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- On October 5, 1808, Jacob D. Demarest, cordwainer, and Lenah, his wife, of Hackensack Township, Bergen County, New Jersey conveyed to Weart Banta, farmer, of New Barbados Township, for 658 pounds, 10 shillings, three parcels of land. Parcel one was for 11 1/4 acres beginning at a bridge across the brook, east of the Old Church of Schraalenberg, bounded west by Mill Pond, north by land of Simon Demarest, east by land of John Bogert, and south by the road. The second parcel contained 6 1/2 a quarter acres beginning at the woodland of John R. Bogert, land of Jacob D. Demarest, heirs of Dower P. Westervelt, William Westervelt, bounded north by Jacob D. Demarest. Parcel three contained 14 1/2 acres beginning near the woodland of John R. Bogert. Mentioned Jacob D. Demarest, Wiert Banta, Dower P. Westervelt, Jacobus Demarest, Peter Christie. Signed by Jacob D. Demarest and Lenah Demarest (X-her mark). Witnessed by Thomas Holiday and Cornelius Westervelt. Recorded October 15, 1805, Bergen County Land Deed W:34.