Sport fishing with Gabe in Hawaii
December 21, 2009
December 21, 2009
Today is a very big day. Gabe the fisherman is finally going out
on the ocean with me for his first sport fishing charter. We're aiming to catch some very
big fish, so we're hoping our luck delivers. We've got a full day charter lined up on the
Lepika as we head south looking for the fish.
Gabe gets in a little rest time while the big rods wait patiently.
We spent the whole day without any luck, but just when it was looking
bad, we finally spotted the dolphin pod just outside the harbor. The storm last night threw
off their usual routine, so now we need to get busy and catch some fish. There are a couple
of other boats working the pod, while Russ bobs his squid rig trying to entice a yellowfin
tuna (ahi) to bite. The dolphin must be having so much fun flying through the air.
Just when I'm sure Russ is going to say it's time to head in, we finally
get a bite. Gabe had a really hard time sitting down in the fighting chair, and cranking up
the monster fish. Russ gaffs and drags in Gabe's biggest fish catch ever. He is one happy
Back at the dock, Gabe's ahi weighs in at 147 pounds. I felt bad
turning down having the fish stuffed for display on Gabe's wall, but these photos will have
to be it. I can't wait to come back again for another fishing trip with Gabe and Russ.