George's trip to Bootjack
September 4, 2001
September 4, 2001
George and his family headed up to Bootjack later in
the summer, after we had left. Valri and her family were still up north
when George arrived. Charlie takes the jet ski out for a spin, and then
gives Doug and Valri a ride.
The clubhouse is still looking good. The golf cart
is a very popular toy that everyone likes to take for a spin. It tends to
be involved in at least one major accident every year.
Gordon, George, and Charlie went out on Lake Superior
for lake trout. Charlie clearly is champ of the camp with this catch. Nowadays
a lake trout that big is huge! It's really a shame all we normally catch
are the small ones, but that's fishing all over.
Charlie, Joe, and Doug enjoy the day out at Jacobsville.
It's still looking very warm for this late in the year.
Here's a good shot from Portage Lake looking back at
the whole camp. From left to right you can see Valri's, the studio, Gordon's
house, grandma's cottage, Gordon's garage, and Rice's place (which is now