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- Henry was a tailor in 1624 in Niewenhuys, Holland Co., Netherland.
"The Comany of Foreign Companies," having been organized in 1588 for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage to the Indies around the coasst of Asia, was an individual named Hendrick Kype, ancestor of a highly respectable family in the State of New York. Hendrick left his family in Amsterdam and came to Net Netherlands in 1635. However, soon after, he returned to Holland where he died. Hendrick's sons remained in this country and seem to have had considerable enterprise. They secured large tracts of land and held prominent offices under Keift and Peter Stuyvesant, down to the conquest by the English in 1664. A grant of land was made in 1638 to the Kip family, called "Kip's Bay. In the center of the island were the possessions of the De Lanceys. Opposite, on Long Island, was the grant to the Laurence family. Across the Harlem River, is Morrissanea, given to the Morris family. On the East River, was the De Lancey's farm, another grant to that powerful family; while on the Hudson to the west, was the lower Van Courtlandt Manor, and the Phillipse Manor. The upper manor of the Van Courtlandt's was at Peekskill, then the Manor of Livingston, the Beekmans, then the Manor of Kipsburgh, purchased by the Kip family from the Indians in 1686, and made a royal grant by Governor Dongan, two years later.
In 1641 Hendrick built a home at Kip's Bay of bricks imported from Holland, a part of which was later rebuilt in 1670 and 1696. Five generaltions of the Kip family have been born in this home.
Hendrick was a Schepen and Great Burgher between 1656 and 1657 in New Amsterdam. Reportedly died in New York around 1665?
Hendrick Hendricksz Kip Land Patent April 28, 1643; a lot east of the Fort, length 7 rods, 1 foot 4" and 9 grains, and 2 inches on Willem Heyl's side, a point of land 1 rod, 1 foot, 1 grain, further, 3 rods behind in breadth 6 rods 5 feet, 6", 9 grains, etc.
Hendrick Kip de Oude (the older) and Hendrick Kip, de Jonge (the younger) and Maria de la Montagne witnessed the baptism on March 21, 1655 at New Amsterdam, of Hendrick, born to Jan Janszen van St. Obyn Wanshaer and "Baertje Kip."
"Holgate's American Genealogies."
"Revised History of Harlem", James Riker, 1904.
"New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, V. 61.
"New York Historical Manuscripts - Dutch", Vol. I, Land Papers, translated and edited by Charles T. Gehring, under direction of The Holland Society, New York, 1980.