Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Black Striped

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

Here is an old poem I wrote, I definitely like free verse much better than rhyme schemes…

Black striped nails
Fox with nine tails
All our efforts fail
Time to let our dreams sail

Black striped claws
Staring calmly into the lion’s maw
Trying not to cry with a locked jaw
Forever remember the horrors you saw

Black striped hair
Leave behind those who care
Stepping off a cliff if you dare
Walking into darkness unless you’re scared

Black striped skin
The game you play but never win
Look at your face you’re guilty as sin
This is my hell go on jump in

I am black striped
I will always have to fight
I am the darkness inside of light
I am blind but do not lack sight

This story will end here tonight
I keep on fighting using all my might
Please hold on and squeeze my hand tight
This is going to be a very long night

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In the Shadow of the Bell Tower

Monday, January 25th, 2010

The fence gate
Guards the bell towers
Where the pigeons wait
Let the bells ring
Let the bells toll
It is time
Let it go
Let it go
For so long
You stood on
The wrong side
Of the white picket fence
Cross over
It is time now
To leave behind
What you were
To become
Who you really are
Shut the gate behind you
It won’t on it’s own
Seal it tight
Don’t let the demons in
Here is a place of safety
To the garden
Where we are alone now
But never alone
Under the shadow
Of the bell that tolls
Waiting for the sign
From no one
To take up our arms
And walk away
To cross the threshold
To become something new
Come take my hand
Walk with me
We can cross it together
And leave the gate
Swinging shut behind us
Don’t be afraid
I have done this before
All you have to do
Is open your heart
And sigh out your miseries
Then fill your heart back up
with the worlds gentle beauty
It is there
I promise
It is just hard to see
Just don’t get lost along the way
In the shadow of the bell that tolls
It can shallow you hole
You wont come back the same
To got o hell and back
To look down upon
You very own grave
Come back with me
I will guide you
Back to the gate
That stands guard
Over the bell tower
That watches us
From the garden
Don’t be afraid
This is life
This is who we are
This is who we have become
Eclipsed by the shadows
Of the bell tower

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Posted in Photos, Poetry |

The Butcher

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

A little boy runs
Through a crowded market place
His arms held out
As he weaves between all the people
A little toy airplane
Held tight in his outstretched hand
He runs along
With a smile plastered on his face
Making airplane noises
All around him is the sound
Of a society
Perpetually on the move
Haggling, arguing
Agreeing, thanking
All the mouths moving
As they converse amongst each other
The boy hears a loud noise
He slows as he runs
It alone stands out
One noise in a world of clatter
It rings in his ears
Finally he stops
As the pounding noise
Is right in front of him
Looking at the market stall
Placed before him
A butcher stands
A meat cleaver in one hand
Humming happily
As he chops into the meat
Of an animals dead corpse
The crack of bones
As the metal crushes
The animal’s dead body
Crack crack crack
It echoes in the boys ears
As the butcher wedges the knife
Out of the cutting board
Out of the pile of pulverized meat
The butcher wipes the blood
On his white apron
Laughing as he notices the boy
Standing there motionless
His arms dangling limp
At his sides
The butcher brings the cleaver down
Again and again
The boy flinches each time
Following each little movement
With eyes wide
Hands gripping tightly onto
The little toy airplane
The butcher spits to the side
And looks down his nose
At the small innocent boy
He snorts again
You wanna try kid?
It’s fun

He holds out the cleaver
Stained in blood
The little boy drops the toy
And steps forward
Out of his old world
And into a new one
As he grabs onto the knife
To big for his tiny hands
The forgotten toy sits on the ground
It is crushed beneath the crowd
As it moves forward
Always moving
The boy doesn’t notice
The crack of bones resounds
Echoing into a crowd that doesn’t listen
And doesn’t care
Except for the little crushed airplane toy
That lays broken and forgotten
As a boy walks away from innocence
Into a world of blood
As the cleaver falls

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Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

There is the quiet hum
Of a T.V. on silent
Sterilized white walls
Everything is so quiet
Yet so very loud
Footsteps echo in the halls
Whispers sound like screams
As they fall on dying ears
Do you know who you are
Or why you are here?
Who ever knows
Who ever will
As they roll
Another one away
Down a long hallway
That they never come back from
He is the one who remains
Locked in by
See through curtains
That cast shadows around him
And thousands of tubes
He is always alone
No one ever at his side
No family
No friends
No memories in the night
To keep him company
In the darkest hours of night
Where the ghosts are so close
And death stands at the foot
Of his skinny little bed
Telling him to come along
It is finally your time
There is just a pile of old postcards
That he bought for himself
What feels like a lifetime ago
From all the places he had been
And said he would never forget
But now he can’t remember
Anything at all
He forgets where he is
And who he is
He is separated and detached
From reality
By what he lacks
Waiting all alone
In a white washed room
With only a T.V. on mute
For company
And a stack of empty postcards
All waiting for the inevitable
The one thing he can never forget
That death is lingering
So very close
He can feel its breath
Whispering in his ear
In a hospital room where Lethe
Swept him away from all he knew
And ever loved
For him there is no future
Or a past
He is floating in an abyss
Stuck between heaven and hell
As the monitor beeps
Slower and slower
The man turns his head
And looks at the postcards
With old weary eyes
He reaches with his weighted hands
Shaking and fumbling
As he picks one up
A little smile on his dried cracked lips
I remember
He whispers but no one hears
As the monitor stops
And a lone tear
Slips from his eye
Staining the postcard
As it falls
Drifting slowly to the ground
Remembered at last



