Archive for the ‘Stories’ Category

Paint Balling

Friday, November 12th, 2010

For my friends seventeenth birthday we went paint balling at a paintball course oer the hill. I had never done this before but it was loads of fun. It had been pouring so the course was totally muddy and I was slipping everywhere as we were running around trying not to get shot. We were on the Jeep course which had a bunch of playground pieces and a Jeep in the center of the course. We were divided up into teams and had to get ready for the fight.

Clara was my main paintball buddy, we stuck together the entire time. Back to back dominating the paintball field. There were basically three groups of people on our course,

  1. our group, composed of four girls who had never paint balled before. In other terms, Noobs
  2. the child’s birthday group, a pack of young boys and their dad who have played many times before and know the entire course
  3. the hard-core group, four adult guys who own at paint balling and kill everyone else on the course.

The teams wound up being half of our group plus the children’s group against the other half of our group with the hardcore group.

It is pretty exciting when you realize you got someone out. At one point I was having a little war with someone on the other team. They were hiding behind a stack of tires on one side of the field and I was hiding behind a different structure. They kept popping up and shooting at me. After a long time of nothing I finally hit them on the top of the head with an explosion of yellow paint all over their hair. I noticed that they had blonde hair and I wanted to see who I had hit when the round was over. AS I was leaving the field and searching for the mysterious blonde who I had defeated I realized it was my friend’s mom who had taken us here. I felt so bad for hitting her on the head and eventually told her it was me but it all turned out ok. I had to watch my butt though because I feared her vengeance for the rest of the day xD

Between running and hiding behind various structures and shooting at the other team I got shot three times in total. Once in the arm, one in the chest, and once on the back of my leg. I got surprised by an ambush attack and got the hits to my arm and chest which I still have a welt from today. It is more shocking than painful when you get hit.

The last shot I got was during the very ast round. The hardcore group decided that they could take the rest  of the people playing. So new teams of everybody versus the hardcore group. Somehow they actually won the round. Clara and I were one of the last ones out of the game. Finally they snuck up behind me and yelled surrender. Before I could even turn around he shot me at close range right on the back of my thigh. It hurt a lot and I was really pissed because when you yell surrender you are supposed to not shoot them because you are so close. Later when talking to Clara we realized that when he yelled surrender she shot at him so instead of shooting her he decided to shoot me.

It was really fun, even though I was shot several times I really enjoyed the experience. It is really thrilling to run around shooting people without having to worry about really hurting someone. I hope to do it again sometime.


Rocky Horror Picture Show

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

To those of you who have not seen Rocky Horror Picture Show,

  2. This post probably won’t make any sense because only die-hard fans of Rocky Horror can truly understand other die-hard fans.
  3. If you think you understand this post because you watched the Rocky Horror episode of Glee, and that is the only reason you have ever heard of Rocky Horror Picture Show, SHAME ON YOU MORE. Don’t tell me you get Rocky Horror because you saw weird people on T.V. singing along to the words, it is nowhere near the same thing. Take Glee, add more transvestites, more crudeness, nudity and make up, then, and only then, can we maybe start to talk.

Let me explain first the long months of hoping and planing that went into us doing this. I have been dying to see the midnight showing ever since I first became a die-hard fan of Rocky Horror. Going to this made my life in unexplainable ways. We didn’t get to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday but we were able to get tickets for the Saturday night show which was a huge relief. We were so close to not getting in at all, I would have been heart-broken. But we got in and saw it at last. Failure avoided.

On the left is Philomena, who went as Columbia, me in the middle as Magenta (afro and all), and on the right, Sarah as a mixture of a time warp dancer and Columbia. Let me explain my costume for you, it goes like this.

Low cut black dress + maid’s apron, cuffs and head band = slutty maid

slutty maid + afro of teased/ crimped hair = Magenta

Basically that is my costume and it works. The hair was an interesting experience. I never really work my hair so the effort of crimping and teasing it nearly killed me if not for the help of my lovely and amazing friends.

After the struggle with my hair and makeup (as well as some interesting interruptions from my little brother), did we get to go to the show. We got a good place in the line (which went all the way around the block) and had to wait there for an hour to get into the theatre. Waiting in line was annoying in high-heeled boots but we got to see some pretty special people and their costumes. We saw Mario and Luigi, a man dressed up as Little Bo Peep being followed around by about seven women dressed as sheep, and quite a few overweight people shoved into tiny corsets with skin popping out in unimaginable and scarring ways. I saw many things that night that will be burned into my memory for a long, long, time.

