Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Hidden Hearts

Monday, December 13th, 2010

She leaves her hearts
In the strangest of places
Hidden around the world
Each heart for its owner
Who lost it long ago
But she kept them safe
In the dark of the night
Making sure their fire
Never truly died
Keeping them alive
In the darkest of hours
Nursing them back to life
After they were broken
After they were discarded
With the drop of a hat
She is the keeper of the hearts
Holding each within her own
Waiting on the outskirts
For when it is finally time
To return them to their owners
The empty ones
The ones without purpose
Living a meaningless life
She waits ever patient
The unsung hero of hearts
Who keeps the fire of life burning
In this ever darkening world
As long as the hidden hearts remain
There is hope for humanity

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Sit With Me

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Come sit with me in the dark
Let me introduce you
A first acquaintance
That quickly becomes
A long drawn out partnership
With a parasite
A monkey you can’t
Seem to get off your back
Sit me with
Stand with me
Cry with me
Laugh with me
In darkness
This is a whole new world
Where Hell
Is only Hell
No heaven behind
Closed off gates
And a smiling face
Is the one you must beware
Shake hands
Politely speak to one another
Soft drums beat near by
Where children giggle
Pointing at you
Staring at you
With eyes to big
And too dark
Sitting here
Does it make you nervous
You seem nervous
You shouldn’t be
This is home
Welcome back son
The lost child
Long returned home
We’ve been waiting
Sighing out each breath
Into darkness
Where words fall
From mouths
So uncouth and unforgiving
An ugly world full of beauty
A contradictory that has
No limitations or boundaries
Where no ends meet
The path just ends
From the corners
You are watched
Stalked day and night
By what
You may never know
Every time the lights go out
You know I am waiting
Waiting just for you
I have lingered on the outside
Watching from the sidelines
But not for long
So come sit with me
In the dark
Where secrets are told
And lies are whispered
And eyes are always looking
Welcome home
Make sure to shut the door
Behind you tight
Don’t let the darkness out



Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

I find you dull and inconsistent
You find me aloof and contrived
We find each other irritated
By one another
We see each other
More often than we both please
Catching each others eyes
As we turn around corners
Trying to avoid eye contact
When it is inevitable
We always find ourselves
Face to face with the things we hate
The things we fear and wish never would be
But yet here they are
Opposites of nothing
Similar in absence
Meaningless in all
I find you heartbreaking
You find me despairing
Yet we are the same
The face in the mirror
You wish you couldn’t see
The devil on your shoulder
Who told you who to be
You are my adversary
Yet you are me
But every day I realize
Too long I have been my own enemy

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Hospital Room (Butterfly)

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

Winter is waiting
Like an old hospital room
White and clean
Yet so foreboding
They will wash the walls
Of my presence
Scrub away
Until there is nothing left of me
Strip down my pictures
Replace them with plaster
A life cast of me
Molded too tight
Until I cannot breathe
Suffocating and gasping for air
Inside a white washed room
Sterilized of life
Where dolls sit
With clairvoyant glassy eyes
Of Ovid’s butterfly
Fluttering helplessly
Settling down
In a flourish of color
Only to die slowly
Caught in the grip
Of Winter’s cold fist
Such an absence
Such a silence
It deafens me
Echoing off white walls
The screams of the plastered casts
Of those who came before me
Faces protruding like the gates of hell
Leaving me too blind to see
Staring blankly
At the horror before me
I wonder why I am here
Why I wound up
In this white washed room
Suffocating in a prison
With no windows
No sound
Except the noise of madness
And the sound
Of a rotting brain
As the butterfly takes its last gasps
You left me here
To slowly decay
I watch the butterfly
Curl, wither, and deform
From the beauty it had been
Watching my fate
Unfurl before me
With a merciless slowness
I am waiting now
For the white to capture me
To whisk me away
Into some fairytale dream
A reprieve of this white washed room
But the butterfly’s ashes
Lay around me
Staining my palms
It will never leave me
Winter is here
With its worn cold hands
I refuse to go with you
But I cannot stay
Take me with you butterfly
For where I am going
I hoped I would never be
See you on the other side
Of this damned eternity
For now I will hope for a better destiny
And try to avoid the inevitable
By hiding behind the mask
Of a butterfly’s face
In plain sight
A flourish of color in a white room
Waiting for fate to find me


