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- Samuel Drake of Eastchester, left a will dated May 3, 1686. "I Samuel Drake of Eastchester being sicke and weake." He left to his wife Ann all household goods, "except one bed with furniture sufficient to keep warm in winter, and some pewter, and a kettle, a warming pan and a bed pan." which are to be delivered back at her decease, and if she remarry, then security to be given for them. Also 4 pounds which is in the hands of my son John Drake. Part of it is to be paid by my son Samuel Drake of Fairfield, Connecticut. "And 3 pounds a year so long as she remains my widow, and noe longer". Leaves her some cows "and grasse to winter five head of cattle." The dwelling house is to be put in repair for her use. Leaves to son Samuel Drake, "my best horse that is in Fairfield County, and my branding iron." To son John "my bed pan, to be delivered after my wife's decease." Leaves to daughter Mary, 25 pounds to be paid at Fairfield by my son Samuel, and one cow when she is married, and 2 pewter platters, and four Porringers. Leaves to son-in-law Joseph Jones, 5 shillings. To son-in-law Richard Headley 5 shillings, and the same to grand;children, Samuel and Robert Headley, Joseph and Elizabeth Slatter. "My lot of upland and my lot of meadow at Cornelis, with one half of my home lot in Eastchester, " are to be security for the payment of the above legacies. Leaves the remainder to his son Joseph Drank and makes his wife executor. Witnessed by John Tompkins and Richard Shote. .