Posts Tagged ‘death’


Sunday, March 21st, 2010

There is the quiet hum
Of a T.V. on silent
Sterilized white walls
Everything is so quiet
Yet so very loud
Footsteps echo in the halls
Whispers sound like screams
As they fall on dying ears
Do you know who you are
Or why you are here?

Who ever knows
Who ever will
As they roll
Another one away
Down a long hallway
That they never come back from

He is the one who remains
Locked in by
See through curtains
That cast shadows around him
like ghosts
And thousands of tubes
He is always alone
No one ever at his side
No family
No friends
No memories in the night
To keep him company
In the darkest hours of night
Where the ghosts are so close
And death stands at the foot
Of his skinny little bed
Telling him to come along
It is finally your time

There is just a pile of old postcards
That he bought for himself
What feels like a lifetime ago
From all the places he had been
And said he would never forget
But now he can’t remember
Anything at all
He forgets where he is
And who he is
He is separated and detached
From reality
By what he lacks
Waiting all alone
In a white washed room
With only a T.V. on mute
For company
And a stack of empty postcards
All waiting for the inevitable
The one thing he can never forget
That death is lingering
So very close
He can feel its breath
Whispering in his ear
In a hospital room where Lethe
Swept him away from all he knew
And ever loved
For him there is no future
Or a past
He is floating in an abyss
Stuck between heaven and hell

The monitor beeps
Slower and slower
The man turns his head
And looks at the postcards
With old weary eyes
He reaches up with his weighted hands
Shaking and fumbling
As he picks one up
A little smile on his dried cracked lips
I remember
He whispers but no one hears
As the monitor stops
And a lone tear
Slips from his eye
Staining the postcard
As it falls
Drifting slowly to the ground
Remembered at last
But forgotten forever


Lost Boy Found

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Today I shook
The hand of a man
Who truly has suffered
But lived his life
He is from Sudan
On his face
A story is told
Sun made wrinkles
Make him look old
His dark complexion
Shows who he is
A Lost Boy
He saw death
But refused to die
He fought for his life
And earned every second
His parents shot down
Right before his five year old eyes
So he turned and ran
And never looked back
Through starvation and thirst
He walked the hard land
Over one thousand miles
Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya
All called home
But never truly settled
His entire past gone
Lost in gun shots and screams
Blue rivers run red
But still this boy ran
Trying to keep up his head
Trying not to fall in the sand
His fellow comrades
The other lost children
Trek along desert ridges
Across barren lands
Nowhere in mind
Just trying to survive
Carried everything on his back
His history and hardships
A burden weighed down
Something pushing from behind
To keep him from falling down
So many fallen who never get back up
His name on a board
That guided his destiny
Brought him from nothing
But gave him everything
From Kenya to America
He traveled at last
To freedom, a home
But her could never forget his past
So he took what he had
And made something of it
Finally coming to our school
To tell us his story
Of a time so sad
He stands here before us
Showing his burden
Sharing his life
At the end of it all
I shook the hand of a man
Who had earned his way
Rough calloused hands
With a strong hard grip
That never let go
But yet still he smiles
Even after his time
Traveling through lands
Of blood and fire
To find a home
He is a Lost Boy
Torn from his home
At only five years old

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The Final Bow

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Why is it that right before some plants die they become so beautiful? Like this one, it was so colorful yet so close to its death.

Is it to remind us what we will be missing when it finally is gone? One last bang to always remain in our minds. It is like a person’s final bow as they look at the audience, with a wide grin that speaks miles. It says

It has been a good run, through the ups and downs, the good and the bad, it all turned out. It was a good long run and now it is over. A final goodbye.

Or maybe it is a desperate plea to hold on to life. A denial of the next step. Its beauty blossoms fully, trying to make up for all the time lost and spent on other things.

But my question is, did it work?

Did all your beauty, all your effort change that the end was so near? And if not, then what was the effort for? Was it for yourself? Trying to cling on what you know you will miss forever, or one last laugh at all who laughed at you. Tell me your secrets, I am listening. To the young, the old, the living and the dead. I am listening and waiting for your answer always and forever.



Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

There is the quiet hum
Of a T.V. on silent
Sterilized white walls
Everything is so quiet
Yet so very loud
Footsteps echo in the halls
Whispers sound like screams
As they fall on dying ears
Do you know who you are
Or why you are here?
Who ever knows
Who ever will
As they roll
Another one away
Down a long hallway
That they never come back from
He is the one who remains
Locked in by
See through curtains
That cast shadows around him
And thousands of tubes
He is always alone
No one ever at his side
No family
No friends
No memories in the night
To keep him company
In the darkest hours of night
Where the ghosts are so close
And death stands at the foot
Of his skinny little bed
Telling him to come along
It is finally your time
There is just a pile of old postcards
That he bought for himself
What feels like a lifetime ago
From all the places he had been
And said he would never forget
But now he can’t remember
Anything at all
He forgets where he is
And who he is
He is separated and detached
From reality
By what he lacks
Waiting all alone
In a white washed room
With only a T.V. on mute
For company
And a stack of empty postcards
All waiting for the inevitable
The one thing he can never forget
That death is lingering
So very close
He can feel its breath
Whispering in his ear
In a hospital room where Lethe
Swept him away from all he knew
And ever loved
For him there is no future
Or a past
He is floating in an abyss
Stuck between heaven and hell
As the monitor beeps
Slower and slower
The man turns his head
And looks at the postcards
With old weary eyes
He reaches with his weighted hands
Shaking and fumbling
As he picks one up
A little smile on his dried cracked lips
I remember
He whispers but no one hears
As the monitor stops
And a lone tear
Slips from his eye
Staining the postcard
As it falls
Drifting slowly to the ground
Remembered at last


Boy Soldier

Monday, November 30th, 2009

I wrote this poem in english class today, I think I like it. Not sure where it came from though.

The razor runs over the boy’s head
He doesn’t move or flinch
Just stares ahead into oblivion
With deadlocked eyes
Into a future of unknown miseries
With eyes held firm in a choice
He had no part in making
They shave his head
Put a warm gun in his hands
And teach him how to kill
Teach him to steal a life without remorse
They say Learn fast boy
Or get ready to die young
They smack him around
Take the boy’s soft exterior
And turn it into cold hard stone
Rip out his heart and memories
Of a time when safety was a given
And love was always near
Take all that he ever knew
And throw it away
The boy soldier hefts up his gun
His lips sealed and dead eyes
He has nothing left
But the eternal fight for his soul
Everyone runs from him
Like he is a monster
Because he is a monster
One they made him into
Ripped him from his home
And gave him hate
To battle an unknown enemy
There is no escape for him
Just a bloody sentence
That he has no choice but to accept
They label him and fear all like him
And run at the sight of his gun
Run they yell
It is the boy soldier come home again
But he won’t let it continue
As he stands over the body
Of a little girl the same age as him
A bullet in her chest
Blood blooming on her white dress
Like a ruby flower blooming
A bullet he shot from his gun
The tip of the gun digs into the earth
As he falls to his knees beside her
He grips the dusty earth
As he watches the last breathes
Leave the dying angel
Look how far he has fallen
And for what, for whom
No more he swears to the dry earth
No more blood
He turns the gun around
In his rough scarred hands
Covered in dust and blood
They belong to an old man
Not a twelve-year-old boy
He put the gun to his head
And pulled the trigger
That he was taught to pull
One more time
The boy soldier fell
Next to the dead angel girl
There will be no more wars
For this tortured soul
No more rivers of blood
Just the peace he never had
But always deserved


Death of a Toy

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

I was driving
Up a long twisty road
Guarded on both sides
By trees standing tall
They hunch over the road
Creating a great canopy
As they try to peer
Into the car’s windows
Hidden among them
Are small homes
Like rabbit holes
Nestled safely away
In a bed of evergreen
I drive along
But something rolls
Out in front of me
A tennis ball
Bounced its way toward the road
I thought nothing of it
Then I saw the little boy
He ran with arms outstretched
Eyes on only the ball
Just like daddy told him
He ran blindly into the road
After his renegade ball
Right in front of my car
I slam on the brakes
And hear the squeal
Of burning rubber
I push against the wheel
As I hear the ball
Pop under my tire
The little boy looks up
Right into my eyes
The car screams
I scream
And squeeze my eyes shut
I can hear a mother screaming
Who will never
See her son grow or succeed
Who had fate snatch away
The little amount of joy
In her sad lonely life
But then I open my eyes
The ball bounces
In front of my car
I turn slightly
And see that little boy
Standing on the edge
Of the evergreen road
On the edge of safety and sanity
Watching the death of a toy
I start to cry
All I can think is
See how thin the line
Is between me
And a murderer
Or is there a difference at all