Tulip Tears

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Crossing names out of address books
After showers patter on a closed coffin
Just a passing moment gone
Putting down the pencil
To look at the rain as it shifts
Dancing in front of the window
As the drops send ripples outward
Pirouetting hand in hand with the grass
as each petal bends slightly under the weight
The water pulling its face down like a tear drop
The face turned upward catches the rain
Between the lines in your face
Catching in the corner of your lips
As a smile sneaks its way to your face
The rain brushes your face
With the tenderness of a lovers embrace
Sliding down cheeks so the tears don’t show
You face the sky alone
With forgotten names rolling off of you
Falling into muddied puddles
Never to be recovered, never to be remembered
Sifting into the soil, becoming part of the earth
Like seeds weaving into the ground
Returning home from life
To the warm embrace of the world’s womb
Wrapped in a veil of the earth’s tears
From the earth but not of the earth
Not yet, for now you rest among the tulips
A shimmering rain drop
Sending ripples into dreams
Into the minds of those who never knew you
Dancing with the grass
I still miss you
I will find you in the tulips in the earths embrace
There your name will be written again
Not in a book but in stone


Time Again

Monday, October 4th, 2010

I will find the time for you again
Another time
When time has stretched out
Like that old black cat
Just laying
Always laying there
When time has come back
Like the birds to my feeder
When time comes back
It will leave again
Flowing back home
Then out again
Time has drifted by my window
Knocking quietly
But leaves as I crack open my window
I leave a note for her
A little song
That says
When you come back
Come back again
I will be waiting
Waiting for you my friend
I seal my window
With that little scrap of paper
Left on the outside
Fluttering dangerously in the breeze
But it never flies away
It is still waiting
For time
Time to come back again
To cross this side of the tracks
And face me again
Why did you leave
Are the words
Words that left holes
In frosted glass
Words whispered
In a desperate time
That won’t leave now
Even though their meaning has
The cat is still stretched out
The birds have left the feeder
The love note has blown away
And the window is shut
But where are you?

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Write in Pen

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Write in Pen
He says blandly
I look up surprised
Always use a pen
Pencils are worthless
He blows out smoke
From a drooping mouth
Pulled down by age
If you want your work
To be serious
Write in pen
All else will be forgotten
If it can be erased,
It will be erased.

I look at the old pencil
Sitting in my hands
It had grown small
And grungy
From repeated and relentless use
But I always write in pencil
I say as I watch
His indifference
Smirking at me
Over the top
Of a wilted old newspaper
He shrugs
Then you will be forgotten
That was all he said
As he folded his paper
Dropped his cigarette
Snuffing it out
With the toe
Of his fancy shoes
I told myself to forget him
His words meant nothing
Just smoke and mirrors
From a strange old man
Yet here I am writing in pen


A Loosing Bet

Friday, September 24th, 2010

If I bet on Humanity
I would be betting on a dream
An idea that never truly formed
I would be betting on hope
On thin air
Grasping for the wisps
Of a shadow slipping away
The half drawn portrait
of a beautiful woman
Not finished, never finished
Betting on an abstract thing
That could have been
But never was

If I bet on Humanity
I would be a poor woman
With empty pockets
But a heart full of hope
Left with nothing but everything
Betting on the underdog
Knowing it will loose
But hoping
Only hoping
They will pull through in the end
But never do

If I didn’t bet on Humanity
I wouldn’t be who I am
I would be rooting for the winner
The full formed idea
Betting on some surety
But that isn’t me
I bet on the loser
In the face of failure
Hoping they will make it out
Of the hole they dug
The shadow of what could be
Hoping in vain for victory
But victory never came

I wouldn’t be who I am
If I didn’t bet on Humanity
Because I am humanity
I am the child of thousands
The idea not yet formed
I am betting on us
On me and who I can be
But never turned out to be

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Love’s Shell

Friday, August 27th, 2010

red hat revisited…

There are memories now
Of a long lost love
Of a passion who could have been
But never was
Resting in her eyes
You can see the place where
His kisses
Left a burned out hole
In her heart
Fragile like a robin’s egg
So nurtured so loved
But it shattered on the ground
She held her face so daintily once
But no more
Now she hangs it low
As if it is too heavy
To hold up on her own
Once she had a fire
That burned in her eyes
But now all that is left
Are the blackened coals
Left behind
Smoldering and decaying
Do you know her name
Once she was love
Once she was loved
Once she was a lover
But now she is no one
Love had carved out her heart
And left her empty inside
Now she is a shell
Of her beauty
Of her spirit
That along with love
Ever slowly died


The Old Door

Friday, August 20th, 2010

I have yet again found myself
Standing in front of the old wooden door
Once it was beautiful
But now no more
It is broken and withered
Destroyed by age
But still I remember the time
When behind that door
A life was held
Born and raised
Someone lived behind that closed door
But now they are gone
Leaving the door wide open
To let all evil inside
It is empty now
Only filled with time
The only remnant left
The old wooden door
Long ago left behind
It is hanging now
By one rusty hinge
Hidden in over grown grasses
Blowing slowly in the wind
I can’t remember the child’s name
Who once lived behind this door
No memories remain
I try to remember
But there is nothing left
Just the old wooden door
And a forgotten address

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