RV trip continues on to Mojave
April 6, 2009
April 6, 2009
Yesterday we got into Las
Vegas and stayed at another RV park. Charlotte, Nick, and Monica are off to have breakfast
with their Aunt Karen, while Gabe and I try out some Bocce ball, miniature golf, and other
fun things around the park. I'm starting to get pretty good at this RV thing.
We originally wanted to head for the Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion,
but we've heard it's still freezing out there, and the miles are really going to be just
way too much. Our new plan is to head south for Mojave.
We make a nice stop at the Kelso Depot visitor center moments before it closes.
I'm really digging this desert thing down here. The landscape is
just spectacular.
There isn't a ton of flowering going on, but what we do find is
quite a treat.
That moon is awesome.
The sun is going down quick as we head south to the Kelso Dunes,
and hopefully an available camping spot.
It's a long, rough road out to the dunes. We totally luck out and get
a really great campsite all to ourselves.
Gabe and I head part way up the dunes before it gets dark, while the
rest of the family goes for a run with Charlotte.
Pretty schweet.
A few interesting sights on our hike back in the dark.