Posts Tagged ‘lamb’

Oregon Sheep

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

I don’t know why but in Oregon there are so many sheep! We passed by dozens upon dozens of sheep flocks throughout Oregon. I must say they are some of the most adorable babies. They resemble my dog…

We pulled over when I spotted this bunch of  sheep, they were too cute to pass by. So I hung out the window to get these pictures of the little guys and their mom. They seemed somewhat amused at the entire spectacle.

These two little cuties were the best. They were adorable but I have to say they didn’t look very smart at all. They just sat there with their mouths hanging open and staring at me. I guess it is warranted that a seventeen year old girl was hanging out of a car with a camera pointed right at them cooing about how cute they were. Either way they looked like a few screws were loose up there and sadly that made them look so much cuter.

I think more farms in California should have sheep, it makes road trips so much more enjoyable. I get tired of cows… seriously. Get sheep much cuter, much more entertaining to look at. My mom and I were almost considering kidnapping a baby sheep and putting it in the back of the car to take home. We decided we shouldn’t though because Gracie would be jealous. One day though, one day I will own a sheep and enjoy its stupid stare all day long.