Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Paint Drops

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Let the paint drip
Let it dry
Ignore it
Walk on it
Refuse its existence
Deny it the life
It was owed
It is just that easy

One day you will find yourself
And stop
You stand on hollowed ground
Where just a single
Red drops stands
Old and worn
It still remains
Hidden but present
In a cement jungle
Of cross-hatched lies

You will stand there
And look at that single drop
And wonder
How could I have let this pass
How could I have let
These things go so unnoticed
Reflected at you
In a single drop
Are your mistakes

They never really go away do they
They leave behind a mark
A remembrance
Of the deeds your soul
Has withered from
So bend down
Put that red stain
In the center of your palm
And understand

Feel the cold harshness
Of the unyielding ground
Feel that mark
Feel that scar on you
On the world
And remember
Always remember
That it exists
Because of your follies
Never forget that

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The Trees and The Leaves

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

The leaves are falling
Gone in a blur
But who will remember
The fallen leaves
Each color unique
As they drift away
Forever forgotten
Gone in the breeze
The trees protectors
Forgotten, when they fall
Never to be remembered
For who they really are
When they have fallen
They freeze in the snow
Forsaken and discarded
Like an old broken toy
The trees stand bare
Believing they can stand
Forgetting the leaves
And their role in its life
Winter pushes forward
The tree cannot stand
But the leaves all fallen
Can never be returned
As the snow melts
The tree must see
Its horrible mistake
The fallen leaves lay dead
Buried by snow
Now the tree stands bitter and alone
So it grows more leaves
To replace those loyal to it
So easily forgetting its treason
But as years pass by
And seasons replay
Over and over
The tree repeats its mistake
Never learning its lesson
Cursed forever to relive its life
The leave’s revenge
For they never fall alone
Because inside they know
Each fall that passes
Has its winter in turn

Here is a very generic poem of mine, I dislike it but I have nothing else to put up currently. This is why I think classes don’t make writers… they create canned poetry. Here is some good evidence of the fact.

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Missing Child

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

The woman stands
Arms full of grocery bags
In front of a store
She doesn’t move
She is frozen
Those that pass her
Look to try and see
What her far away stare
Is focused upon
What horror she is witnessing
But what they don’t see
Is that it isn’t
An image her stricken eyes
Have fallen upon
But the absence of it
Alone the mother stands
Her child is nowhere
Gone from sight
Disappeared into a world
Beyond the safety of a mother’s touch
Where there is no play
Only a harsh reality
Of survival and death
She wonders
How could this happen
What did I do
To deserve this punishment
The statue begins
To regain life
As a scream burst forth
From petrified lungs
Dying for release
The bags fall
As her arms reach out
For something that
Is no longer there
Her child is gone
In just a blink of an eye
She has vanished
The mother screams
Over and over again
For her child
But there is no answer
Just the stares of the passersby
She falls to her knees
Her child’s favorite foods
Lay strewn about
The mother of a missing child
She hears nothing
Sees nothing
But her child
Before she was gone
Remembering that last look
The last moment before
Destiny was changed
Taking her baby away from her
So she sits on her knees
Her arms held out to nothing
With her child’s favorite foods
But no child
No one stops to help
Because they don’t understand
What it means to lose
A part of them
But now she does
The wailing statue
Waiting with empty arms
And a horrible plea
For a missing child to come back
And never again leave

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Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

How fast does
The human heart die
When a cry
Is all that portrays
A desperate agony
The sound of a heart
Ripping itself into pieces
“No more” it cries
“I am done
It hurts too much
To keep going”
So does it take years
Or maybe only seconds
For the heart to implode
Slowly collapse in on itself
To bleed out on the streets
Where people watch
But no one moves
To save an innocent from death
There is just a silent horror
Reflected in dull empty eyes
Watch as a hand
Dips into my chest
Pulls out my heart
It cries and it cries
“I am done, I am done”
One last rebellion
To die before the sun
It was hidden away
For it’s whole life
Now in death it is shown
Looking into the light

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Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

You of light
Whose heart is ever growing
Lay down your hair
And watch the lilies bloom
You, the child
Of the greater gods
With eyes that glow
As bright as the sun
And your smile
Could make flowers bloom
And your soul
So pure and untouched
Sheltered in a world
Never scarred by hate
Evil, or disgrace
Yet they fear you
The titan child
Your brilliance
Brings darkness
Into their envious eyes
Run child, run
They come for you now
There is no where to hide
And they will find you
It is only a matter of time
You can’t scream
Or shout out for help
They are the help
The good guys
Gone so bad
Have turned on you
Betrayed you
Put a knife in your back
Even though you did them no wrong
It is your heart they fear
So they must carve it out
Snuff out its brilliance
Kill off the sun
Then they’ll bury you away
Where the sun can’t shine
Your heart still beating
And your eyes gone wide
They seal you in darkness
You, the child of the sun
Will never again see the sky

Here is another poem from mythology. This myth is about Helios’ (the sun in greek mythology) daughter and how she is locked away because she is the daughter of the sun.

