There is a banshee
Standing on my window sill
Looking through frosted glass
With eyes that always see
Hollow and empty
They stare onward frigidly
Black as coal
Burrowing into me
A porcelain face
Frozen forever
In a horrified scream
An abomination
A disgrace
It taps its cold fingers
On my window panes
Begging pleading to be let in
Frozen forever in many winters
It beckons sadly
Trying to warn me
A sign or forwarding
Of ending tragically
A banshee is telling me
There is death
On my doorstep
Weeping and crying
It is trying to warn me
To make my ends meet
Before death can ever find me
It is telling me in the end
There is no place left to hide
When winter comes
The breeze brings a whisper
Of forewarned death
And a child too foolish
To bear heed to a banshees warning
Of death on my window sill
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category
Death On My Window Sill
Monday, September 7th, 2009Lethe (guide me)
Sunday, September 6th, 2009Be my guide
To the river banks
Walk with me
Through darkness
So I may
Find the light
That has been absent
From my life
For what feels like
An eternity in darkness
Hold my hand
And sing to me
A soft melody
To sooth my raging heart
Lead me to
The waters edge
Where memories are erased
Where past are forgiven
And forgotten
Stand with me
As I look down
As waves lap at my feet
Feeling its icy grip
Start inching up me
As stars watch overhead
And the wind
Heaves a heavy sigh
Pushing forward
Urging me to take
My final leap of faith
Watch me from the banks
As I wade deep
Into frigid waters
Each step determined
Premeditated and unstoppable
I don’t look back
I can’t
My thanks are washed
Away in the rivers tide
Carried away on the wind
Let me go
As I disappear forever
Be my guide
Into another world
Where no darkness exists
Let me walk away
Into the unknown
Where no man or beast
Can ever touch me again
Let the water swallow me
And whisk me away forever
This poem was based off of the legend of a river in Hades that once you step foot into your memories are washed away causing total forgetfulness.
Friday, September 4th, 2009A tall tree
Like a sentry guard
A world full
Of controversy
And falling stars
Yelling and screaming
You tear out my hair
Betrayal afoot
A friend afraid
To cry
Shattered pieces
Wings are torn
Pictures of friends
Ripped to pieces
Wake up
And smell the ashes
There is blood
To be had
Once friends forever
Are no more
A promise never upheld
Sadness builds another wall
Forming a shell
Hiding away from all
She Prayed
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009The little girl knelt
Her hands together
And head bowed
She prayed
She asked for
She pleaded for
She begged for
She wept for
She prayed hoping for an answer
That never came
She picked up her head
Her soft hair falling
And looked at the stars
She asked silently
God why don’t you answer me
Yet no answer came
She prayed every night
For the rest of her life
Waiting for that answer
That never came
Faithfully she returned
Every night and knelt
She refused to loose hope
Hands together
And head bowed
She prayed
She always listened
But no word came
But still she believed
That he was waiting
And watching over her
He never did help her
He never reached down
To a child on her knees
And said to her
It is all right, you can go now
You can go free
He left her all alone
Her parents didn’t understand
Then her children didn’t understand
And then her grandchild didn’t understand
But she didn’t ask
For their understanding
Just to be heard
So she left them behind
In a desperate silence
She prayed
She asked for
She pleaded for
She begged for
She wept for
Even though her answer
Never came
She prayed
Monday, August 31st, 2009Some say the best poetry
Is written spontaneously
Starts with a line and grows
Snaking upward to it’s full potential
So here is a poem
Without meaning or purpose
It floats empty knowing it means nothing
Each word spilled out
Carelessly and without love
Callously crumpled up
And unfolded again
A second chance at life
Rising from the ashes
Born again, whole and new
But still it bears the scars of old
Written on its skin
Each scar bearing a story
A note of a different life
Of a different person
So where will you go
With new meaning and purpose
Who will take you in
Love you with a blind heart
Giving with empty hands
A person opening their soul
To someone they don’t know
Opening up to a new meaning
Give chance a chance
Trying to find light
In a world of darkness
A means for war
In times of peace
A person wondering through snow
With no shoes
Or intent to survive
Would you give your eyes
To help another open theirs
Give yourself to someone new
Just to see what would happen
On the roll of a dice
Take one last chance
Stroll in the horizon
Don’t look back over your shoulder
There is nothing left behind you
But hands that will drag you down
Be free let go of them
Walk on glass or through fire
Just to feel who you are
A kiss to a stranger
You will never know
A random impulse to live
Or a spontaneous choice to die
It all lies in your hands
All you have to do is reach out
Grasp onto destiny
And don’t let it go
Hold on tight or they will carry you away
The ties are pulling
but you must be strong
You must not bend or break
Now you must make your final choice
To be spontaneous and choose
As I have chosen.
