Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category


Monday, October 12th, 2009

The woman sits
Her third eye gone blind
Once one with sight
Is cursed and damned
She foretold a world
Without boundaries
Filled with hate and despair
Where man turned against
His brother and sister
A fate wound tight
With deception and fear
So they gouged out her eyes
And sealed her fate
Out of fear disguised
As anger and hate
But she could hear
Through their petty lies
They were scared
Of this world foretold
And decided instead
To kill the messenger
Two birds with one stone
She could see everything
But nothing at all
She didn’t even see
Her own decided fate
Sealed by a hand that quaked
She could hear the dead talking
And the living moan
But the simple prophet
Just wished to be left alone
To abandon her burden
And simply go home
She wanted nothing
But received the world
Balanced delicately
Atop her head
One step
One mistake
Could mean a great fall
Under the weight
She faltered
And spilled out her words
Meant only for gods
Not the poor common soul
So she was punished
Forever to be the damned prophet
Of a forgotten age
But an unforgettable name
The seer with no sight
Just a girl
A child
Given the gift of night
Filled with shadows and deceit
That waited ever patiently
For just the right time
She is now a woman
With a regret
And a third eye gone blind

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Thursday, October 8th, 2009

A blossom bloomed
Opening slowly
Showing it’s new found beauty
Opening to the sun
Reaching up high
To the bright blue sky
Not knowing
That the sun
Doesn’t always shine
When the rain comes
The blossom wilts
Hiding its beautiful face
Turning from the pain
The heavy drops
Weigh it down
Pulling away
It’s beauty
Petal by petal
Until nothing is left
The blossom
Lays broken
Shredded on the ground
In its place
A bud pokes through
A new chance
A new face
A new beauty
As a blossom blooms

Nature usually isn’t my thing, but here’s one anyways because I can’t think of anything else…

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Fly Away (Aeroplane)

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009


Come take my hand
and lets fly away
fly away from here
lets find a world
without the constant
of noise and death
we will stand together
on the brink of insanity
with out hands held tight
and we will never let go
bear with me
the pain of the coming years
when I grow distant
pull me back down
when I become darkened
be my only light
when everything is just too much
be my simple love
lets watch the world burn
from atop our aeroplane
held up by strings
so thin it could cut
be careful you say
the world isn’t our toy to play
oh how right you are
we are the toys
of a globe spun too fast
where reality and insanity
come frighteningly close
lets fly
fly away
put your hands over my ears
protect me from the onslaught
of the world’s words
be the barrier between
the world and me
save me
whisk me away
so we can forever fly away

I found this photo and I decided to add a strange little poem to it that I just wrote for today. And yes, I know I spelled airplane wrong, I did that one purpose.

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Monday, October 5th, 2009

I stand above a river
On a thin plank of wood
Below the rapids rage
Above the sky is blue
I hold my arms out
As if I could fly
I squeeze my eyes shut
And imagine what it is to die
How easy would it be
To totter off to one side
Loose my balance and fall
Into the churning waters
Would anyone notice
Would anyone care
If I jumped
Would I scream
From fear or the rush
The finality of it all
Would I smile
As time seems to erase
When you fall
For a moment you fly
The wind rushing past your face
And then there is nothing at all
So I open my eyes
And let out a sigh
Put one foot in front of the other
And start to move forward again
Slowly but surely
Across this balance beam
Thin as a knife
Only the pure can make it
Only the true survive
Am I strong enough
Or will my sin
Cause me to take
That final dive
Walking on a knifes edge
This is my final test
To put one foot in front of the other
And never look down
To balance on my shoulders
The worlds good and evil
And never loose my footing
So I keep my head held up high
Eyes only on my goal
Of redemption
In the blood red sky

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Friday, October 2nd, 2009

I stand alone
But never truly alone
I see myself in the mirror
But it doesn’t follow me
It shakes a finger
I wave it waves
Copies me but not me
I wonder if it is
Another world
Boring world
All you do is copy others
Sounds familiar
Mimic me
Let me see
Show me the greatest you can be
Not much

It steps from the mirror
A barren lake
She grabs me pulling me through
Her eyes empty and black
Hair tattered, a mess
Skin pale and sticky
She pulls me into the water
Drowning in her arms
Mimic me, mimic this
Take my breath a deadly kiss
Drowning slowly
It laughs at me
Your mine now
She whispers into my ear

She steps from the mirror
I am stuck
I am dead she lives
I watch
Her hair straightens
Her eyes gain color, life
Skin grows warm
She looks back and winks
Mimic me, mimic this bitch
She laughs
I pound against glass as she laughs
Stuck forever drowning
In another world
A boring world
I give up

She walks like me
Talks like me
Breathes like me
She is me in very way
I can only watch sadly
From the other world
She is living my life
Hugging my family
Kissing my boyfriend
Living in my room
I scream at how unfair it is
She looks at me
Every morning and laughs
Mimic me, mimic this stupid bitch
What did I do to deserve this
Nothing bitch just mimic this
I never do
I just watch my life pass me by

Years pass, I wait
A child in her arms
My baby, my husband
She mocks me
Shows me my beautiful life
Well what would have been
Mimic me mimic this stupid dead bitch
So I finally do
I become a mimic
Of what I used to be
Copying me but not really me
I am dead
She lives but I swear
I will get her
Stupid bitch

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Wish (Post #100)

