Archive for the ‘Thoughts’ Category

Let’s Talk

Monday, September 21st, 2009

Hmmm… I am not really sure what to say. So lets talk, just you and me. Converse, speak, chat, communicate, discuss, gossip, prattle, sing, yell, scream, twitter, or maybe just blog.

A lot of people talk, they can talk for minutes, hours, or days straight. We can all do it, some of us do it without even noticing it, but the problem is that

People talk, and talk, and talk but never say a word.

You know it is true, some people call it annoyance, some call it word vommit. Whatever the name, many people in society do it. Even I do it sometimes, when I get nervous I talk. Talk about nothing or maybe everything. People say a lot of things but what people don’t seem to notice is that the words these people are speaking mean absoltely nothing. They go off on great tangents that in the end stop in the middle of nowhere leaving you hanging.It may sound meaningful, but when word vomit occurs I am just throwing things at you to either scare you away or give me enough time to think of something to say.

Which is precisely what I am doing now. Could you tell?

People seem to have the illusion that just because people are talking it means they have something meaningful to say. Even the so called “smart” people most of the time are their way to hell every time the open their mouths. They can be tricky, I give myself credit for being very talented in this aspect. Most people are, but just don’t know how to use this skill correctly. This talent has a name, I call it careful wording, others call it


In my opinion lying is not a bad thing. Actually to me it is an essential part of life. Everyone lies and if they tell you they don’t, they are lying. Simple as that. Lying is speaking. We may not even be aware that what we are saying is a lie, but half the time it is. People say it is oky to tell little white lies but not big lies. What exactly consitiutes a big lie? I mean really, people make rules so vague they are almost meant to be broken. Lie, but don’t hurt people with lies. It may even be good for you. The truth is a heavy thing and some people need to tell lies just to survive. So I say, go ahead, lie a little. But don’t tell lies just for the sake of lying. That is a waste of your time and mine.

Anyways you might be asking where in the heck this little string of nonesense thoughts is heading. The answer to that is


Sorry, this is me having nothing and everything to say. Just a little word vomit for you 😉

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T.V. Reality

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

I went into Kmart today and you know what I saw that just made me sick to my stomach?  They have those shopping carts you push your kid around in shaped like a mini car that had T.V.s in them.


Do you dislike your kid that much that you don’t even want to have to deal with them while you shop? This just makes me cringe when I think about it. People seem to think if you plop a T.V. down in front of their rambunctious toddler it will shut them up and make them into a polite little angel.

T.V.’s are the new babysitters of the century and parents are not thinking twice about indulging in this practice.

People are putting T.V.s everywhere now a days. They are even in cars. Ever notice how it is always in the back seat? That is so the parents can get their kids to sit down and be quiet for a change. They use the T.V. to deal with their kids.

It just makes me sad to see things like this. People, talk to your kids. Some may seem like they don’t want to but you never know whether or not they are waiting for you to ask.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it can be nice to have some peace and quiet for a little bit and if a T.V. is what does the trick, I guess that is the solution. What I am saying is that it is just ridiculous to have T.V.s everywhere you go so kids can interact with virtual companies instead of the plain old reality. I say interact with your kid you never know what you’ll find out. Sometimes little kids are the most enlightened beings you will ever find, you just have to ask the right way.

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Cream and Tan

Monday, September 14th, 2009

In golf they want you to wear tan shorts or khakis. Wait, what exactly are khakis? That is beside the point, tan. The color tan is my point. Tan and cream-colored things drive me insane. If you are one of my friends you probably know this. If not, please endure. These colors bug me for several reasons:

  1. Cream is not a color. Plain as that, the same way white isn’t. Cream bothers me though because it isn’t white, but it is close enough to trick you. Cream is just an ugly white. I mean why make something cream when it could be white? WHY? It confounds me and makes me angry to an extent. It is just a dirty white color. It makes me want to wash it, but I know it won’t come off. Ugh, makes me sick.
  2. My main issue of the day is tan. Yeah I have a beef to pick with the color tan. I will never wear tan clothes. Simple as that, I will wear grey, you can even force me to wear white, but I will not wear tan. Want to know why? Simple, when people wear tan they look like they are naked. Don’t even begin to tell me you haven’t been driving along and seen someone from a far and thought, Oh my god, is that person naked? Thus upon closer inspection you find they are just wearing tan pants. Yeah, happens a lot. It is disturbing and highly disruptive in my life. I can be driving and see an old lady walking around as if she is naked just because she decided by, some catastrophe of fate, to wear all tan-colored clothes.

Sorry golf team, I will never wear tan, I like people to be aware that I am fully clothed. It is just how I roll. If you disagree tell me so, but don’t tell me you never thought that, because that would be a lie. Why do these colors even exist?