Saturday, January 9th, 2010

The fragility of life
Is a very scary thing
The thought that
All you ever have worked at
Is for nothing
With just a cut
A scratch
Your life could be taken away
An accident
A slip
Could send you astray
That your life
Could all just be
Another burning ash
In a cigarette try
Just a walk
Could be your last
A fight with family
Could bring an end
So very fast
Just a word softly uttered
Could end it all
A little slip
Could wind up
Being a very big fall
Showing you that
You really are
Insignificant and small
Just a speck
In the eyes of all others
In the face of God
Every bone, every muscle
Every word
Every moment
Could be taken away
Ripped from you
With just a thought
Your world destroyed
Never to return
And no one
Would ever know
That you were gone

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Shut the Door

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Come in
Come back
It is cold outside
We wouldn’t want
You to catch a chill
Now would I
There is no reason
To venture outside
I have everything
You could ever want
Or ever desire
Shut the door behind you
It is dark out there
It is scary and unknown
You must beware
Don’t you know
I am just trying
To keep you safe
Like a good mother would
It is dangerous out there
Dark and twisted
So don’t even think
For a moment
That is where you belong
You belong here
Safe inside
Where the light always shines
Don’t walk away
Never leave me behind
Don’t you understand
You need me
You are mine
If you wont shut the door
Then I sure will
It will never open again
I may sound mean but I swear
My fragile love
It is for the best
The outside world
Isn’t for people like you
So shut the door
And leave your
Silly imagination behind
I have all you could ever want
But the freedom of the wind
And a world unknown

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Welcome Home

Monday, December 28th, 2009

Hells gate is always open
For the son of man
No closing time
We keep our doors open
Just for you
We value your partnership
You keep us alive
Our only faithful sponsor
Always coming back for more
We have no doubts
For your future
We can see the path
You have paved
There is no denying it
For in the end
You will wind up
On our doorstep
Just begging to be let in
And we will oblige you
We have been expecting you
We will say
Opening our arms
With a grin so wide
It could split your face open
But you have no idea
What you are getting into
Sadly though
There is no escape
This is your unwavering fate
You were born into
Damned from the start
It is not your fault
It is not mine
It is just your nature
To always have mischief on your mind
Do not worry or be sad
We here are welcoming
You can think of me
As an extended family
Were home is hell
And your reality is damnation
Don’t be afraid
Our door is always open
All you have to do is knock

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Star Poet

Saturday, December 26th, 2009

I am a star poet for the Ellechor Publishing House, check it out. This is pretty exciting 😀

Star Poet


Rebel Children

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Look into my eyes
Please tell me what you see
Do you know who I am
Or have you seen someone
Just like me
Standing in the background
With dark solemn eyes
We are the Rebel Children
Broken yet strong
We can be found everywhere
Or nowhere at all
We are the vacant eyes
Of a forsaken god
Always watching
But who sees nothing
And does nothing
Hollow and dark
We are the stain glass windows
Peering deep into your soul
We do not pass judgment
We are the just the eyes
Of a century
How foolish for anyone
To have ever believe
We as humans
Were the images of angels
We are god’s Rebel Children
Never what we are expected
To be in the end
We fight through silence
With our angry eyes
Cast not at heaven
But into the passersbys
God didn’t make us this way
We did
We are the rampant soul
Of a stubborn child
We want only what we do not have
And hate all else
The consumers and buyers
Burning a hole in your soul
Grinding in a cigarette butt
No chance for a fire ever again
Snuff out that spark of life
Leaving you in an eternity of darkness
That you yourself created
So empty and hollow
Just trying to fill that hole
The hole you burned
With your money and lies
With your jealousy and hate
Slowly destroying your life
We are the Rebel Children
Who just don’t belong
The ones who can’t sleep at night
But can’t ever really wake up
We are everything
And nothing at all

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Spider Web Stars

Friday, December 4th, 2009

There are hands in my mind
Reaching in and rummaging around
Throwing out what is unwanted
Digging deeper for treasure
Pulling out string
And throwing it up into the sky
Making a spider web
To hold up the stars
Suspended on the strings
Of my diseased mind
Pulling out words
Like building blocks
Lying them on the ground
All around you
Locking you in
Yet building you up
Just to knock you down
Filling me back up
Unraveling the web
Of the universe
Putting it neatly away
Back were it belongs
But it will never be the same
Because at one point
It existed as a whole
It was real for even the slightest
Of moments not just a thought
But a real tangible thing
Where you could reach out
And grasp onto the
The trail of stars
The spider web threads
Weaving in the cold night air
Each lone star lighting up
The dark night sky
Once it has a taste of reality
It becomes a hunger that never abides
Becoming a monster
Always wanting something more
But you can’t give it life
You can’t give when you have
Nothing left for your self
My head is empty
You took out all the words
All the thoughts
And left me nothing
But a darkness and sadness
That consumes my entity
All that is left
Is the string of a spider web
On which I weave the sky
You can’t fix me
I don’t want to be fixed
This is who I am
What I was meant to become
So I close my mouth
And lookup at that sky
Of spider web stars
Knowing within them
Lay the words
Slowly unraveling into
Something entirely new
That the world has never seen
The sky sags under its burden
Crying as its words fall forth
Falling to the worlds feet
Where we pick them up
And use them as we will
Taking something that never belonged to us
Abusing them and destroying them
With no regards to the spider webs
That held them up for so long
Held the words of power
The words of life and creation
My words

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