We finally got in, during a mad dash for good seats at midnight. Then the fun began. Slugs in Fish-Nets, the UCSC group that puts on the show, got up on the stage to introduce all the actors that would be acting out the movie as it played behind them on the screen. First method of business: Attitude Check

An attitude check is when the entire audience stands up, faces the front stage, flips off the actors and screams about eight times, F@#k You! To test how pumped up the audience is. Very interesting experience.

After that everyone got settled for the movie to start. Because the movie is an interactive experience we all brought little props to use during the movie like noise makers, rice, newspapers, bells, toast, cards, and rubber gloves. During certain parts of the movie everyone uses their props to act out the movie, it is really fun. One of my favorites was using the noise makers during the time warp dance. The whole audience gets up and reenacts the dance. It is really amazing to be in a large group of people, all passionate about one thing and to express that passion in a fun and creative way.

There is some adult content however… like the initiation of virgins. Being a virgin means you have never experience Rocky Horror at a midnight showing before. They take six virgins and vote which has the best costume, one boy, one girl. They then use them to go on stage and perform mock sex on stage. It was horrifying and fascinating and all together funny though inappropriate. Let me just say, I have never seen anything like that in a movie theatre before and probably will never see it again (unless I go to another showing :)).

By the end, we were all tired but extremely happy. We got out about three and went home. Then came the hard part, getting my hair undone. This included trying to untangle my hair and try to wash it all out. It took quite some time but it was all worth it a hundred times over.It was quite the night, and I will never forget it.  I hope I can do it again soon. Stay true Rocky Horror fans!


Adobe Doorway

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Driving through the Arizona deserts and the flatlands around Utah, we found a little turquoise stand amongst precariously perched rock pilings. There were also the remains of an old adobe house, it had no roof, no floors, nothing except for a turquoise framed door and window. This was one of my favorite places that we stopped at during our road trip. It felt like an entirely different world. A place of red sand, monstrous rock pilings, and windows within windows that let us look into this strange alien place. There is something haunting in this forgotten building and the lonely doorway left behind. Looking through those windows you can see the world the way it once was, before grand cities or electronics. Just the simplicity of nature.


Rocky Horror Picture Show FAIL

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Tonight my friends and I were going to the midnight showing of Rocky Horror picture show. We got all dressed up, I even had an afro going because I was Magenta. However it was all sold out tonight. So…


We did get tickets for tomorrows show however so thats awesome! So take two tomorrow, stay tuned for the epic photos of us dressed up.


Nike Women’s Half Marathon Finisher!

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Last weekend my mom and I went to San Francisco for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon on Sunday morning. Saturday we spent at the expo gathering as many free goodies as we could. This consisted of about ten Pom drinks, a billion luna bars and Ghiradelli chocolates (yes they give you chocolate!). We visited Niketown to get some awesome marathon merchandise and find our name on the wall. There is a wall filled with all of the names of the women particpating in the Marathon. It took forever to find ours but we eventually did.

After unloading our massive booty back at our apartment we took a trolley down to Fisherman’s Wharf for some clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl. Somehow I managaed to never have been on a trolley, or have eaten clam chowder in a bread bowl even though I have been to San Francisco many, many times. Sad, I know. But now I can say I have done both! That was all fun and good but we couldn’t find a taxi back to our apratment for the life of us and had to beat out a group of guys to jump a taxi after walking for like a mile. Sorry about stealing your taxi, we knew it was yours but we needed it more than you I think…. sorry.

We then met up with the rest of our group that we would be doing the half marathon with which consisted of mother’s and their daughters. We had a lovely dinner at Scallas and had a lot of fun talking with each other.

That was enough fun and games for the night before, we had an early morning the next day to begin our journey. I got up at five in the morning to get ready in the pitch black. We met down at the starting line at 6:30 and started to walk our half marathon. We started a little earlier than the pack of 20,000 people so we wouldn’t get stampeded by the mob. It was an amazing feeling to walk down the normally busy streets of San Francisco in the dark where no one is around except for you and your group of friends. All of the course was blocked off so we had the whole road to ourselves. It was really amazing.

Around mile three the first of the runners started to pass us and the marathon had really begun! It was so much fun just walking and running through the entirety of San Francisco with our group. We got to see almost every inch of San Francisco it felt like. We walked along the piers, out to Fort Point and beyond. Every few miles there were stops with food or water that was also fun. You could stock pile goodies like shock blocks and luna bars for later on in the walk.

