Hiking in Pogonip with Charlotte and Gabe
September 2, 2007
Charlotte, Gabe, and I are off for some hiking over at Pogonip and UCSC. It's also another chance to test out my new Canon 40D before I'm off to Alaska.
The views really are excellent over at the old clubhouse. Charlotte really likes the big palm trees. This will really be an amazing place once they get around to fully restoring the property. Meanwhile nature still offers up a great show.
Hiking through the redwoods up to UCSC.
It's always nice to stop by the koi ponds. The Buddha statues are a new addition since I was here last. Very serene.
A quick stop by the lime kilns.
And then it's up and over through UCSC and back to where we started. Another outstanding day in Santa Cruz as usual. The new camera is awesome, but I'm going to need a wide angle lens before I head to Alaska.