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Lift your feet
And make a wish
Close your eyes
And feel the world
Without touching
Or searching
Just know
As you have always known
Your heart beats
With the worlds heartbeat
Breathe out your worries
And breathe in consciousness
Let it cleanse your soul
That has wilted and withered
Let it go
Let it go
You can still be free
Let your chains fall
And sigh out the darkness
That has gathered
Around your heart
Threatening to suffocate you
To drown you in doubt
To snuff out the brilliance
Of your individual soul
Feel the breeze
Brushing through your hair
Kissing your skin
And know
You are alive
And you are lucky
The world lies in front of you
With a big red bow
Sitting patiently on top
Yes child
It is in reach
But to reach it
You have to
Step out of the eclipse
Shadowing your life
Look beyond
What fate has decreed
Make your own destiny
Don’t listen to them
They don’t know
They can’t understand
What the world truly is
They are blinded
By pride and foolishness
They don’t know
What the world whispers
Late at night
When no one is listening
But I listen
So raise your arms up
And scream out loud
Through your head back
Laugh a little louder
Put a little bounce into your step
Smile from ear to ear
A real smile
From the bottom of your heart
Make a wish
To never again
Fall into the eclipse
To never be a victim
Of the darkness again
Wish for a world
Full of sun kisses
And rose petals falling
Wish it
Believe it
Make it real

Not my normal style, but I will try it. Here is a happy poem. I hope you take heart to what I am saying, take a step back, look at yourself and ask, “When did my eclipse being?” Take a peak behind that curtain, and please tell me what you see, leave me a comment, of what lives in your eclipse and what you do to escape it.

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Monday, September 28th, 2009

The fragility of life
Is a very scary thing
The thought that
All you ever have worked at
Is for nothing
With just a cut
A scratch
Your life could be taken away
An accident
A slip
Could send you astray
That your life
Could all just be
Another burning ash
In a cigarette try
Just a walk
Could be your last
A fight with family
Could bring an end
So very fast
Just a word softly uttered
Could end it all
A little slip
Could wind up
Being a very big fall
Showing you that
You really are
Insignificant and small
Just a speck
In the eyes of all others
In the face of God
Every bone, every muscle
Every word
Every moment
Could be taken away
Ripped from you
With just a thought
Your world destroyed
Never to return
And no one
Would ever know
That you were gone

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Death of a Toy

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

I was driving
Up a long twisty road
Guarded on both sides
By trees standing tall
They hunch over the road
Creating a great canopy
As they try to peer
Into the car’s windows
Hidden among them
Are small homes
Like rabbit holes
Nestled safely away
In a bed of evergreen
I drive along
But something rolls
Out in front of me
A tennis ball
Bounced its way toward the road
I thought nothing of it
Then I saw the little boy
He ran with arms outstretched
Eyes on only the ball
Just like daddy told him
He ran blindly into the road
After his renegade ball
Right in front of my car
I slam on the brakes
And hear the squeal
Of burning rubber
I push against the wheel
As I hear the ball
Pop under my tire
The little boy looks up
Right into my eyes
The car screams
I scream
And squeeze my eyes shut
I can hear a mother screaming
Who will never
See her son grow or succeed
Who had fate snatch away
The little amount of joy
In her sad lonely life
But then I open my eyes
The ball bounces
In front of my car
I turn slightly
And see that little boy
Standing on the edge
Of the evergreen road
On the edge of safety and sanity
Watching the death of a toy
I start to cry
All I can think is
See how thin the line
Is between me
And a murderer
Or is there a difference at all

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High Chair

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Empty store
A TV. On mute
It feels so empty
In a corner
A high chair sits
Covered in dust
Long forgotten
I wonder
Was it ever used
Did a child
So loved
Once sit in it
Now gone
Blue with colorful
Cotton candy designs
Where is the baby
Did tragedy strike
To steal it away
From it’s loving parents
Plucked like a flower
Cut down before its prime
Feathers floating
Softly to the ground
Did an angel take it away
Or perhaps
The child just
Grew up
The chair
Just unneeded and unnecessary
As a child
Grows to big
For it’s former joy
Growing apart
From all it
Ever knew and loved
The child was taken
Away from it’s chair
Because it no longer needed
A baby’s chair
So now
So empty
A blue high chair sits
With cotton candy designs
In a corner
Gathering dust

Sorry really bad headache today, I can’t process enough to actually write well so here is an old poem I really don’t like but I can’t create right now… sorry

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Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Great streets of silence
Have filled the network of my life
In times of necessity
Silence overtakes my faint heart
Swallowing whole
The words so desperately
Floating up in bubbles
That quiver in their fragile state

Whenever words are needed
They have failed me
The power of that word
Falling swiftly, heavily
From an uncouth mouth
Can change the world
In a movement too fast
For the eye to register

The pregnant silence
Grows between you and I
Like a deep festering wound
Something that will
Leave a big nasty scar
For the whole world
To bear witness to
In horror and disgust

Like a canary in a cage
My words are sealed away
With a lock and key
Far too advanced
For such a petty thief as I
The mystery of this labyrinth
Is too complex for me
So I will suffer
In my silence alone

An ocean’s expanse
Stretches far and long
Above, between, and below
My feet that stand
On ground built only
From the promise of words
Yet to surface and be heard
In the deep eddies of the water

Truth is that words
Are a terror, a horror
All in themselves
Their own maze of nothing
Leading to nowhere
So silence is safety
From a world full of words
That I do just fine without

Where every word
Is a potential knife
Awaiting a new victim
A new heart to ruin
Rip open and bear forth
The fruit of an innocent
Of ignorance in truth
And within this deadly flower
Lies life’s only truth
We are all monsters

I think I am going to do a piece of art based off of this poem in my IB art class, it has potential…

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