Trip to Redridge
July 18, 2001
July 18, 2001
We headed north today to check out the old town of
Redridge. There's a very cool old dam,
though I didn't get any pictures. We hung out at the site of part of the
old copper works. Lots of fun and dangerous stuff to climb all over.
The beach and cliffs along here are incredibly beautiful.
There's also plenty of old mining garbage like this
tangle. I thought it was kelp like back in Santa Cruz, but you certainly
won't find any seaweed in Lake Superior. Turned out to be a tangle of wire.
Pretty interesting.
The kids had a blast playing in the river. The lake
is really cold, but this outlet was just right. Karen came along on the
trip too.
After a long day of fun in the sand and water, Gordon
and I got the traditional lunch ready. We cooked blackened potatoes and
lots of hot dogs. Gordon throws the potatoes right into the fire. You peel
away the blackened portion, load it up with salt, and enjoy.
I'm not sure what Valri and Monica were doing out in
the woods, but it's best not to ask.