I asked someone this and they gave me an excuse I just have to mention. Here it is, the main reason the color tan was invented:

To blend in with the ground…

Why are you tying to blend in with the ground?! Answer me that first, because truly I want to know. No that is not a valid reason. I will slap you if you say that to me. Tan is not camouflage, no matter the excuse, maybe if you are trying to blend in with your own skin. I just hate those colors, simple as that. They are a blight on society.

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TOK and Stupidity (Batman)

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

I was in my Theory of Knowledge class the other day, and because of my cold medicine, I was totally wired. I typically am really interested in that class but I just couldn’t pay attention because

Me + Cold Medicine = Bad News and Weird Things

So I am sitting in the back of the classroom when suddenly it dawns on me, I can’t sit in this chair a second longer. So what does my brain go to? Of course, what else? The floor. I just stand up in my seat and go around my desk and plunk down on the floor.

Of course, magically no one seems to notice that I just basically climbed over my desk to the middle of the floor. Ever notice how that always happens? When you do weird stuff like that, no one beats an eyelash. I mean I could have levitated over my desk and no one would have noticed. There is always one person that always notices though and no one believes them. I love messing with that person. It just makes my day.

Anyways so now I am sitting on the floor enjoying life three feet below everyone else in the class. So from there my mind starts to get hopelessly lost in the possibilities of my new vantage point of the class. I am staring at all the feet under the tables and I really want to crawl under them and scare everyone. But I decided to reframe from that and do the next best thing.

Bug some of my friends.

So I crawl over, still undercover feeling like freaking Batman with my ninja status of stealth, and sit down next to a table with three of my friends sitting there. They don’t notice. I reach under the table and poke the second person, Philomena, in the leg. They keep talking, she doesn’t seem to notice. So I poke her again. She shifts but doesn’t look under the table. So at this point I know she think it is my friend Allison sitting next to her. So I smile and keep it up. I poke her again and she moves but doesn’t notice still. The final poke gets her attention and she looks under the table to find me.

She of course freaks out wondering why I am under their table poking her so Luke and Allison both look and start laughing. By then I am laugh really hard because Allison thought I was a backpack.

I kind of phantom my way back to my desk, and no one notices still. They are still talking to me like I am under the table, they look up and notice I am back in my seat. Still cracking up, I love being strange.

Morale of the story, I am BATMAN!!!!!

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Parking Lot Paranoia

Saturday, September 12th, 2009

I try to avoid parking lots by all costs. Parking lots have got bad news written all over them, so I just try to stay away. They are a pain in the butt too. Here are my reasons and pet peeves about parking lots:

  1. They are one of the most accident prone places. Whenever I am in a parking lot I feel like some body is going to come whipping around the corner and smash into me. I never feel safe, and I get really paranoid.
  2. The ways that people park are horrendous. Seriously it looks like a two year old parked half of the cars there. The one parking manuever I despise the most is this: There is always someone who takes the second to last parking spot, but makes sure you can’t have the last. This drives me insane. They either park just far enough over the white line to the point that you are extremely uncomfortable parking there, or they just park as if they had a seizure driving in and the front half of the car is in one spot and the back is in the other. They must do it on purpose because I don’t think anyone can actually drive that bad and have been allowed to get their license. And you always think about parking there, but you don’t because this person decided to be an ass and make you drive around for another hour trying to find a spot.
  3. Another thing I can’t help think about when I am trying to find a spot is when you drive up and there is a nice spot right there in front of you, but the car parked next to it is all busted up as if someone rear ended it five times and then took a sledgehammer to the side. So you sit there wanting the spot but you think : I wonder how that car got like that. Then all the scenarios pop into your head of this guy backing out next to my car and just grinding all the way alongside it and not even noticing. So you shudder at that image and try to find a different spot.
  4. Compact spaces. What does that even mean? Whenever I ask this, people tell me they are for compact cars. Yeah, thanks I couldn’t guess that much. But what exactly does a compact car consists of? I have seen fatty trucks fit into those spots but for some reason I feel wrong when I park in one with my CRV even though it isn’t exactly a giant car. They must be for smart cars, they don’t get much more compact than that. Maybe a clown car, but it is pretty close.

The place I hate parking the almost is in my high school parking lot. I always feel endangered there. I don’t even have to be in my car, I feel as a pedestrian I will be hit. I have been hit once in my car, well twice if you count the idiot who opened their car door into my car. The first time I have got to say was a really sad way to get hit.

Just a little note about where I park: I park in an isolated space where no one can park on either side so I can’t get hit.

Another side not: THIS IS WHERE I GOT HIT

I was just getting into my car when the whole thing lurches forward towards a small hill right in front of my car. Naturally I freak out and look behind me and sure enough there is someone who backed up right into me. So I get out to asses the damage done and the only thing wrong is my license plate is a little pushed in. That is all.

The worst part about getting in an accident in the high school paring lot is everyone just stands there and watches you. So embarrassing.

