Archive for the ‘Thoughts’ Category

Hot Cheetos

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009

Everyone loves them right? I now I do, and so does my brother. Actually he is more like addicted to them. There are two things that I hate about spicy cheetos though, and both drive me insane. They are the only downfalls to the mighty cheeto.

  1. First thing, no matter how big the bag you buy ,whether it be a little personal sized bag or a family sized party bag that you could fit your younger sibling into, all of them are gone within minutes. It drives me crazy, I just sit there thinking, is there a portal at the bottom of this bag because my cheetos are disappearing much faster than I could ever eat them. I just don’t understand how they are all gone so fast, and no it isn’t because I am pig and gobble them up really fast. I can take like one handful then turn back to the bag for more and a leprechaun must have made off with my cheetos because they are all gone now. I have to ask, are my friends just eating them all within the two seconds that I look away, maybe I am just insane, oh well that doesn’t mean I should loose my cheetos.
  2. The final and worst part about cheetos is the red dust stuff that never comes off your fingers. After you finish the magical bag of cheetos, you go and try to clean off your fingers, but simply so, you can’t. You can wash your hands, wipe them on your brand new jeans, even wipe them on your best friend. I am telling this stuff never comes off. It taints your skin and becomes part of your genetic code so you are no longer human but half cheeto beast. Maybe that is what a cheetah is, I don’t know. There has to be an effective way of getting that dust stuff off, and by the way, What is that stuff anyway? Seriously, is it like spicy dust of some sort, or like crumbled up other cheetos? These are the things I need to know.

Anyway, I just try to steer clear from that stuff because I prefer my fingers to remain normal colored, not bright red. They are good though, but I will stick to foods that don’t reroute me DNA into some cheeto beast, I like being normal weird me.

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Stuffed Animals

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

This may seem childish but hear me out. On my road trip to and from Michigan this summer and the summer past I decided that I wanted a mini buffalo. Weird but true. So I traveled basically across the whole country and this year in St. Mary, Montana right outside of Glacier National Park, I found my mini buffalo.

IMG_5010 This is Dakota, I named him Dakota even though we bought him in Montana, because I am just that talented with naming things.

So you may be thinking at this point exactly what I am here to talk about.

She is sixteen and still jazzed about buying stuffed animals…. what a freak.

You are never to old to be excited about stuffed animals. This I know. There is nothing wrong with having stuffed animals even though they are kiddy and you have played with them since you were like two. Everybody needs to own a stuffed animal and be happy about when they are older. Seriously, changes your whole outlook on life.

So loosen up, go out buy a stuffed animal give it a weird name that in no way applies to it, and be happy about. You know what, don’t be happy be ecstatic. Take that stuffed animal show it to all your friends, heck take it to school and show your teachers and your siblings friends. And be proud of your stuffed animal. If they call you weird go tell them to buy one. Enjoy your new toy. Let me repeat:

There is nothing wrong with buying a stuffed animal when you are older. Be a kid for a couple days, and enjoy every drop of it.

I hope to see all my friends with their stuffed animals at school tomorrow, if you don’t bring one I will be sorely disappointed. We are always kids in somebody’s eyes, so why not indulge in some whimsy every once in a while and enjoy it.

If you bring a stuffed animal find me at break and we will take a picture of everyone and possible get it in the yearbook, so don’t forget!

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Scented Candles

Monday, August 24th, 2009


A friend of mine a year or so back for my birthday gave me a scented candle that smelled like a cupcake. I kid you not, this thing I think was a cupcake. I don’t understand how people make those things. Seriously did they take a cupcake and shove it into a candle’s container and say, hey here’s your candle. This can’t even be a candle, it smells so good you can’t trick me.

My best friend actually tried to eat some of the sprinkles off the candle. Pretty funny, they did taste like real sprinkles which is slightly concerning. Now the candle has a big indent from trying to claw out a sprinkle, my poor candle’s battle scar.

They bother me a bit though because it really makes me wonder how the heck they got wax to smell so good. It perplexes me, I could sit here and sniff this candle for hours and be content. It actually worries me a lot.

Next issue with the candle and my only reasoning on how they got these candles to smell so good is this: DRUGS

I am convinced they put drugs in these things, why else would time and time again people just sit there and smell it. It literally is addicting. They should have health hazard signs on it warning people that once you smell you can never stop.

But really my cousin I swear he gets high off my candle. It really is hilarious he comes running into my room doesn’t even speak to me and just goes right for the candle. He just stays there sniffing my candle and if you try and take it away he goes feral on you. I had to battle him to get it back. Then he starts dancing around my room like a maniac. So I sit here and wonder.

Who needs drugs?  I got a scented candle over here, come join the party!!

Who needs drugs when you got scented candles. I am sure there is some guy in his basement right now getting high off scented candles and his friends just think he is weird for asking for scented candles every holiday.

If you’re a friend of mine, don’t buy me one, I have enough. 🙂 Beware the power, and my crazy candle sniffing cousin.

If someone understands the makings on scented candles please, share with me you enlightened knowledge I have to know.

P.S. this rant is for my cousin, love yah Pugalopicus!!

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Lemon Water

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

I really, really hate it when at a restaurant they put lemon slices into your glasses of water. It ruins the water entirely.

I have four theories as to why someone might commit this heinous crime.

  1. They are punishing us for not spending ridiculously large amounts on sodas or other beverages we don’t necessarily need but want. If they ruin the water, the customers need to drink something, as in my case while eating at a spicy thai restaurant, so the customers will be forced to either endure the gross lemon water or spend large sums of money on something else.
  2. They are hiding something. Don’t know what. Don’t know why. They use the horrible lemon taste to mask some sort of other taste for god knows what reason. Then I am forced to wonder, whatever could be so wrong with their water, unless they take it from a restroom or some other unbeknownst place. (My mom mentioned this second reason and I agreed whole heartedly)
  3. They just plain don’t like us. They for some unknown reason just want our taste buds to burn and suffer.
  4. I don’t even believe this option is possible but here it is. They believe it actually tastes good. I shudder at the thought of someone believing this and hope that I am wrong.

So please, no more lemons in my water. There is only one thing that bugs me more than lemons in water, is limes in coke. WHY? So now they not only ruin the free water but the coke you paid three bucks for? Don’t get me started, it just makes me sick.

I know some of you are thinking this is pointless and wonder, why doesn’t she just take it out and stop whining. My reply, it doesn’t fix the problem. I don’t know how they genetically engineer these lemons to spread there juices the second it hits the water, but once the lemon goes in, the taste never leaves. Not to mention the uncouth methods for retrieving the drowning lemon. You can either stick your whole hand in and fish around or dig around with a utensil for a while cussing until you can spear it and drag it out. Take your pick, either way the lemon taste still contaminates it entirely.

This isn’t just because I dislike leomons, which isn’t true, I enjoy things with lemon flavors, or things with lemon in it. JUST NOT MY WATER. So again, please no more lemons in my water.

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