Trip to Houghton for wilderness supplies
August 29, 2002
August 29, 2002
Gordy sent out the call for all kids to head for Houghton.
We were heading for the surplus store for an unspecified mission. Charlie
was to captain our trustworthy vessel under the watchful eye of master seaman
Gordy. I'm not sure what's behind Gabe's expression, maybe he had his mouth
open and a big mosquito flew in unexpectedly.
There were plenty of fun things to check out at the store.
I had a load of fun in the hats section. Time to stock up on the fur hats
before winter comes.
Our supplies included camouflage paint and numchucks,
which were quickly put to good use. Can anyone say Lord of the Flies?
Gabe had fun with the paint also, but I doubt he felt
safe venturing into the woods with those beasts hiding somewhere.