Anyway, I ask the guy who hit me what the hell he was doing to back up straight into my car. Apparently he was trying to escape the parking lot the wrong way and decided the best way to do this was back straight out, not turn.

My car is pretty much indestructible I have to say. But obviously accidents still happen. So yet again, parking lots, not my first choice.

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iTunes Tricks

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

I have a special love, hate relationship with iTunes. Yeah, I am sure a lot of people do. My reason? It actually is really simple, but it drives me up a wall even to think about it.

I hate it on iTunes when you really, really want a song but for some reason they only sell that song with the whole album.

I go crazy when this happens.It just happened to me again. Regina Spektor is my favorite music artist by miles, and I really wanted to buy her song, The Call. Which is amazing I have to say. But you can’t buy it anywhere unless you buy a whole freaking album.

Some people when they hear this say, Well maybe the whole album is good? Maybe you should just buy the whole thing. I always do check. I listen to the whole album, weigh the pros and cons on wasting ten bucks for a whole CD that really only has one good song on it and decide against it. That is the worst part, that one song is always amazing, and all the others suck like there is no tomorrow.

For an example, take this Regina Spektor song that I am dying to have. It can only be bought on two albums. Guess what they are?? Come on guess.

Chronicles of Narnia, Prince of Caspian, and Disney Box Office Hits. Some of these songs make me bleed from my ears. They make me want to tear out my hair I get so frustrated!! It must be a strategy because no one in their right mind would ever buy those songs even if they were being tortured.

It just drives me insane because I know iTunes knows that people hate that, so why do they do it????

The world may never know, maybe it’s greediness or perhaps they just like watching us squirm. I wonder if people actually do buy the album just for one song. I know I am always tempted, but I haven’t broken yet. Same thing happened to me with an Atreyu song I loved but will never own because iTunes is a stickler.

iTunes little stunts like this one are the reasons people use free downloading illegal sites. I disagree totally with downloading illegally because I think someone should get paid for their hard work, but I can now understand why people do it. Because of tricks like this one where in no way you can buy the single song you want.

It isn’t just iTunes either, Amazon does the same thing also. Just a recommendation for these companies: If you want people to buy the music, just let them buy it. No strings, or sneaky tricks just put a price next to every song with a button that says buy. It would work a lot easier for everyone.

I am still dying for that song, when iTunes decides to actually put it on sale I will be there.


Raging Waters

Friday, September 4th, 2009

P1040538 I found this photo of me, my best friends and my cousin at Raging Waters. Fun stuff, fun stuff. Shout out to my best friends!!

With that said, I have to say something.


I know you know what I am talking about. They must use some sort of special cement in their pools that no matter how careful you are, will cut you some time during your adventures. Whether it is in the lazy river, or the wave pool, you will at some point hit your toe, or scrape your knees along the bottom and you will be cut to pieces.

That stuff hurts like hell!! It somehow hurts more than normal cuts and it stays that way for at least a week. It is horrible, almost like rug burn but worse. There is no way to avoid this inconvenience either. It isn’t a question whether you will get cut, because you will. I love Raging Waters, but that stuff sucks.

Not to mention that every time you go there you get sunburned. I don’t have particularly fair skin and I put lots of sunscreen on, but it doesn’t help at all. I can even reapply, but I always get burned.


Anyway, yet again I digress. My favorite part out of everything at Raging Waters is the wave pool. Not because it is super fun for the two seconds of waves that usually end before you can actually reach the pool. No, I like it because every time that buzzer goes off, the place turns into a mosh pit. Everyone starts yelling and hollering like Jesus just jumped into the pool. I don’t understand why, but it happens every time it goes off. I don’t even have to go in the water, I can sit down and just watch laughing. Try it, very funny.


Teacher’s Apple

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

In my TOK class today we broached the subject as to why kids would give apples to their teachers. No one knew. The teacher so kindly told us that the teachers were given apples so they would be healthy because the teachers were revered in the community and needed to be kept healthy.

I on the other hand, have a different idea about why apples where the gift of choice.

Apples, let me say, are one of my favorite fruits next to watermelon. But that is beside the point. Apples, however tasty they are, are extremely deceptive fruits believe it or not. I think teachers were given apples instead of, lets say pencils or paper, because:

Apples can appear nice, shiny, and perfect when presented as a gift, but can easily decieve you in their appearance. Students give teachers their old apples simply because the teacher can’t tell on first glance, or second glance that the apple is indeed bad. When you look at an apple most of the time you can’t tell that it has been beaten to death in the bottom of your backpack and can appear as a kind and geniune gift towards your teacher.

This is also why you never see teachers eating the gifted apples, because after closer inspection they realized the horrible shape they were in. So teachers take the offering and thank the child who actually isn’t doing them a favor, but getting rid of their trash some other way because they couldn’t find a trash can close enough for their liking.

