The camera’s eye
Swivels and rotates
Focusing and unfocusing
Trying to capture you
In your purest form
Or your darkest moment
To swallow you whole
In the blink of an eye
It is watching you
With it’s great eye
Extending and retracting
The glass reflects
Back on you
It reaches out for
Your sprit
Your very soul
That brilliant shine
The smile
Always on your lips
The laugh
Bubbling out of you
And the life
That never dies
Now lives on
In the camera’s
Unforgiving eye
That swivels and rotates
As it watches
Be careful
It is always watching
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009Boy Soldier
Monday, November 30th, 2009I wrote this poem in english class today, I think I like it. Not sure where it came from though.
The razor runs over the boy’s head
He doesn’t move or flinch
Just stares ahead into oblivion
With deadlocked eyes
Into a future of unknown miseries
With eyes held firm in a choice
He had no part in making
They shave his head
Put a warm gun in his hands
And teach him how to kill
Teach him to steal a life without remorse
They say Learn fast boy
Or get ready to die young
They smack him around
Take the boy’s soft exterior
And turn it into cold hard stone
Rip out his heart and memories
Of a time when safety was a given
And love was always near
Take all that he ever knew
And throw it away
The boy soldier hefts up his gun
His lips sealed and dead eyes
He has nothing left
But the eternal fight for his soul
Everyone runs from him
Like he is a monster
Because he is a monster
One they made him into
Ripped him from his home
And gave him hate
To battle an unknown enemy
There is no escape for him
Just a bloody sentence
That he has no choice but to accept
They label him and fear all like him
And run at the sight of his gun
Run they yell
It is the boy soldier come home again
But he won’t let it continue
As he stands over the body
Of a little girl the same age as him
A bullet in her chest
Blood blooming on her white dress
Like a ruby flower blooming
A bullet he shot from his gun
The tip of the gun digs into the earth
As he falls to his knees beside her
He grips the dusty earth
As he watches the last breathes
Leave the dying angel
Look how far he has fallen
And for what, for whom
No more he swears to the dry earth
No more blood
He turns the gun around
In his rough scarred hands
Covered in dust and blood
They belong to an old man
Not a twelve-year-old boy
He put the gun to his head
And pulled the trigger
That he was taught to pull
One more time
The boy soldier fell
Next to the dead angel girl
There will be no more wars
For this tortured soul
No more rivers of blood
Just the peace he never had
But always deserved
The Hat
Tuesday, November 24th, 2009The woman walks
Along in a crowded street
Surrounded by people
Yet so alone
A scarf like a noose
Wrapped around her frail neck
Hands shoved deep
Into her pockets
She only looks
At the ground
The rhythmic step of her feet
Her wide hat
Shields her from the world
She ignores them
Is afraid of them
She wraps herself tighter
In what is safe and comforting
And is content in isolation
So she walks along
In a crowd of people
Without faces
The wind picks up
For a moment it whispers
A soft secret in her ear
A riddle told to fast
As the wind
Carried her hat away
The woman let out
A short little gasp
As her barrier was removed
She reached forward
Fingertips grazing it
Just out of reach
As it bounces and rolls
Along the dirty street
She chases in vain
And no one will help
Finally out of breath
And out of heart
She gives up
Standing in the crowd
Puffs of winter breath
Clouding before her as she watches
Her hat dance away
Her hair billowing about her
Watching with sad longing eyes
She stands still among thousands
As she turns to leave
A tap on her shoulder
She turns in surprise
A man stands before her
Her hat in hand
Holding it out towards her
A smile but no words
She takes it and offers
A shy little smile in return
As she starts to pull it
Back into place
He reaches out to stop her
He asks her
You have such a pretty face
He smiles and lets go
Giving an impartial shrug
You don’t need to hide
You are beautiful you know
He leaves her with
His few soft words
And a knowing smile
She stands there
Hat in hand
Filled with his offerings
Her eyes are wide
And her hands slightly quake
She lifts the hat
Looking at it now
And tosses it away
She watches it
Flit and dance in the sky
Gone forever
She smiles slightly
The stranger’s knowing smile
She doesn’t need it anymore
Saturday, November 21st, 2009Every second
Youth wasted
On planning
How your
Life will
End up
And should
Every second
Of life
Washed away