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A Very Strange Dream

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

I sit in a
White tiled room
I feel like I
Was dropped here
A camera is sitting
In my hands
Resting peacefully
But why am I
To capture this
A walled in cell
Made completely
Of glass
Stands tall
In the middle of the room
A man paces
Inside of its
See through barrier
The walls are so thin
There is so little standing
Between him and me
Imprisoned and watching
His eyes only on me
A wolf’s eyes
Burning into me
I shift uncomfortable
“Be careful with him”
He says to me
In a dark cold voice
The edge in it surprises
And scares me
I ask
My eyes
Being held by the wolf
He doesn’t take his eyes away
But nods at my lap
A wry grin splitting
Open his face
I look down
A baby boy
Lies where my
Camera had been
His head is bent
At an awkward angle
I scream and scream
Looking down at him
His tiny broken body
And his broken neck
With blue skin and unstaring eyes
Dying in my arms
I plead for help
Looking frantically
From the baby
To the prisoner
But all he does
Is laugh at me
He puts his hands
Against the glass
And starts to push
And as the glass
Starts to crack
He says
“You can only help yourself”

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Friday, September 11th, 2009

I climb the stairs
As doors close with a hiss behind
Thousands of eyes watching
Walking down death row
I sit down in a chair
Images rush past me
People walking away forever
Never aware of me watching
I put my hand against glass
Cold and warm from other days
Everything rocks back and worth
People whisper, cry, laugh
I look down beside me
A little girl sits there
Lollipop to big for her small mouth
She licks relentlessly at it
I hear everything at that moment
Two rows up a baby howls, hungry
Three rows back a man coughs, dying
Across the isle a man and woman fight
I see everything at that moment
Five rows back a woman with a black eye
Four rows ahead a man without an arm
Across and seven rows back a blind man sighs
I sigh too and stare at my hands
“My mom says it is rude to stare at people”
The little girl looks up at me questioning
“Why do you stare at them” she asks
I speak to this girl so much younger than me
“Because there is so much to see” I reply
“I see nothing” she whines
“Look very closely and you see everything”
“Everyone tells a story, but your mother is right”
I listen to her as I do everyone
“Well what’s your story?”
“A long and sad one” I reply
I don’t see it” she says
“I see your story” I say grinning
“You like lollipops”
She stares blankly at her lollipop and says “No”
“My mom gave it to me before she died”
Silence bustling
People get up and leave the bus
She stands alone and waves to me
Still sucking “Goodbye” she says
I just sit there wondering

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Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

There is always a pause
Before death finally comes
A moment that lingers
Between so very different worlds
After such labor
And such pain
When the breathing
Becomes so rapid
It screeches out
Screaming its way
Out of your dry mouth
Each breath is an effort
Like no other
As your lungs heave
Trying to keep going
Knowing you are almost there
The race is almost over
Your time has come
As your eyes
Hang open
In deep empty sockets
That have become
As dark as a storm
Watching every movement
Knowing it will be your last
You will ever see
Hoping to find an answer
To all the questions
You still had left
Your fingers twitch desperately
Try to fix
All the things left broken
Your skin prickles
Trying to feel
All that was never known
Your legs become restless
Trying to run that last
Stretch of the race
When suddenly you hear it
The noise you have been waiting for
Dying for inside
A soft yet urgent call
So you let your muscles loosen
And forget about all else
There is nothing left to see
Nothing left to touch
All that is left broken
Shall remain that way forever
And the race
Is finally complete
As your breathing slows
A smile plays
On your cracked lips
You know it is time to go
Then the world seems to stop
Standing on its toes
Then the long pause
And you are no more

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Stand Up

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Old bones creak
As I stand
Dust falls
From my heavy shoulders
Raining down
On old wooden floors
Both wood and bone
Creak in protest
Stand up
Come now old one
There is much to be done
Your time hasn’t come
The day still awaits
The birds are still singing
The flowers are blooming
So drop your
Cloak of age
Let if fall
Slip from your shoulders
Once weighed down
By a burden
About knowledge and age
Let it pool on the floor
Step over it
Leave it behind
Stand up
There is much
To be done
Old mistakes to fix
Old friendships to mend
There is time
There is time
Watch the sun fall
And the moon rise
Smell lavender
Dancing in your home
Welcome winter
The coming storm
Open your arms
And scream
To no one
About nothing
Whisper out your misery
Bow to destiny
It’s time to wake up
Leave behind
Your worries
And regrets
Of those you leave behind
Stand up
Smile at death
Greet him nicely
And say
“I have been
waiting for you”
He will smile back at you
And say
“Stand up
there is much work
to be done”

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Monday, September 7th, 2009

I personally am not a fan of haikus, they don’t mean much to me, but I got bored so here are some little useless haikus of mine.

Uncertainty lives
In the eyes of the wicked
Where sin is just sin

Remember the names
Of the forgotten and lost
For no one else will

Know your hearts true grief
Behold your life’s agonies
There is nothing left

Don’t despair dear child
Monsters bumping in the night
You are not alone

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