Nike Women's Marathon
October 23, 2005
Charlotte, Lynn, Paula, Sally, and Stephanie are off to San Francisco for the Nike Women's Marathon. The race starts early on Sunday, so they head up on Saturday to enjoy the day and get an early start the next morning. First it's off to Chinatown for some dimsum.
Then over to the expo area where the race will start tomorrow.
Dinner is at Scala's by Union Square. They spot the twin old ladies from that phone commercial. Charlotte says they are very cute and always look and act exactly the same way.
A late night stop at Walgreen's for some last minute supplies is also a chance to ham it up for the camera. And I guess they have to take a picture of Stephanie's shoes.
Time to crash at the Grand Hyatt at Union Square before the big race. Stephanie needs some help selecting the perfect stylish outfit for tomorrow, while Sally apparently needs to be restrained.
The race starts bright and early, though there appears to be nothing bright about it. They planned to walk the whole thing, but I guess the runners manage to sweep them along and they can't resist running a good portion of the race. Paula and Stephanie did the full marathon while everyone else opted for the half marathon.
The race goes through Golden Gate park and they run past the back of the zoo where it appears the buffalo still roam.
Everyone makes it to the finish and are welcomed with shiny blankets to help keep them warm. The fog is mighty thick today.
They're also greeted with a very tasteful gift from Tiffany's dispensed in a truly elegant manner.
The adventure is over and I suspect Charlotte would like to do more events like this in the future.