to fall in the sand
His fellow comrades
The other lost children
Trek along desert ridges
Across barren lands
Nowhere in mind
Just trying to survive
Carried everything on his back
His history and hardships
A burden weighed down
Something pushing from behind
To keep him from falling down
So many fallen who never get back up
His name on a board
That guided his destiny
Brought him from nothing
But gave him everything
From Kenya to America
He traveled at last
To freedom, a home
But her could never forget his past
So he took what he had
And made something of it
Finally coming to our school
To tell us his story
Of a time so sad
He stands here before us
Showing his burden
Sharing his life
At the end of it all
I shook the hand of a man
Who had earned his way
Rough calloused hands
With a strong hard grip
That never let go
But yet still he smiles
Even after his time
Traveling through lands
Of blood and fire
To find a home
He is a Lost Boy
Torn from his home
At only five years old