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- 1640. Thomas signed an agreement to settle at Southampton, and along with his brother Edward, owed money to the town of Southampton.
August 31, 1654. Thomas Appelgate, pltf. v/s William Harck, deft., requests, as Grandfather of the surviving child of Thomas Farrington, that deft. shall deliver up to him the goods and cattle, which he as Curator of the said child has in his possession according to the judgment of the Hon. Director General and Council. Deft. states, that three were chosen and appointed with him as Guardians and must be summoned conjointly and offers to give over to pltf. what he has in his possession belonging to the child, provided that Appelgat shall give sufficient security for the faithful administration of the property. Parties being heard, it is ordered by the Court, that Appelgat may cite Harck and the other Guardians to appear on the next Court day and if they then are willing to deliver up to Appelgat or have no valid reason, then shall Appelgat be held to give other than sufficient security for his proper administration thereof. "Records of New Amsterdam From 1653-1674, Anno Domini, Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655." edited by Berthold Fernow, Vol I. 1967.
Thomas Appelgat (Applegate), was the father of Helena Applegate, wife of Thomas Farrington, and thier son was Thomas Farrington, Jr.