Visiting the Hilton Waikoloa in Hawaii
December 20, 2009
December 20, 2009
Today we're headed over to the Hilton Waikoloa Village
to check it out. The shops are a good place to stop for lunch and a visit with Santa. They
have nicer fleet of matching bikes than back at the Mauna Lani.
There's no shortage of waterfalls and statues at the hotel.
It was fun watching the dolphins for a while.
Then we walked around the paths amidst the crazy crowds. Monica
was dying to take a million creeper photos.
Lastly it was time to take the boat tour. Lots more statues and birds
to entertain the family.
I was happy to get back to the calmness of our hotel. Tonight it's
torch lighting and some marshmallows by the fire.