I've been to quite a few places around the world, especially Europe, but
I was really looking forward to my trip to Rome. I was headed out to Italy
for a standards group meeting for the Open
Mobile Alliance. I won't bore you with what went on at the meetings,
but unfortunately they chewed up most of my free time. I did manage to get
a full day away to check out the city, but of course it had to be raining
that day. Who really cares about getting wet anyway.
I had a taxi drop me off somewhere in the city, and I then proceeded to
do my new city tour. I just start walking and don't stop until I'm exhausted.
I then grab a taxi back to the hotel. I walked along the Forum and headed
for the Colliseum first. Those diagrams of the Roman empires boundaries
have always looked impressive to me.
The collisuem was awesome. I'm not much for tours, so
I hung out for a while and then continued my journey.
Back along the other side of the road, I was able to
thoroughly check out the Roman Forum.
I never did get the name of this building, but the picture
doesn't do it justice.
Walking through tons of back streets, I came across a
unique shop. Guess this is where the pope and the cardinals do all their shopping.
Here's one of the many plazas I walked past. You'll notice
I never remember the names of these places. I tend to think it's the experience
that matters and I usually blow off the rest. The streets are very cool,
and I really enjoy the aimless wondering.
The Pantheon was an amazing building. The dome is tremendous
and I love the way it's open to the sky. The plaza in front is a great place
to hang out as well.
This was the Plaza de Navonne. I remember the name only
because I spent a lot of time there. My feet were starting to hurt and
I needed a break. It's a great big open area with lots of opportunities
for people watching.
After a nice break, I headed across the river. Unlike
the crowded city streets, this open area afforded some great views.
I worked my way towards the Vatican and enjoyed another
long break. I watched loads of people heading in to the Vatican, but felt
content watching the people. I can only imagine how packed this area must
get on some official event.
Here's the one obligatory shot of myself before I continue
on my trek.