I find you dull and inconsistent
You find me aloof and contrived
We find each other irritated
By one another
We see each other
More often than we both please
Catching each others eyes
As we turn around corners
Trying to avoid eye contact
When it is inevitable
We always find ourselves
Face to face with the things we hate
The things we fear and wish never would be
But yet here they are
Opposites of nothing
Similar in absence
Meaningless in all
I find you heartbreaking
You find me despairing
Yet we are the same
The face in the mirror
You wish you couldn’t see
The devil on your shoulder
Who told you who to be
You are my adversary
Yet you are me
But every day I realize
Too long I have been my own enemy
Posts Tagged ‘opposite’
Wednesday, December 8th, 2010 5