Posts Tagged ‘sun’

Annular Eclipse

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

This evening around 6:30 there was a rare annular eclipse of the Sun which was visible in Northern California. According to Professor Marcy at UC Berkeley an annular eclipse is “when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are lined up, but the Moon is farther than average from Earth, so it looks a bit too small to fully cover the Sun. Thus, if you are at one of the right places, the Sun will form a ring, or annulus, around the Moon. It’s a special, fun form of a partial solar eclipse.”

So naturally, living in Northern California, I ran outside with my camera and some filters to use that would allow my camera to capture this astronomical event. Sadly I only caught the tail end of it but the results where still intriguing. The odd colors of the photos are not naturally emitted colors from the sun but simply the colors of the filters I used, disappointing I know.

Oh and to those wondering: no I did not look right at the eclipse. I switched the view finder on my camera to the screen and then just held up the camera and took these shots.

The filter also caused some interesting bokken like effects causing multiple images of the eclipse to be displayed.

I want to give another thanks to Professor Marcy for the heads up about this great event and the great information about it as well.


Let the Sun Shine In

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Sun beams are an amazing thing, the mood created by sun shining through the craggy branches of a tree is haunting in its beauty. Like the claws of some old creature trying to snuff out the sun but it cannot succeed in blocking out the light from the sun. To stand in the sun’s beams and just bask in the glory that is the natural world is the closest a person can be to enlightenment. When you stand in the light shining between a monsters fingers, what will you find in the sun’s revealing eyes?



Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

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Shout Out: Family #2

Monday, April 12th, 2010

Meet my creepy yet lovable “family”. We spent a night running around West Cliff in Santa Cruz having fun, being teenagers, and taking pictures. I just wanted to shout out to my best friends, LOVE YOU GUYS.

I have so much fun when I am with you and you make me forget the things that make life hard. Thats what friends are for right? I am lucky to have friends like you guys. Even if Golnoosh gives me killer tackle hugs and Hailey has creeped me for nearly two years now xD you guys make my life.  I hope you don’t need this post to know that though.

You guys hold up the sun for me, I hope I do the same. So there it is, I love our little family and think you are both beautiful and wonderful people. Thanks for being there.


What Do You Reach For?

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Reach out and grasp onto the sun. The things that seem so out of reach are actually at your fingertips. But what are you reaching for? What is it that when you look at the sky that you are looking for? Some of you may know, some may not. That goal is attainable though, it may seem so very hard at times but remember you will never know just how close you are until you try.

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Crab Sun

Thursday, November 19th, 2009


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Ball of Yellow Sunshine

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009


I really like this photo for no real reason. Fun stuff during golf

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Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

You of light
Whose heart is ever growing
Lay down your hair
And watch the lilies bloom
You, the child
Of the greater gods
With eyes that glow
As bright as the sun
And your smile
Could make flowers bloom
And your soul
So pure and untouched
Sheltered in a world
Never scarred by hate
Evil, or disgrace
Yet they fear you
The titan child
Your brilliance
Brings darkness
Into their envious eyes
Run child, run
They come for you now
There is no where to hide
And they will find you
It is only a matter of time
You can’t scream
Or shout out for help
They are the help
The good guys
Gone so bad
Have turned on you
Betrayed you
Put a knife in your back
Even though you did them no wrong
It is your heart they fear
So they must carve it out
Snuff out its brilliance
Kill off the sun
Then they’ll bury you away
Where the sun can’t shine
Your heart still beating
And your eyes gone wide
They seal you in darkness
You, the child of the sun
Will never again see the sky

Here is another poem from mythology. This myth is about Helios’ (the sun in greek mythology) daughter and how she is locked away because she is the daughter of the sun.

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