I was totally fine until around mile seven when my foot started to really cramp up and never stopped hurting for the rest of the walk. I tried to not let it hinder the experience however. We got to see so much beautiful scenery that I never knew existed all around San Francisco like the rolling hills overlooking a stormy ocean. There was so much to see, not one second was boring.

At about mile ten it started to rain, then it started to pour. The last stretch was nice, especially the chocolate mile. The chocolate mile is at mile twelve where they have a food station. They hand out Ghiradelli chocolates. I stashed about six of those…. for later of course 😀

After that it was the final leg, we ran the rest of the way and the best part of the whole experience was turning that finally corner and looking down the shoot at the finish line and all of the people cheering you on to the finish. Running over the finish line with my mom was an unexplainable feeling. By that time it was pouring and we kind of looked like drowned rats but we sure where some proud drowned rats. A half marathon finished, thirteen point one miles done!

After crossing the finish line we had firefighters in nice suits and Nike shoes give us our Tiffany necklaces. They give you these cute little boxes and then you know you really are done.

Then came the painful part, the way back to the apartment. To get back to the start line we have to get on a bus and drive back. The line to get on the bus was miles long! After running all that way the last thing we wanted to do was wait in a line eons long in the pouring rain. It was so cold and all we had where the emergency blankets to shield us from the rain as we waited in line. I got so sore from standing there I still hurt. That was definitely the worst part. The ride back seemed like it took forever but at least we weren’t in the rain any more.

We then had to walk up all the hills of San Francisco to our apartment which was terrible after getting totally sore, cold, and tired. Besides the last part, I had an awesome time. I will never forget this experience and hope to do it again someday. For now I am a one time half marathon finisher!


Nike Women’s Half Marathon

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Tomorrow my mom and I are heading up to San Francisco for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon. This is my first time ever participating in this even and I am really excited and a little nervous. The expo is tomorrow and we get to explore San Francisco before we do the actual race on Sunday. I will update the posts tomorrow and the day of the race. Stay tuned for photos soon!


Nike Women’s Half Marathon

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Dear Friends and Family,

Hey everyone! I will be walking/running my first half marathon, next week in San Francisco. This will be my first time participating in the Nike Women’s Half Marathon. This event is to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

There are so many people whose lives are touched by this illness and this is my way of doing my part. I am writing to see if I might gain your financial support. A personal donation or sponsorship from you at any level will be much appreciated. I hope you will help me support this amazing cause. Thank you all!

Checks should be made payable to:

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Thanks in advance for your participation. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Monica Multer


Begonia Festival Part 2

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

There were also big begonia floating parade boats that people created. They showed them off as they slowly tooled down the river to be judged. There were some very nice ones that I really enjoyed like the octopus float.

I also enjoyed the none to pleased looking mermaids on the float, especially the little mermaid inside of the clam. The others were really cool as well and the people manning them were very interesting as well.

One of the strangest things we saw was… Ronald McDonald. McDonald’s sponsored the Begonia festival so he got to take a ride on a little boat to wave at everyone. It was an interesting sight to say the least.


Begonia Festival Part 1

Monday, September 6th, 2010

This was the first year I got to attend the Capitola Begonia Festival.

This first part consisted of the Sand Castle Contest. Some of them were quite interesting.

My favorites where the giant great white sand castle, and the giant sand sculpture of Poseidon and the BP oil spill.

This one was definitely the best, it had a message about the BP Oil Spill and of course the quality of the sculpture was amazing. The eyes and teeth made out of shells where so amazing and life-like. The seaweed oil spill was an interesting and unique touch as well. It was the last one on the beach and looking out over the whole crowd was quite a spectacle.

It was interesting looking at all of the people. It was a mob of beach goers all looking and appreciating the work of these sand artists.

I am glad I went, Part two will be coming up next.



Saturday, September 4th, 2010

There is a relationship between all living things, a dependence, a connection that you have to look very closely to find. Yet at times it is so obvious you would have to be blind not to notice. A bee’s romance with the flower it seeks life from. A child’s connection to its mother as they grow old together with a bond that surpasses that of genetics. Or the look in an animals eye as it looks upon a potential predator but neither make a menacing move. It is a dance, a balance between one beings life and another’s. Can you see it, the connection, the relationships of the world around you. If you can’t now, start looking before it is too late to look at the harmony in the world around you. It is beautiful.