Mona Lisa smiles at me
Perfect teeth but somehow wrong
She looks and stares but cannot see
She holds her pose forever strong
Such confidence in a twisted smile
But what could it mean
Is it happiness in a vial
Or maybe she can see behind the scenes
But the smile stands for only one thing
A secret kept far from the world
A heart song plucked from a string
A love note never unfurled
The base of music and sight
The sound of a storm
An answer to human kinds plight
The world a moth to butterfly transformed
But she keeps this to herself
Caught only in a little smile
A book gathering dust on a shelf
A man in jail waiting for a trial
But the secret that was never told
Seen only in a paintings smirk
Forever forgotten in a world of old
But seen only by those who know its works
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category
Mona Lisa Smile
Sunday, August 23rd, 2009A Warning
Friday, August 21st, 2009Dare you read what I have to say
Be ready and be warned
For the words I swear will hold sway
Inside this book lies my hopes and dreams
Behold my world
My darkness, my thoughts and fantasies
Every word I write
Every verse or story holds a world
Inside these words I write depict a fight
Do not take lightly what I say
Perhaps you understand
But if not you will one day
Here lies a world no one has seen
A world untamed and unscreened
Here my friends I am queen
Queen of these damned forgotten souls
These words a story
Of the devil’s uncollected tolls
If you dare have heart or stomach to hold
Please my friends and enemies take part
Come one Come all
To my sweet darkened world
Every word you see isn’t a word at all
Please understand my warning
To those who choose to partake
In this book is my heaven my hell
Here lay words that
Make the world bow with only one shake