Hiking Bare Bluff and swinging around in Jacobsville
July 31, 2009
July 31, 2009
Charlotte and I are headed to Bete Gris to check out a remote
hiking area called Bare Bluff.
This is practically the farthest point on the Keweenaw and the views are spectacular. Some
of the hiking is quite a scramble as we scale the cliffs. It's nice to find a hike with
some real elevation here in Northern Michigan.
Back at camp, Nick enjoys himself with waterskiing while Gracie
watches from the lake. She is such a water dog. We also discovered this year that part
of the old barge in front on Rice's place broke off and moved in front of our place.
Now that's something we're going to have to keep track of.
Then it's off to the south entry for some family fun. Nick looks
like he enjoyed the boat trip with his uncle George.
Nick and Lindsey have a blast jumping off the swings down at
Jacobsville, then it's time to battle. I think Nick should surrender immediately.
Caroline enjoys herself at a slightly more mellow pace.
The sport of swing jumping catches on with the rest of the kids.
Gabe shows us some of his technique, along with Doug and Zach. Gabe took a pretty bad spill
when he was running with Nick. His knee may be bleeding, but it hasn't slowed him down any.
Monica has been looking forward to jumping off the pier. A nice
wake from the Keweenaw Star is the perfect excuse.