Never to get back
My house
My career
My husband
And family
Set in stone
Finally I
Reach my planned
Life and happiness
The perfect
Sits, reads the newspaper
Drinks coffee
He says
He loves me
The perfect
A little girl
Sits in her high chair
Angel with black hair
Pale face
Blue eyes
The perfect
Never barks
Nor bites
The perfect
Just as I
Had dreamed
High ceilings
In the rainy woods
The perfect
Writing and teaching
Always published
Students love me
I am perfect
My life complete
Except I
Had no childhood
I wish I
Had a perfect
I am not
My life is incomplete
To live
A perfect life
I must
Who I am
I think to myself
“This isn’t
What I wanted”
I don’t want
To be
“This isn’t
What I wanted”
I can’t
Be perfect
Because I am
I look
At everything
Just as I wanted
Just as I planned
Planned out
But now that
I have it
I don’t want it
“This isn’t
What I wanted”
I planned
So I could
Be happy
But now I have
Lost everything
That was really important
Is a joke
You can’t be
Because to get
You must give
Something else up
To be perfect
Or happy
You choose
Monday, November 16th, 2009The boy sits
Alone on the beach
With glowering eyes
And a heart
Full of hate and anger
He listens to the ocean
Roaring day and night
Arms wrapped tight around
His scraped and bleeding knees
Tattoos run up his arms
Like black veins
A fire burns before him
As he stares deep into it
Watching the fickle flame
Dancing too and fro
How unfair it is
For it to be free
When he stands in chains
He waves his hand
Slowly through the flames
But he doesn’t feel the pain
He doesn’t feel anything anymore
So he takes what is left
Of his meager belongings
And throws them into the fire
It crackles and waves
Sparking to life
As it consumes another’s
The boy watches
His life go up in flames
Burning slowly to ashes
As it withers and curls
He stands
And walks away
He is done
He is finally done
Portrait of a Person (Interview)
Sunday, November 15th, 2009I know people
How so?
I can understand people
Better than most
Because I can see
Through their eyes
Feels as their hearts feel
How do you do that?
I don’t know
I just do
Well, who are you?
I don’t know truthfully
I am nothing I guess
Because I am everything
Or everyone I should say
I don’t mean I am
All powerful or all knowing
You mean like god?
I am my writing
I am my characters
Every face I paint
With my words
is me
Their face is mine
I don’ have my own anymore
I am a mosaic
Of everything I have seen
Will see
And have made
How did this happen?
I don’t know
I have always been this way
Is it hard?
It is never easy
Not having an identity
of your own
it is hard not knowing
who you really are
I can’t remember
The last time
I have seen my own face
So you are saying
You have no face?
I laugh
I guess so
I am the portrait of a person
Without a face
A Coin Flip
Monday, November 9th, 2009Are you afraid
Of the dark
Or just what
Lies inside of it
When you see darkness
Do you see the shadows
Or the light
That hides within
When you look
Into a mirror
Do you see yourself
Or a reflection
Staring back
As life slips
From your heart
Do you think back
Or wonder ahead
As the sun sets
Do you see
The beautiful colors
Or the impending
Darkness that it brings
Do you see
The glass as
Half full
Or half empty
Tell me which
Side of the coin
Do you prefer
Choose your side wisely
It decides your fate
Saturday, November 7th, 2009wow I just found this poem I wrote in eighth grade….. kind of interesting
I open my eyes and see you
Your soul so happy and filled with joy
Two peas in a pod always together
Arm in arm right by my side
Sun shinning on your soft face
Wind tousling your brown hair
Silence, laughing
Hiding in prickly bushes away from the world
Our little hideout made out of blackberries
One so sweet, one so sour
No one can touch us
Our world of dreams and fantasies
I open my ears and hear you
Voice so strong and filled with love
Now cracks with every word
Tears like rain fall from your round face
Hugging each other to make the cruel world go away
Darkness threatens to swallow us
Silence, screaming
Parents yelling, how could this be
Eyes once filled with spirit and light
Weighed down by a burden
They are taking you from me
Our last words farewell, goodbye
I open my heart and remember you
Tall white house, too many windows
peering out like eyes covered in fall leaves
Place of love now filled with sorrow
Impenetrable fort of bushes grown over, forgotten
Remember our promises, our whispered dreams
Remember our guards the ever-present red wood trees
Silence, crying
I miss your voice, I miss your laugh
I miss our time as best friends
Our dreams now forgotten
But I will always remember you