Sunday, August 30th, 2009Come you trickster
Come play with me
We are so alike
Know every trick
In the trade
Why do you hide?
Oh trickster of mine
Show the world your true colors
Lay down your cards
The games almost over
Time to see
The true end
Why do you run?
When is it you
Who holds the cards
The world is yours
To be had
Resting gently
In your palm
Yet here you run
With your tail
Between your legs
Some trickster
You turned out to be
You who cannot
Play the game
We live by mercilessly
Come play with me
Our dying breed
We’ll see who wins
We who are common
Must stick together
For we are dying company
Few and far between
Feared and revered
We walk the land
One king left standing
The tricksters are gone
Exiled and discarded
For fear of who we are
A dying race
Who always wins
Come my trickster
It is time to begin
Strangely enough, this poem started out being about a fox. Weird i know, some things just evolve as you write them.
Worlds Touching
Saturday, August 29th, 2009I looked out the window
My chin resting on my open palm
The glass fogged
As I peered out
Cars filled with people
Some lonely, some afraid, some dead inside
Some looking for life, and some giving up on it
Trees blending into one another
Black top, yellow lines
Black top, yellow lines
I pulled up my sleeve
And wipe away the clouds
Forming on my window
I watch more cars pass by
In a hurry to reach nowhere
Each face in the car
Blank as they stare forward
Eyes only on the destination
Not the beauty on the way
A car pulls along side us
Silver and low to the ground
A mom talking on the phone
But in the back
Sat a little girl
She was looking out of her window
Right at me
For a moment I just stared back
It felt like an eternity
That our eyes were latched together
In that instant
I knew her
I knew her whole life
And I am sure she knew mine
She was the daughter ignored
She made her own world
Because the one she had
Had no place for her in it
I could see her parents in her eyes
Arguing, yelling
She heard it all through thin walls
And cried herself to sleep at night
She was the odd man out
Always the child in the back seat
She didn’t need them
Or their fickle love
She had all she needed
But not all she wanted
She made her own way
Through a treacherous life
And always would
I raised my hand
And waved to her
I smiled and nodded slightly
And she did the same
And our cars moved on
Our worlds separated
Just a moment
That our worlds touched
I wonder what she saw in my life
What she thought
Of a stranger through a car window
I just sat back and smiled
My mom looked over at me and smiled back
“What are you smiling at?”
“Nothing” I reply
Because no one could understand
How I understood
So I keep her world a secret
Locked tightly away
Of a daughter ignored
And a world passing by
Thursday, August 27th, 2009Some say that eyes
Are a mirror into the soul
That if you look close
You can see everything
There is to know about that person
That you can know someone
Just by peering into their eyes
Yes I believe that
But then you have to think
A mirror can look both ways
When you look into another’s soul
You must first face your own
As it reflects back at you
Can you handle the truth
As you look inside of yourself
So look into my eyes
Tell me what you see inside of me
If you find emptiness
Does it mean I lack a soul
Or if you see madness
Does it mean I have nothing left
Tell me who you think I am
Look into me eyes tell me what you see
To Sleep: The Answer
Monday, August 24th, 2009Here is the second part to last night’s poem
To sleep
At night
I must
In love
Not just
To live
A life
In favor
Not disgrace
To hide away
To save face
To leave
Escape this place
To forgive
My sins
Is to
Forget the world
And all
It’s hate
To believe
In destiny
But not
One’s fate
I do
To live again
To live
A life
Not burn
In sin
I do
To see
The sun
To see
The darkness
Of the world
To see
The writing
On the grave
And always
The name
I do
Your hate
But not
This ugly disgrace
Look away
Turn in shame
I know
I have lost
The final game
I am not
I just have
Different thoughts
Deeply ingrained
I do
To see you
And not be
This charade
That is life
Say nothing
Do nothing
Take my
With a
Deadly kiss
I don’t want
I only want
Your hate
To Sleep: The Question
Monday, August 24th, 2009Why can’t
I sleep
Late at night
Why can’t
I believe
In the light
Why can’t
I love
And only hate
Why can’t
I forgive
Life’s disgrace
Why can’t
I forget
Your words
Why can’t
I feel
The pierce of
A sword
Why can’t
I live the life
I hold
In my hand
Why can’t
I stop my life
From slipping away
Like sand
Why can’t
I remember
The name
On the grave
Why can’t
I see the path
I have paved
Why can’t
I sleep
Late at night
Why can’t
I stop
This battle tonight
This is the first of a two part poem….. the next will come tomorrow night. The answer. I hate not being able to sleep at night.