It isn’t because the kids hate their teachers, it is out of pure laziness that kids do this. It isn’t a direct attack, but a different way of getting rid of the foods they have but don’t want to deal with.

Sorry to break it to you, but it is true. Maybe, maybe, a kid does do it to be nice, but who wants to carry an apple around all day just to hand it over to someone else. Seriously?

That is why I don’t give apples to teachers, personally I think it is almost rude to do so in my opinion. This is what I think about ever time I see an uneaten apple on a teacher’s desk.

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Police on the Off Ramp

Monday, August 31st, 2009

I live in a closed in neighborhood off of an exit ramp, and you know what really cracks me up? Is when I see police sitting right there on the off ramp.

I come driving down the freeway, and I turn my blinker on to exit and start slowing down. Then right there off on the side of the exit is a cop. It wasn’t just a one time thing, I see cops there all the time. They just sit there and when you round the corner and hit the brakes wondering why the heck they would be hiding there. Personally it scares the crap out of me because for some reason I never expect it. Here are my main problems with this that make me laugh every time I see a cop waiting there. This is what goes through my mind.

  1. First thought is: Shit I need to slow down, normally this is the most important response to a cop, but the problem is that you are exiting. You get off the freeway going 65 mph and you can’t truly be expected to go from 65 to 35 in the three second span of the off ramp.
  2. My second thought: Would they really pull me over right here? They can’t seriously be trying to catch speeders because f they are, that is the wrong spot. Is it even legal to pull someone over when they are reducing speed on an off ramp? I would think so, because it is the transition spot between freeway speed and normal. If that is the case, this is my next thought.
  3. If they aren’t there to pull me over, why are they there? Is that the new hang out for cops or something? I just don’t get it. Maybe they are hiding from the other cops so they don’t actually have to work because they are almost always sitting there. Doing nothing. It just makes me laugh and wonder what is going through their heads.

Saddest part, sometimes I see people pulled over there by the cops. That probably means the cops chased them off the freeway and pulled them over on the ramp. That is some serious bad luck. I am glad I have never been pulled over.

Got to say, if I got pulled over right before I was going to exit and slow down, I would totally be pissed off. I mean you would almost be there, and then you see those lights and you curse the closest thing you can see. Namely whatever is hanging from your rearview mirror. Blame that, it makes you feel better. Just yell at as you pull over and wack it a few times. Then act super nice and innocent to the cop. As soon as he leaves we all know you will be cussing your head off at nothing.

Maybe next time I see a cop there I will pull over and ask him what he is doing, and get an answer to my problem. Maybe I will speed past them just to see if they will pull me over. Either way, those cops will still be there and I will still be wondering what that cop is doing on an off ramp to nowhere.

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Post Summer Heat

Friday, August 28th, 2009

People think I am strange for not liking the sun, it is true that it is a little weird to say that. For me it is just the plain truth. I am not the sun’s biggest fan, that doesn’t mean I don’t like sunshine every once and a while or some good weather because I do like that.

The problem is living in Scotts Valley basically, that is all there is. I enjoy diversity of weather, not heat, heat, heat, then fog creating an everlasting chain of uncommitted weather. Let’s face it Scotts Valley is a pretty regualer place when it comes to weather. There is almost no rain, it only gets remotely cold, and it is almost always sunny. So as I said, I enjoy the sun, sometimes. Not ever day for my entire life. I love rain, seeing fall leaves, snow, and some nice sun. But here there is just sun and fog.

Not to mention the strange placement of the little weather that actually happens. So today and yesterday have been hotter than Hades and you could fry an egg on the pavement at my school in the 100+ degree weather. It is ridiculous. The worst part is, I might have actually minutely enjoyed this weather if it was during summer when I needed it!! But of course, no, the hottest days of the year fall right when summer ends so we are stuck in boiling classrooms wishing we were at the beach swimming. It was so hot yesterday I got heat stroke out on the golf course. Not only do the hottest days of the year here fall not in summer but when summer is over, it really doesn’t get cold until around feburary or march if it gets cold at all. It bugs me because I can never tell what todays weather is so I just assume sunny.

What are you supposed to do when it is this hot anyway? Go to the beach is the usual answer but typically right now, I don’t have the luxury of time to indulge in such whimsy. Nor would I particularly want to go with the crowd swarming there, it really bugs me when you can’t really go swimming in the ocean because everytime you move you fear stepping on some little toddler as it floats by with little arm floaties. Ugh, claustrophobia to the max on hot days at the beach. Besides swimming in overly crowded pools or beaches what is there to do? I mean it is too hot to even cook dinner right now. What is there left but boredom.

Oh well I guess we are left to suffer in the heat of an unforgiving sun beating down on our backs. I will hide out in the shade and pray for rain, if you see me doing the rain dance outside your window. I tell you, do not be afraid.

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