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Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

How fast does
The human heart die
When a cry
Is all that portrays
A desperate agony
The sound of a heart
Ripping itself into pieces
“No more” it cries
“I am done
It hurts too much
To keep going”
So does it take years
Or maybe only seconds
For the heart to implode
Slowly collapse in on itself
To bleed out on the streets
Where people watch
But no one moves
To save an innocent from death
There is just a silent horror
Reflected in dull empty eyes
Watch as a hand
Dips into my chest
Pulls out my heart
It cries and it cries
“I am done, I am done”
One last rebellion
To die before the sun
It was hidden away
For it’s whole life
Now in death it is shown
Looking into the light

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Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

There is always a pause
Before death finally comes
A moment that lingers
Between so very different worlds
After such labor
And such pain
When the breathing
Becomes so rapid
It screeches out
Screaming its way
Out of your dry mouth
Each breath is an effort
Like no other
As your lungs heave
Trying to keep going
Knowing you are almost there
The race is almost over
Your time has come
As your eyes
Hang open
In deep empty sockets
That have become
As dark as a storm
Watching every movement
Knowing it will be your last
You will ever see
Hoping to find an answer
To all the questions
You still had left
Your fingers twitch desperately
Try to fix
All the things left broken
Your skin prickles
Trying to feel
All that was never known
Your legs become restless
Trying to run that last
Stretch of the race
When suddenly you hear it
The noise you have been waiting for
Dying for inside
A soft yet urgent call
So you let your muscles loosen
And forget about all else
There is nothing left to see
Nothing left to touch
All that is left broken
Shall remain that way forever
And the race
Is finally complete
As your breathing slows
A smile plays
On your cracked lips
You know it is time to go
Then the world seems to stop
Standing on its toes
Then the long pause
And you are no more

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Stand Up

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Old bones creak
As I stand
Dust falls
From my heavy shoulders
Raining down
On old wooden floors
Both wood and bone
Creak in protest
Stand up
Come now old one
There is much to be done
Your time hasn’t come
The day still awaits
The birds are still singing
The flowers are blooming
So drop your
Cloak of age
Let if fall
Slip from your shoulders
Once weighed down
By a burden
About knowledge and age
Let it pool on the floor
Step over it
Leave it behind
Stand up
There is much
To be done
Old mistakes to fix
Old friendships to mend
There is time
There is time
Watch the sun fall
And the moon rise
Smell lavender
Dancing in your home
Welcome winter
The coming storm
Open your arms
And scream
To no one
About nothing
Whisper out your misery
Bow to destiny
It’s time to wake up
Leave behind
Your worries
And regrets
Of those you leave behind
Stand up
Smile at death
Greet him nicely
And say
“I have been
waiting for you”
He will smile back at you
And say
“Stand up
there is much work
to be done”

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Death On My Window Sill

Monday, September 7th, 2009

There is a banshee
Standing on my window sill
Looking through frosted glass
With eyes that always see
Hollow and empty
They stare onward frigidly
Black as coal
Burrowing into me
A porcelain face
Frozen forever
In a horrified scream
An abomination
A disgrace
It taps its cold fingers
On my window panes
Begging pleading to be let in
Frozen forever in many winters
It beckons sadly
Trying to warn me
A sign or forwarding
Of ending tragically
A banshee is telling me
There is death
On my doorstep
Weeping and crying
It is trying to warn me
To make my ends meet
Before death can ever find me
It is telling me in the end
There is no place left to hide
When winter comes
The breeze brings a whisper
Of forewarned death
And a child too foolish
To bear heed to a banshees warning
Of death on my window sill

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