This time we go into the zoo
November 13, 2005
November 13, 2005
We had so much fun in Chinatown last weekend for Monica's birthday,
that we got to the zoo too late to walk around. We're back to San Francisco, and this time
we're here early. Early enough Charlotte needs a coffee to get jump started.
We saw a few of these very cool looking fungi.
The primate section is always depressing looking to me. I love
having the opportunity to see these amazing animals, but they are way too human to be
anything but free.
Now the penguins really rock. They were all very busy making noise
and milling around. Must be mating season for these guys.
Meanwhile the big cats are always impressive and looking like
true masters of all they survey.
But we know it's really the hippos that kick some booty.
The zoo has an injured bald eagle that makes it's home on a small
island. Not very majestic, but it sure is the closest I've ever gotten to one.
The grizzly bears put on quite a show for us. One of them was very
playful, while his sibling looked like it really just wanted to be left alone. The family
was very entertained.
A few more animals along the way included the polar bears, a colorful
cassowary, an albino kangaroo, and a flock of flamingos.
I really like the lemur exhibit. They're quite a playful bunch.
And the kids really loved the prairie dogs and the meerkats.
The animal rescue area had quite a few raptors on display.
The ever-popular petting zoo was a big hit. Charlotte really liked
these chickens and their colorful feather display.
The goats and sheep always illicit a big smile.