Adventures in Yellowstone - Day 3
February 25, 2010
February 25, 2010
We had a great day in the park yesterday,
but Yellowstone has another great day lined up for us again. We passed a nice group of bull elk
on our drive into the park.
Today we'll be snowshoeing in another area I really love by the
confluence of the Lamar and Yellowstone rivers. Mark and Monica found a nice elk carcass
that didn't mind posing for some photos.
Speaking of photos, Monica is working on her pro skills with her
new favorite lens.
She got a few nice photos of a beat up coyote that followed us on the
road for a short while.
We spent a good chunk of the day camped out watching a few coyotes
in this field. One of them was sleeping on a snow covered rock, while we waited for him to
wake. He looked really comfortable. He then treated us to a nice successful hunting display.
He really seemed to enjoy himself playing with the rodent. I suppose if I had to work that
hard for my food, I would savor it much as he did.
Then some nice sunset shots over near Pebble Creek. You've gotta love
this place.