Thanksgiving at George's house
November 27, 2008
November 27, 2008
We're all up at George's place for Thanksgiving this year, so
that's at least one thing I'm thankful for this year. I know our kids are all very happy
to be visiting with their cousins.
The big kids hang out in the family room while lots of memorable
old photos roll by on George's new flat panel television.
Everyone has plenty to catch up on.
There's also plenty of kitchen action as usual. Some hot babes are
working the burners, while George once again shows off his impressive carving skills.
Okay, we're ready to eat.
And then the throng descends upon the buffet line. Not to worry,
there's zero chance we'll be running out of anything tonight.
Hmmm, that turkey sure is tasty.
I love how the boys get their very own table. Happy times.